How to make hard hair soft and docile

In today's world, most girls have problems with stiff hair. For the fair sex, the question often arises of how to soften hair at home. The causes of stiff curls can be varied. Let's consider everything in order.

How to make hard hair soft

Causes of Hard Hair

  1. If you want to eradicate the problem of hard strands as soon as possible, first you need to identify the root cause. Then you can proceed to the gradual operation of restoring hair. Thus, you can restore her former softness.
  2. Be careful, often in many women the hair remains stiff due to a genetic factor. It cannot be stated with certainty that such a phenomenon is considered a drawback. In this case, the hair is less susceptible to the harmful effects of external factors, the bulbs are stronger.
  3. In most cases, the strands become stiff due to neglect. Frequent dyeing, abuse of thermal appliances, chemical procedures have a detrimental effect on hair. Also, do not forget about external influences on the body.
  4. In addition to the above, the hair becomes rigid due to the depressed state, frequent depression and tremendous stress. It should be borne in mind that the problem occurs when there is a lack of vital minerals and elements in the body.
  5. In this case, the hair needs to be provided with proper care. If you ignore the simple rules, the hair structure will soon be depleted, moisture leaves the follicles. From here begins the dryness and stiffness of the strands. Do not start the situation, act immediately.
  6. Pay particular attention to the running water that you wash your hair with. A similar factor may be the root cause of the rigidity of the shock. Most often, water has a number of mineral impurities that adversely affect the state of hair. Substances settle on the hair and skin, hence the problems appear.
  7. Chlorinated water dries curls and scalp, chemicals are poorly washed, resulting in hair becoming naughty. It is strongly recommended to use decoction of medicinal herbs based on filtered water for rinsing.

Care Rules

  1. It’s not a secret to anyone that a hard head is not only unpleasant to the touch, but also causes a lot of unpleasant moments when laying. To simplify the manipulation of caring for this type of hair, you need to follow simple recommendations.
  2. You will need to necessarily select a directed action shampoo from a professional line. Thus, it is worth doing when buying an air conditioner or balm. Give preference to creamy mixtures, in this case the follicles get maximum hydration.
  3. It is worth considering that funds with a similar foundation are not suitable for all representatives of the fair sex. It is not recommended to use creamy formulations for girls whose hair is prone to rapid salting. And on the contrary, such products are perfect for dry and brittle strands.
  4. Be careful when using professional air conditioners, use the product, strictly following the instructions. A similar composition should be alternated with mixtures prepared according to home recipes.
  5. You can also purchase ready-made products, which are based on natural ingredients. These include moisturizing shea butter, coconut and wheat germ. Take a habit and accustom your hair to infrequent washing. 2 manipulations per week are enough.
  6. During restoration of the hair structure it is strongly recommended to stop using various thermal devices.In extreme cases, it is mandatory to apply special sprays to the strands, which will protect the structure of the mop from the effects of high temperatures.
  7. To avoid such manipulations, it is strongly recommended to purchase a professional series hairdryer with the function of cold blowing. Thus, the process of drying hair will not pose a threat to their structure. Everything else during the manipulation you can easily make styling for every taste.
  8. If you cannot afford a professional hair dryer with a similar function, resort to a series of detergents that are aimed at tough and naughty strands. Similar products can be purchased at any cosmetic store. To soften hard hair, resort to the co-washing technique.
  9. To do this, you do not need to do anything supernatural, it is enough to carry out the hair washing procedure using one conditioner. In this case, the use of shampoo is not allowed. The conditioner fully cleans the strands and nourishes them with the necessary trace elements. If you use shampoo, then the composition will once again dry the structure of the strands.
  10. The procedure for hair care with a rinse conditioner is simple. To do this, you need to take a little more air conditioning and distribute along the entire length of the hair. Spend a short massage, moisten the curls and repeat the manipulation of rubbing the composition into the follicles.
  11. After a few minutes, remove the detergent from the head. It is preferable to use purified water or herbal decoction based on it for such purposes. Do not forget about folk remedies. Soap nuts may well replace the usual shampoo. Yolks with mustard or shishikai are also suitable.
  12. If you systematically apply such products, as soon as possible you will be surprised at the positive effect. The strands will restore their former structure, the hair will become soft, silky and obedient. Mustard with yolk act as a cleanser.
  13. If you have chosen a similar composition, consider that the water temperature should not be high. Otherwise, the yolk may curl and the mask will irreparably deteriorate. Separate the protein, remove the film, thoroughly beat the animal product. After this, add 12 g. dry mustard. Spread the composition over wet strands with massaging movements. Remove the product with warm water.

Folk remedies for softening hair

Olive Oil and Yolk

  1. Take 1 chicken egg, separate the protein from the yolk. Move the latter to a small container, resort to using a whisk.
  2. Beat the product thoroughly, mix 35 g. olive oil. Distribute the product on the basal area.
  3. Wrap your hair with a film and a scarf, wait about 1 hour. Remove the mask with non-hot water.

Sour cream and lemon juice

  1. Combine in a common bowl 85 gr. sour cream with a maximum fat content of 50 ml. lemon fresh and 30 ml. coconut oil.
  2. Mix the ingredients until smooth. Apply the product on the hair with massage movements.
  3. Wrap the hair with polyethylene and a towel. Wait about 1.5 hours. Rinse your head with warm herbal decoction.

Before focusing on professional detergents, try effective recipes for traditional medicine. Thus, the hair will regain its former beauty, softness and obedience. Also, the structure of the strands will be less susceptible to various chemical additives that are present in professional cosmetics.

Video: how to make hair soft

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