How to moisturize hair at home

In pursuit of beauty, the girls make all kinds of cosmetic procedures, which by no means have a favorable effect on the health of the hair. Coloring and highlighting, perm, straightening with an iron, frequent exposure to stylers for styling - all this leads the hair to a lifeless state. They become brittle and dull, resulting in the need for intensive hydration.

How to moisturize your hair

Causes of Dry Hair

  • incorrectly selected tools for combing and creating hairstyles;
  • violation of the sebaceous glands;
  • regular exposure to persistent and semi-resistant dyes;
  • hormonal disorders in women;
  • penetration into the hair structure of volatile toxic components;
  • blow dry hair;
  • Environment;
  • frequent exposure to appliances involving heat treatment at high temperatures;
  • coloring, highlighting;
  • individual trait, in particular, genetic predisposition;
  • perm, lightening, discoloration;
  • improper daily nutrition.

Preventive actions for moisturizing hair

  1. When bathing regularly in the pool, where the hair is exposed to chlorinated water, it is necessary to rinse them thoroughly immediately after the procedure. The second option involves the use of a rubber cap designed specifically for this purpose.
  2. If you have a greasy type of hair that forces you to wash your hair daily, try to wean your hair from such manipulations. Reduce the frequency of treatments first by 20 hours, then by 40, and so on. The best option is 4 times a week. Otherwise, buy care products with an optimal pH balance.
  3. Beach lovers are advised to cover their heads with a cap or wear a scarf with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light. Get products with a high UV filter, spray them on the surface of the hair, carefully rubbing into the ends and roots. After bathing in fresh and salty water, rinse your hair with running water with shampoo and balm.
  4. If possible, dry your hair only naturally. In cases where styling involves the use of a hair dryer, pre-dry your hair with a towel so that water does not drip from them. After washing your hair, just wrap the strands in a towel and wait a quarter of an hour. When the moisture is absorbed, distribute thermal protection over the hair and only then proceed to drying.
  5. Do not run long dry hair. Every 3 weeks, go to the hairdresser and cut at least 1 cm of the cut strands. Otherwise, the tips will fall off, and new ones will form at the cliff site. Ask the master to carry out a haircut along the entire length if your strands are a ladder or a cascade.
  6. Girls who are often exposed to negative emotions by type of service or other understandable reasons should learn to deal with stress. You have probably noticed more than once that your hair begins to fall out when you are in a prolonged depression or do not sleep well at night. For these reasons, it is necessary to normalize the state of mind, as well as try to observe the correct mode of work and rest.
  7. If you often visit saunas and baths, in which steam exposure to hair is supposed, you need to first collect the curls in a bundle and cover your head with a special hat. Firstly, you will protect yourself from heat stroke, and secondly, avoid brittle and overdried hair.
  8. Choose the right combing tools.In hairdressing shops you can find a comb made of tortoise-shell, it prevents electrification, due to which the hair is not subjected to additional stress. Before the procedure, apply moisturizing serum or spray to the strands to make combing easier. The tortoise comb can be replaced with a natural fiber massage brush or wooden combs. Discard metal and plastic tools completely.
  9. Straightening with an iron or curling with a curler is carried out exclusively on dry hair. Moreover, they must be dried thoroughly, since moisture tends to linger in the hair shaft. After this, you need to apply a product with thermal protection, which forms an invisible film, protecting the hair from high temperatures.
  10. For a while, limit yourself to sprays and styling serums. Firstly, they are moisturizing a priori, and secondly, mousses, gels, wax and foam take away excess moisture from the structure, which is absolutely useless for you.

Moisturizing masks with gelatin and medicinal plants

It is no secret that gelatin saturates the hair with additional moisture, penetrating deep into the shaft. However, not everyone knows that in combination with herbs, the effect doubles, or even the second.

Moisturizing Hair Masks

Walnut and sage
To prepare the product you will need 85 gr. dry sage and 6 pcs. green nuts. Pour in 350 ml of ingredients. mineral water and put languishing in a water bath. After half an hour, turn off the stove and cover the composition with a lid, wait 1 hour. Strain and pour 50 ml. castor oil, 7 ml. willow ether and 10 ml. ether honeysuckle. Add 85 gr. gelatin, mix with a knife or fork. Spread over hair, leave for 2 hours. The tool is suitable only for dark-haired girls, since walnuts have coloring properties.

Berries and Rosemary
Take 8 berries of ripe strawberries, 10 berries of lingonberries, 20 gr. blackcurrant and 15 gr. gooseberries. Place in a blender and grind thoroughly. Brew in 250 ml. boiling water 75 gr. rosemary and 35 gr. rose hips, let it brew for about half an hour, strain. Pour 75 g into the broth slowly. gelatin and wait for swelling. After that, mix with berries and make a mask. Wrap yourself with cling film, wrap a towel on top. Turn on the hair dryer to a high temperature and warm your head for 10 minutes. Due to the vapor effect, the mixture will penetrate the shaft, thoroughly moisturizing the hair.

Honey and nettle
Pour 80 g. dry nettle 350 ml. water, insist about a day. After the expiration, strain, pour 45 gr. burdock oil and 150 gr. honey, boil the composition for 15 minutes. Cool, add 80 gr. gelatin, wait half an hour. Spread evenly over the entire length, put on a shower cap and wrap yourself in a towel. Wait 1 hour. For greater effect, it is recommended to heat the mixture with a hairdryer.

Thyme and Vitamin E
Place in a pan 100 gr. thyme and seed grass 280 ml. boiling water, insist for about an hour. Strain and add 90 gr. gelatin. Buy in a pharmacy liquid vitamin E in the amount of 3 ampoules, you can replace it with vitamin A, their properties are almost identical. Rub vitamins into the roots and ends of the hair for 5 minutes. Spread along the entire length and comb the strands with a comb. Wait about half an hour, then apply gelatin. Leave the mixture for 1 hour.

Burdock and onions
To prepare the mask, you will need to grind 1 head of white onion in a blender and pour it in 150 ml. hot water. In a separate saucepan, pour over 85 g of boiling water. burdock root so that water completely covers the plant. Insist both formulations for 40 minutes, at this time, pass 1 lemon through a meat grinder, it will eliminate the smell of onions. Combine all components, pour 80 g. gelatin. After 20 minutes, make a mask and wait at least 1.5 hours.

Nicotinic acid as a means of moisturizing hair

The hair becomes dull and dry due to sleeping bulbs that need to be awakened.Head massage with nicotinic acid will help you with this. This is a completely medicinal and natural product containing vitamin B3, vitamin PP and niacin, which repair damage, awaken follicles and intensively moisturize hair.

Nicotinic acid as a means of moisturizing hair

To do the massage correctly, you need to follow the sequence. To get started, put a little nicotinic acid into the syringe, lubricate it with the entire surface of the scalp with point movements. You also need to apply the composition to the tips.

Use your fingertips to massage the whiskey and the entire hairline on the neck, forehead, behind the ears for 10 minutes. Go to the back of the head, and after 15 minutes to the top of the head. The total massage time should take at least 40 minutes.

Since nicotinic acid resembles water in consistency, it does not have to be washed off the hair. Therefore, once every 3 days, treat the entire length of the strands and comb them with a comb for even distribution.

Proper nutrition

The condition of the hair directly depends on the daily diet. Lack of vitamins and minerals leads to loss, brittleness and dryness. There is a need to saturate the body with the right foods. Let's analyze the main points.

  1. Lean on fresh vegetables and fruits; they contain the maximum amount of water.
  2. Do not get involved in protein foods, such products absorb moisture. Eat lean meat and fish every day in moderation.
  3. Do not neglect the right fats and carbohydrates, they are needed for proper hair growth.
  4. Buy badger fat, take 2 ampoules three times a day.
  5. Get a multivitamin for hair, drink a course that is 30 to 60 days.
  6. Give preference to foods rich in omega acids (3–9), zinc, folic acid, shallow, calcium, magnesium and iron.
  7. Try to drink at least 2.8 liters of fluid per day. Avoid carbonated drinks, juice in bags and alcohol.

Buy products marked “moisturizes and nourishes”, monitor proper nutrition and the amount of fluid intake. Massage with nicotinic acid, rub vitamins A and E into the scalp, do not be lazy to prepare gelatin masks.

Video: how to deeply moisturize your hair

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