How to instill in your child a love of reading

Each parent wants to grow from his child the most talented, intelligent, erudite and educated person who will become a worthy member of society. In modern conditions, when the competitiveness among professionals of various levels is high, parents begin to develop their child from the cradle. And reading plays a crucial role in this matter.

How to instill in your child a love of reading

Why reading is necessary for modern children

In a world where information technology is galloping forward, modern ways of perceiving information are changing so rapidly that we simply cannot keep up with them. Just 20 years ago, a person received most of the news and information through books, magazines and newspapers. Then reading was an integral part of any self-respecting person. Reading was the only way to know the world.

What do we see today? The Internet, audio books, videos, interactive programs and applications replace our books, and not bad at all. Today, a child reading a paper book is the exception rather than the rule. But anyway, you need to instill in your child a love of reading - let it be a paper or electronic book - give the baby the right to choose. He must learn not just to read, but to seek and receive the necessary information, analyze it, and be able to use it correctly.

The benefits of reading

Despite the abundance of information that we receive from outside, books have several significant advantages.

  1. The book develops the vocabulary of a person. In everyday life, we do not use a large number of words, which we learn about from books. Moreover, often we do not have to look for the meanings of a new word in the dictionary, since almost always the meaning is clear from the context. Reading books of various genres, the child greatly enriches his speech.
  2. Books help us communicate. Unlike watching TV or videos, books involuntarily force you to pronounce the words that we see. This allows them to better absorb and subsequently apply in life. Communication skills allow you to better adapt in society, make friends, etc.
  3. Many literary works teach a child moral values. Starting with the simplest tales, the kid understands that you need to be honest, friendly, brave and kind. But evil and treacherous heroes will certainly get what they deserve.
  4. The book gives the child the opportunity for an interesting, useful and enjoyable pastime. The kid should understand that you can enjoy not only the cartoon and delicious ice cream, but also the read pages of your favorite book.
  5. The book is very useful for the baby brain. She trains memory, develops attentiveness and horizons, improves literacy of oral and written speech. Many literate people admit that they write without errors not because they obey the rules of the Russian language, but simply intuitively. In fact, this is the so-called visual literacy. If a person many times sees in a book how a particular word is spelled, he is unlikely to write it with an error.
  6. A good book is not only a way of knowing the world around you, but also of yourself. The books present the most burning topics of all time - the problem of fathers and children, the problem of identification ("Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right?"). Many works of classical literature help to understand the philosophy of life.
  7. In addition to all this, the book helps to calm down, it distracts from bad thoughts, helps to cope with stress. People who read books regularly are less likely to experience depression - a scientifically proven fact.

However, all of these side effects from reading may not be interesting for your child.And all your efforts will be broken about a simple reluctance to pick up a book. How to instill a child with a love of reading? It is to instill, and not make the child read. Psychologists say that this can be done up to 10 years. Later, a person develops strong habits of another way of obtaining information. But up to 10 years, you can interest a child in a book so that he carries a good habit through life.

How to instill in your child a love of reading

Here are some practical tips to help you instill in your child a love and respect for the book.

How to instill a love of books for your child

  1. From a very young age, start reading books to your child. And even if he still does not understand the meaning of many words, the kids like to listen to their mother’s voice, rhythmically repeating the same phrases. And if the book is supplemented with vivid pictures and my mother with pleasure explains everything that is read - the baby will be delighted with joint reading.
  2. You need to devote quite a bit of time to reading, but every day. In the whirlwind of daily days, take 10-20 minutes to read a book to your child. This is usually done before bedtime, when the baby is more or less calm and attuned to the process.
  3. Teach your child to go to the library. And let there be electronic analogues of a book at home, do not deny yourself the pleasure of flipping through real paper pages, inhaling the smell of fresh printing ink, and moving your finger along the lines with your child. In addition, in the library you can choose any book from fiction to detective stories. Plus, you won’t have to pay for it.
  4. Give your child a personal example - this is very important. Children are unlikely to be cleanlings if they see a permanent mess at home. You cannot teach your child to play sports if you yourself are lying on the couch all the time. In the same way with the book. If a child sees mom and dad constantly reading, he understands that a book is an everyday, natural and absolutely necessary subject for every person. He will perceive reading as a way of cognizing information, as a way of entertainment and psychological unloading.
  5. In no case do not scold the child if he skips from page to page or ask him to read the same book many times. Let the child read as he wants. Any prohibitions may disgust the process.
  6. If you want the kid to read this or that book, you don’t need to say - you were asked this work at school, you should read it. The word "must" is associated with something necessary and unloved. It’s better to tell the kid that in childhood it was your favorite book, you really loved its main character. Or recall that the book was written by the same author, whose stories he liked the last time. Such motivation will be more successful.
  7. To instill a child with a love of reading, you need to protect him from other processes that kill his free time. This is a TV and a computer. Yes, there may be developing programs and applications that contribute to improving memory and thinking, but there are very few of them. TVs develop passivity of thinking, this is a long-proven fact. Therefore, your favorite cartoons, TV shows and social networks should be dosed. Then there will be time for reading books.
  8. Discuss what you have read with your child. Then reading the next time will be much more interesting. Ask your child if he shares the feelings of the protagonist, which surprised or outraged him.

These simple rules will help you not only instill in your child a love of reading, but also make the book the main assistant and friend of your child.

What to give read

The choice of a book is one of the most important conditions in order not to discourage a child from reading. Children are quickly distracted and will not be able to master 10 pages of a picturesque description of nature. The plot should be concise, interesting and fast-paced.

What to give to read to the child

Children of the first three years of life can read verses by Agnia Barto.They are very rhythmic and simple, easy to remember for kids. Very good Russian folk tales. Simple repetitions and the cyclical nature of the plot (pull-pull, meeting the bun with different animals) are very popular with the kids. Children of the first years of life with pleasure listen to the song of the kolobok, even if he sings it during the tale 2-3 times. For young children, the tales of Korney Chukovsky are very interesting. They are written in easy and simple syllable, very interesting and fascinating.

Over time, when a child approaches school age and begins to read on his own, he can be introduced to more serious books. Toddlers of primary school age can be advised Adventures of Pinocchio, Dunno in sunny hunger, Peppy long stocking, Adventures of Tom Sawyer. If you can read a book and watch a movie - do the first first. The book develops imagination, allows you to independently invent an image. And then you can compare the image presented in the head with the screen.

For older children (after 10 years), you can recommend books such as Mowgli, the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors, the Wizard of the Emerald City, the Old Man Hottabych, and Deniskins stories. These works are distinguished by a more complex plot, the dialogs are long and filled with meaning.

An interesting book is very, very important. If the kid is carried away, he will not have to be forced to read - he himself will not be able to abandon the interesting process. Therefore, choosing a book for children's reading, be sure of it at 100%.

What to do if the child flatly refuses to read

There are children who have not read a single book in their life on their own. To correct this categorical opinion of the child, psychologists advise using the following technique. Once, put a small note under the crumbs pillow, something like “I'm a fairy fairy (or a good gnome)”. Further, you can write that the baby is waiting for a gift in a certain place. Give your child the opportunity to read the note on their own - without your help. The child will understand that the recorded things can be very interesting. You can continue the game, each time increasing the size of the letter. To do this, you can write on behalf of the fairy that she wanted to give the child a toy or candy, but saw how he broke his mother's vase. Letters can be different, most importantly, they must be interesting. Thus, you can instill in your child a love of reading.

In no case do not say - you will behave badly, I will make you read 20 pages. The child will perceive this as a punishment. Tell me better, if you get the top five, you and I will read a new book. The child will look forward to reading and will perceive the book as a reward.

The book and the ability to be friends with her is a high gift that helps a person to fill an empty vessel of life. Reading a book, we can understand ourselves, learn a lot of new things, develop brains, soul and character. Read books and instill in children a love of reading. And then you can be calm for the emotional development of your own child.

Video: how to teach a child to read

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