How to remove the second chin at home

The second chin appears not only in women aged, but also in young girls. Common causes include genetic predisposition and overweight. Regardless of what factors caused this feature, it is necessary to deal with it. To conduct therapy as efficiently as possible, use a set of exercises and folk recipes. Experienced experts have come up with effective methods, we will consider them in order. So let's get started.

How to remove the second chin

Causes of the second chin

  1. Anatomy. In most cases, the second chin appears in people with a mild facial contour. Girls and women who spend a lot of time at the computer, thereby lowering their heads down, are at risk. The skin gathers in folds, creases are formed that secrete a second (in some cases, a third) chin.
  2. Genetic predisposition. The main reason, which often leads to the formation of such a defect, is caused by genetics. Look at your maternal relatives: if they have a second chin, it is likely that this feature has passed to you by inheritance. Do not worry, you can always overcome genes in this regard.
  3. Age. No one is immune from aging; as a result of such changes, the epidermis loses elasticity. This is due to the fact that the production of elastin and collagen fibers is significantly reduced, the skin sags and “slides”. You can remove the second selection resulting from age-related changes in the salon or at home.
  4. Wrong way of life. Not many people know, but the second chin appears as a result of an incorrectly composed diet. Frequent consumption of spicy, salty, fried, sweet and fatty foods helps to slow down metabolism. Salt accumulates in the subcutaneous integument, causing the dermis to sag. An improperly selected pillow for sleeping, poor posture, excessive drinking, and smoking can also cause hated creases on the face.
  5. Overweight. It is not necessary to gain 20 or more kilograms to an existing body weight. It is enough to neglect the rules of nutrition or to go on a diet so that the second chin appears out of nowhere. A sharp discharge and weight gain does not allow the skin to adapt to rapid changes, it loses elasticity and becomes flabby.
  6. Violation of the thyroid gland. Often, any changes in the epidermis for the worse occur when there are disturbances in the activity of the endocrine system. The thyroid gland is responsible for most metabolic processes in the human body, for this reason, visiting an endocrinologist will not be out of place. After inspection, you can solve the problem based on individual characteristics.

Second Chin Exercises

Specialists in the field of face lifting (gymnastics for the face) have developed a set of exercises aimed at combating the second chin. To start the classes, pick out 3 options for yourself, do them one at a time. Change daily selected exercises with others from the list. The duration of the course is about two months.

Second Chin Exercises

  1. Stand up straight, normalize your breathing. Bend in the back, resting your hands on the upper thigh. Take a deep breath, then exhale, stay in this position for half a minute. After 10 seconds, begin to straighten the body (still do not breathe), spread your shoulders and retract your stomach. Exhale, extend the lower jaw, say “oooh”, stretching your lips with a bow. Lift your head up, stay in this position for 1 minute.You should feel how the muscles of the neck and jaw begin to tighten. The number of repetitions is 16 times with one break.
  2. Sit on the edge of the bed to bend your knees at right angles. Rest your elbows on the upper thigh, fists should be located in the jaw area (on both sides of the chin). Provide resistance with your hands and at the same time try to lower your head to the floor. The cervical muscles tighten, you will feel it. In the process of resistance, delay for half a minute at the moment when you reach the bottom point. The total duration of the exercise is 8 minutes. To make the training faster, borrow at the TV or during a conversation with households.
  3. Stand up, bend your shoulders, hunched over. Hug yourself in your arms, as if closing yourself from strangers. Tilt your head up, stretch your neck to the ceiling and forward (diagonally). When the muscles tighten, linger in this position for 20 seconds, exhale and manipulate another 30 times. It is important to ensure that the shoulders are at the initial level.
  4. Stand against the wall, press against the surface with your shoulder blades to straighten your back. Take a bag of fruits or vegetables weighing about 3-4 kg. Place the contents on your forehead with your head up. Put on comfortable shoes, take things off the floor, start pacing around the apartment with a load for a quarter of an hour. Tighten your neck, do not allow yourself breaks longer than 45 seconds every 3 minutes. This exercise not only eliminates the hated second chin, but also fights scoliosis.
  5. Sit straight, tighten the cervical muscle. Place the fold of the second chin between the fingers, massage the skin, rolling it in different directions. First pull the epidermis down, then smooth it, pull it to the right, return to its original position. Such a massage is easy to perform while sitting at a PC or TV, the total duration ranges from 7-10 minutes. The main condition - do not relax the cervical muscle, take breaks every half minute.
  6. Raise your head, try to stretch your chin up as far as possible. Close your mouth, grasp the upper lip of the lower lip so that the skin on the neck is smoothed as much as possible. Try to extend the jaw, with the back of the hand, smooth the hated second chin. Keep this pose for 1 minute, then repeat all over again. For maximum results, complete at least 10 sets.
  7. Prepare two terry towels. Moisten the first in hot water, the second in cold. Tilt your head to the ceiling, tighten your neck. Start to pat intensely with a hot towel over the problem area for 1 minute. Next, take a cold towel, do the same. The number of repetitions is 30/30. If you cannot use towels, pat your neck with your palm.
  8. Straighten your back, slightly raise your head up so that the second chin is smoothed out. Grip your teeth and lips tight, stretch your smile to the maximum. At this time, smooth the crease with the back of both hands left-right, then down. Massage for about 10 minutes while sitting at the TV or PC.

How to remove the second chin folk remedies

How to remove the second chin folk remedies

  1. Cucumber and cottage cheese. Cut off the “buttocks" from the cucumber, grind the vegetable in a blender until you get a mushy mass. In another bowl, beat with a mixer 4 quail yolks, add 120 g to them. fat cottage cheese and whisk again. Squeeze the juice from 1/3 of the lemon, and grate the peel on a fine grater. Combine all the ingredients in one mixture, pour in flaxseed flour and knead to a thick consistency. Apply to the second chin, fix with gauze or cotton cloth, leave for 1.5 hours.
  2. Rice and apple. Remove seeds and stalk from the apple, pass the fruit through a meat grinder. Cook 50 gr. rice, drain the water, and mash the grains into porridge. Combine the components, pour in 35 ml. olive oil, add 15 g. rye bran. Stir the mass, distribute over the problem areas of the skin. Wait 45-60 minutes, peel and rinse.
  3. Clay and peach. Take 2 ripe peaches, remove the seeds and mash the fruits with a fork (you can use a blender). Dilute the white, pink and green clay with water (take 25 grams of each type). Mix the compositions with each other, add 5 ml. glycerin and 5 gr. edible gelatin, wait 10 minutes. Mix again, make a mask, soak it for 1 hour.
  4. Honey and starch. To prepare the mixture you will need 120 gr. candied honey, 20 gr. corn starch, 45 ml. burdock oil, 1 ampoule of vitamin E. Combine these components, pour 15 g. gelatin, mix and bring the mixture to swell (gelatin should increase in size). Spread the mixture with a thick layer on the second chin, rinse after 1 hour.
  5. Kefir and persimmon. Grind persimmon into porridge, pour 50 ml. kefir and mix. Add 35 gr. oatmeal medium grinding, leave for 20 minutes. Then pour in 25 ml. vegetable oil, add 30 gr. thick sour cream and 10 gr. gelatin. Make a mask by applying the mixture in a very dense layer. Press with a piece of bandage or gauze, rinse after 2 hours.
  6. Egg and dill. Remove the legs from one bunch of dill, chop the greens. Add the chicken egg, beat with a mixer. Start pouring granulated sugar (45 g.) And flour (20 g.). When the mass reaches the consistency of the paste, distribute it over the problem areas of the skin. Hold for at least 45 minutes, then scrub and rinse.

It is difficult enough to get rid of the second chin at home, but the process cannot be called unrealistic. Perform simple exercises daily, strictly follow the instructions, do not indulge yourself with breaks. Consider folk recipes for making masks based on cucumber, rice, cottage cheese, apple, bran, granulated sugar, clay, starch and honey.

Video: how to remove the second chin in 10 minutes a day

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