How to make a dog angry with strangers

Your dog, which should protect the family, does not distinguish between friends and foes? She gladly meets not only you, but also public utilities? So, it is urgently necessary to correct the situation in order to raise a real defender!

How to make a dog angry with strangers

The dog-owner relationship comes first

You must educate the dog from childhood, regardless of its breed. The owner is the leader, so all attempts at domination must be stopped immediately. Building relationships between you pet is a discipline and its unquestioning execution of commands.

However, this does not mean that you can not show love for the animal. A dog that will feel tenderness and care will become a faithful protector and a good friend. If the owner is in close contact with his pet, the training process will not bring any special problems. The dog will begin to protect you at the level of instincts, so it is very important to teach him to distinguish between strangers and his own.

The best time to start learning

The timing of training is influenced by the characteristics of the dog's breed and its individual character. The protective qualities of puppies of aggressive breeds appear on an automatic level, so you do not need to try to develop them. On the contrary, adjust and control the manifestations of the dog’s malice.

Experienced dog handlers argue that before six months to teach a dog to bark at strangers is pointless. The dog still does not know how to cope with aggression, so in the future he will become too angry and uncontrollable. An example of such actions can be submission to the owner and the manifestation of aggression towards other family members.

If you want the dog not to show “puppy delight” towards people who pay attention to it, wait until 9-12 months. After that, you can start training the dog. The pet will become more restrained as it grows older, so training will be easier.

Advocacy Rules

Before you begin training, you need to learn how to distinguish between the “front” and “alien” teams. A danger signal is the exclamation of the owner of the “alien”. The dog’s reaction should be a growl or barking at a stranger. Attempts to attack first must be stopped. In this way, the animal tries to protect itself and the owner.

In the next step, learn the “face” command. If the animal hears it, it will rush at the stranger or dog, trying to bite. This team is usually trained as guard or guard dogs. But you can start training only after the dog undergoes the main course of training. He must know all the basic commands and immediately respond to them.

The issue that we are considering implies teaching the dog the “alien” team, because it should become angry with strangers.

The main ways to train a pet

Do not forget that the service and guard breeds of dogs are dangerous to people around. That is why the process of training a dog should be treated responsibly. A pet should be aggressive only if:

The main ways to train a dog for spite

  • the owner is threatened by an inadequate person on the street;
  • a homeless animal tries to attack you;
  • thieves try to get into an apartment or a car.

Teach a team "stranger" must begin at home. Ask someone you know to knock on the front door. When the animal begins to bark, the owner must clearly say "stranger", and praise the pet for the reaction. To fix the result, such actions must be repeated several times in a row.

Then you can proceed to training in the fresh air.You must have an assistant who approaches the dog, waving a stick and trying to attack you. You need to clearly say "Alien!" and push the imaginary attacker. If the dog growls or starts barking, encourage it. But do not give the dog goodies, as this will distract him from the training process. After a while, the dog will have a connection between this team and the need to respond to it.

But do not exclude the fact that the animal can respond to the situation in a completely different way. It can get scared, start whining and trying to hide. The assistant needs to approach her from behind, pinching her strongly on the skin located near the hind paw. Pain will cause the pet to react accordingly, so it will become angry. If you decide to use the method described, be sure to put a muzzle on the dog, as it can bite a person.

When teaching an animal, do not forget about the existence of important rules:

  1. All basic training should take place in places that are specifically designed for this. If your area does not have such sites, head out of town.
  2. Bullmastiffs, Great Dane, Rottweilers and other large dogs become adults by two or three years. That is why it is worth starting to train them in adulthood. Otherwise, you will break the psyche of the pet, as a result of which it will become too aggressive and uncontrollable.
  3. The role of "villains" should not be played by your friends or family members. The pet has a phenomenal memory, so he will begin to perceive them as enemies, even in everyday life.
  4. Before starting classes, make sure that the animal obeys you implicitly. Only in this case you can stop it if necessary. Do not let the pet attack an imaginary attacker on its own, as it will no longer obey you in the future.
  5. The process of training in the fresh air needs to be made absolutely safe for your assistant and casual passers-by. To do this, hold the pet tightly on a leash, not allowing it to break out.

These are the basic rules that will help you make a dog angry with strangers. Training should be regular so that the pet reinforces the knowledge gained.

Video: how to raise a guard from a dog

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