How to transfer a dog from natural feed to dry

There are frequent cases when it is required to transfer a four-legged pet from natural food to dry food. Often they resort to such a need if regular food adversely affects the health of the dog. Human products cause complications in the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and heart muscle. The life span of a pet with such a diet is greatly reduced. Therefore, experienced veterinarians urgently advise you to make a translation. How to carry out manipulations without harm to the dog, consider today.

How to transfer a dog from natural feed to dry

Pros and Cons of Dry Food

Dry food, like other foods, has its positive and negative qualities. Let's talk about them in more detail.


  • the owner saves time, since it eliminates the need to cook food for the dog;
  • dry food includes all the necessary vitamins, mineral compounds and amino acids;
  • on the package the dosage is given taking into account the age of the animal;
  • components that are difficult to “get” in everyday life are added to dry food;
  • has a therapeutic effect, supports the work of vital organs and systems;
  • used in therapeutic diets;
  • Do not load the liver.


  • cheap food is of no use;
  • addictive;
  • a quality product is expensive;
  • the transition is stressful for the dog;
  • aggravates the gastrointestinal tract of the pet;
  • chemical ingredients are added to some species.

When a dog needs to be converted to dry food

  1. The translation procedure requires special attention from the owner of the dog. If an animal has a disease that is directly related to natural food, a switch to dry food is necessary!
  2. Visit a specialist, the veterinarian must examine the dog and give his recommendations. It is highly undesirable to switch to dry food if the dog is more than 6 years old.
  3. At this age, the animal’s body is already so used to homemade food that serious problems can start when it comes to dry food. You load the dog in psychological and physical terms.
  4. As for puppies, they can be transferred to dry food after the onset of 5 months of age. At this age, the gastrointestinal tract is partially formed, so you will not put a tremendous load on it.
  5. Be sure to consider the age of the animal, breed, weight. Any transition should be carried out only as prescribed by the veterinarian. You cannot do these things on your own! Because the dog may have an individual intolerance to one or another component.

How to transfer a dog to dry food

  1. As practice shows, after poor-quality homemade food, the dog quickly gets used to dry food. All manipulations take from 8 to 14 days. This period cannot be shortened, because the body is not yet ready.
  2. How is the translation carried out? On the first day, mix 85% of ordinary homemade food with 15% soaked dry water in water. Every day, reduce the amount of natural food by 5-10%, increasing the amount of dry food.
  3. After about 4 days, you should feed the animal in a ratio of 50-50, while continuing to increase the proportions of dry food. Continue until your pet consumes 100% high quality dog ​​food.
  4. Here are the basic principles, but it is worth knowing one more important thing. Watch for clean drinking water in the animal's bowl. Change it every 3-4 hours. The food can be given dry, if the dog’s teeth are good, or soaked (elderly pets).
  5. After a certain time, in the intestines of the dog forms its own microflora. The digestive tract will work correctly, the condition of the coat, claws, teeth will improve, skin rashes, which often appear from natural food, will disappear.
  6. To facilitate the work of the gastrointestinal tract of the dog, soak the dry food in water at room temperature for the first month. Soaking is usually given from 30 to 60 minutes, it all depends on the specific feed.
  7. Monitor the condition of the dog very carefully in the first 10 days after the end of the transfer. If you notice the slightest ailment, stop the procedure and go to the veterinarian the same day. Tell him the situation and get a step-by-step translation guide.

Rules for transferring a dog to dry food

Rules for transferring a dog to dry food

  1. The most important thing to consider is that the transition must be systematic. You can’t change the addiction of the animal in a couple of days, the manipulations are very slow.
  2. A smooth transition allows the dog to switch to a new diet without stress. Thus, not only the nervous system of the animal is prepared, but also the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and liver.
  3. You cannot change the selected food, because in the process of eating the dog gets used to it, its own environment is formed in the intestine. If you buy another product, dysbiosis may develop.
  4. If your pet doesn’t like the option you’ve chosen, switch from one dry feed to another and at the same time give the dog probiotics.
  5. It is worth mentioning separately the quality of dry food. Immediately exclude such options as “Pedigree”, “Chappy”, etc. Choose only premium food that is balanced and natural to the maximum.
  6. Carefully monitor the health of the dog during the transition to dry food. If the animal has deteriorated coat, incomprehensible rashes appear on the stomach or back, the frequency of the stool (constipation) has changed, the food is not suitable.

What to do if the dog does not want to eat dry food

  1. There are frequent cases when, due to habit, the animal completely refuses to eat the food you have chosen. The dog can starve for a day, two and at the same time feel depressed. Do not worry, there is a way out!
  2. Try mixing dry food with your favorite dog treat. Or treat the animal one grain at a time. Sometimes the owners start a game, and as a reward they slowly feed their pet a portion of the feed.
  3. The animal may not eat food, because it simply has no appetite. Take the habit of walking the dog every time before eating. Go for a run to arouse your appetite.
  4. If the dog has no prohibitions regarding the use of dry food with natural food, mix a little of his favorite chicken, turkey or other treats. Gradually remove natural foods from the diet completely.
  5. There is another option. Pour the dog food (dry or soaked) in a bowl, stand next to him and say “Give it back!”, “Take it away!”. An animal eats everything from greed. Usually dogs are greedy when there is still a pet in the house.
  6. If you come across a too obstinate dog who eats human food with pleasure, but refuses to buy food, do otherwise. Henceforth do not treat him with natural food. Wait until the animal is hungry to eat "their own."

It is difficult enough to transfer a dog to dry food if you do not know where to start. Remember the main rule - all manipulations should be carried out slowly without stress for the animal. Be sure to get a veterinarian consultation before the transfer, choose only high-quality food.

Video: how to feed a dog dry food

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