How to make aquarium water transparent

Keeping an aquarium is not as easy as it seems at first glance. This is especially true for beginner aquarists. To make them a little easier in this difficult, but fascinating business, you can give some advice.

How to make aquarium water transparent

Only high-quality water should be present in the aquarium - how to achieve this?

Water should be transparent, without the presence of odors and flavors. No color or smell is allowed. This is achieved by special training. What needs to be done for this?

  1. The golden rule of any lover of ornamental fish is to prevent the use of unprepared water. Otherwise, living organisms simply die. To create comfortable conditions, water is prepared in advance, achieving its transparency. Water from a water faucet must pass through sedimentation for 2-3 days. During this period, chlorine will evaporate from it, and then it is already possible to place vegetation and lay the soil.
  2. After the soil has been laid, you can’t start the fish right there, because the water from the floating particles can cloud again. You still have to wait a couple of hours. When everything has completely settled, it's time to launch the fish into the aquarium. If there is any doubt that the water is of high quality, you can add a product with which water is prepared (Aquaseif). After such a treatment, the fish will feel comfortable, and the pathogenic microflora will not receive its development.
  3. After launching fish and plants into the aquarium, the water does not immediately become transparent in nature. Over the next 3-4 months, she has a bluish tint. But, as soon as all living things in the aquarium take root, the water will become transparent. This suggests that the water has reached the standard. Specialists of this profile call this water "old." It actively reproduces fish, and a rich green hue is formed in plants. Is it possible to determine that this stage has come? Can. When illuminating the front wall of the water is not visible. The inhabitants seem to fly through the air. This is an indication that the goal has been achieved.
  4. In the presence of modern systems associated with water purification, there is no need for its frequent change. But with turbidity of the water, it must be changed. Part of the water must be drained, and the missing volume supplemented with new water. The volume of water to be changed depends on the frequency of its change. Frequent changes require the removal of a smaller volume of water.
  5. In the absence of a treatment and filtration system, water should change at a frequency of 2-3 times a week. ¼ part of the volume of water is removed and that water which has already settled is added. At the same time, the walls are cleaned. Ideally, it is better to purchase a system and purify water with it. It will be much easier and more convenient.

Keep the aquarium clean.

No matter what the design and volume of the aquarium, they all require constant water treatment. During operation, dirt, mucus is formed, new microorganisms appear. There are several ways to fix this problem.

  1. The industry produces devices that will help solve this problem. They use cleaners that can be built directly into the aerator. Their location is the bottom of the aquarium. There are designs that allow you to collect waste from the aquarium. Beginning aquarists should remember that the most optimal form of organization is the organic combination of cleaning and soil. The presence of living beings is imperative.All this together will help maintain the necessary balance of the aquatic environment.
  2. The aquarium must be constantly looked after. This should be done not from time to time, but daily. It is necessary to achieve such a balance that would be as close as possible to the natural habitat.
  3. All modern biological filters well provide conditions for the propagation of microorganisms. This applies not only to water, but also to structural elements of the filter. The use of closed circuits conducting water purification is recommended. But even their presence does not exclude the need for a water change. In addition, the soil should be boiled annually. In this case, the design serves for a long time and pleases the view of its inhabitants.
  4. The presence of snails is favorably reflected. The need for glass cleaning will arise much less frequently. You can get catfish. They will eat algae. Such fish are distinguished by good endurance.


It so happens that the water becomes cloudy. The reasons may be different. The problem is solved without causing harm to the inhabitants.

This is mainly true for beginners. They can’t wait with the quick arrangement of the aquarium. They often pour tap water into it, which did not even have time to settle. The result is that the water becomes cloudy. The reason for this is the situation in which the biological balance is disturbed. First, the water must "ripen."

At first, not fish, but plants are launched, and then, after a few days, you can plant fish too. If the aquarium has been used for quite a long time, and it’s difficult to call it quality, then this can cause bacteria to multiply intensively. In this case, the fish are planted, and the aquarium itself is arranged for "general cleaning." The aquarium must be thoroughly washed, changed water, remove excess plants. Then it is necessary to fill in the settled water and only after a few days to start the fish.

Sometimes the reason is that a large amount of dry food remains. In this case, they switch to live food using bloodworms.

Fact! If the lighting is poor, the water turns green. This is due to the fact that algae begin to multiply too intensively. In this case, the water changes weekly by one third. A good moment will be the presence of fish that will use algae to feed.

Water should never be replaced in its entirety. An exception is the presence of emergency cases. Do not forget to clean the soil and filter the water.

Replacing water in a small design

Beginners believe that small structures are much easier to maintain. In fact, this is not so. In it, water needs to be replaced much more often. Water, again, is not completely replaced. It is enough to change only 1/5 of the part. This is done with a frequency of once every 3-4 days. Water should be soft and have room temperature. After entering into the tank of tap water, it settles for at least three days.

Since water in a small-volume structure quickly evaporates, it is necessary to constantly monitor its level. If necessary, it should be added.

If for some reason a complete change of fluid is required, then the fish should be put out for a while. The fluid is removed by a hose and excess algae is removed. Do not forget to clean the stones and walls of the aquarium. Then they prepare the prepared water, let it stand for a couple of days, and then put the fish.

Video: how to make crystal clear aquarium water

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