How to care for the Yorkshire Terrier

How to care for the Yorkshire Terrier? The first thing that comes to mind is a cute ponytail of wool on top of the head. But full-fledged care is not only a pretty hairstyle. It includes a whole range of activities. We’ll talk about him.

How to care for the Yorkshire Terrier

Beauty salon

Some people dislike dogs in principle. But once you see the Yorkshire Terrier, a person is covered by a rush of facial expression. It's all about proper care. The coat of York looks and feels very similar to human hair. Accordingly, it’s not enough just to brush a dog once a month. Comprehensive content includes several important procedures.

The washing up. About once every 8-11 days, or depending on the degree of pollution, you must definitely bathe your pet completely. For this procedure, you can use a mild baby shampoo without a strong odor or purchase a special one, specifically for this breed.

It will not be amiss to use an air conditioner that facilitates combing and prevents the formation of tangles.

Important! Be sure to thoroughly rinse all detergents from the coat and skin of the animal. Otherwise, instead of shiny soft waves, you get dull lumps of dandruff.

Drying. From a very young age, teach your puppy a hair dryer. An adult dog may respond inappropriately to strange sounds. Just be sure to use a comb with rare teeth. This will help to lay the coat with beautiful waves. If you simply dry York with a hairdryer without a comb or even with dry towels, the result is a fluffy ball.

Ladies doing styling on their own will understand what it is about. Or who at least once went to bed with wet hair, saw the result in the morning? That's about what will happen if you let the hair dry without a comb.

Important! The temperature of the hair dryer should not be too hot or cold, it will give York a discomfort.

A haircut. Oh, this item can take several pages, the topic is so diverse and interesting. We will not talk about all the possible options, because there are a great many of them. But it is worth talking about the hygienic background.

Yorkshire Terriers have their hair growing all their lives. Therefore, if you let things go by themselves, then in a year it will sweep the floors and collect garbage. It will begin to get into your eyes after 2 months. As you can see, a haircut is necessary. There are 2 options:

  1. You have purchased a puppy for yourself. So, you can do it yourself. About once every 3 months, with well-sharpened scissors, cut the hair around the anus and trim on the legs. Do not forget about the length of the bangs and the length of all the hair on the body. In the ears it will be enough to remove the hairs by a third.
  2. You have purchased a puppy for shows and awards. Here you have to turn to the services of a professional dog hairdresser. They have all the necessary tools. And most work with home visits, which is very convenient.

Only certainly accustom York to a haircut since childhood. And do not forget that the scissors must be well sharpened so that they are cut, not torn by a thread. By the way, it is customary for York girls to grow a ponytail on their heads, and the boys get their bangs cut short. In any case, make sure that the hair does not get into the eyes. This can cause irritation, and the dog is poorly visible.

Important! Hold the dog securely during the procedure. Even a fully accustomed animal can be distracted and jump off the table, which will harm itself.

Manicure. Yes, Yorkshire Terriers need to cut their claws. To successfully complete the procedure, you will need:

  • nippers, better guillotine type
  • fine abrasive nail file

Just don’t cut too short! The fact is that york pulp is too close. Therefore, any careless movement can cause pain and bleeding, which can be too difficult to stop. It is also advisable to use the nail file, because without it the claws will begin to exfoliate and bully on the first day after the haircut.

Important! Some owners even make Yorkies girls a full-fledged manicure and cover their claws with decorative varnish. This is everyone’s personal choice. But first you need to think about what is more important: your own ego or pet safety? After all, the dog can nibble its claws, and it varnishes.

Combing. Strictly daily for any length of coat. All life! The hair of the Yorkshire Terrier has a fine structure, prone to tangling. Therefore, the warlocks may appear already on the 3rd day without a comb. And to unravel them is oh how difficult.

And do not try to use a normal human massage brush. It is electrified and winds wool, which can cause unpleasant sensations. If you already had enough money to buy a puppy, then allocate money from your own budget for normal things. For York, one comb with rare cloves for all procedures will be enough. Well, if it is metal or wooden, but not plastic.

Important subtleties of cosmetic care

You can often see the Yorkshire Terrier dissecting for a walk in overalls or other clothing. You should not immediately be ironic about the "fashionable" hosts. This is real animal care. The fact is that the Yorks do not have an undercoat, so the hair instantly gets dirty and gets wet. And clothes can minimize such incidents.

Before use, shampoo must be diluted with water. And only then they are applied to the wool.

Some hairdressers in their services offer wool decoration with rhinestones and even dyeing of wool. No doubt, it looks original, beautiful. But think first of the pet. Would he like such beauty?

Hygiene procedures

We deliberately do not tell in the article the subtleties of the training and education of Yorkshire terriers. There are other sources for this. But one of the components of pet care is toilet training. And this is pure education.

From childhood, begin to teach your puppy to the right place. For this, manufacturers have come up with many tricks, ranging from special diapers to a dog’s toilet. By the way, in design it is somewhat different from the cat's bathroom. Let things go wrong right away. And you don’t always have time to take the puppy to the pot on time. But be patient, do not swear. York will gradually understand what you want from it, and there will be no more problems with the toilet.

By the way, once a week, wash the litter from the berth of York. Otherwise, why all these constant bathing? Do not forget to wash the paws after the street.

Other daily hygiene practices include eye care. Every morning, the eyes are wiped with a damp cloth with an allergy-free composition. Or washed with a weak brewing of black tea. At the same time, they are sure to ensure that the discharge is transparent or light in color. Dark color and abundant drips on the face should cause serious concern. This is a reason to immediately see a veterinarian.

Important! Do not try to self-medicate. This is fraught with the development of serious diseases, or even worse - loss of eye.

Another aspect of care. Teeth. This breed is prone to tartar formation. Because some owners forget that they have a small, but still a dog. They are fed with soft tiny pieces, as a result of natural brushing of the teeth does not occur. There are several ways out:

Yorkshire Terrier Care

  1. Visit your dog dentist regularly. He will remove tartar with special tools and means.The procedure is quite expensive, but almost safe and does not bring pain.
  2. Periodically offer the pet toys from the pet store, goodies for brushing your teeth, special sticks. The animal will simply bite them, thereby brushing its teeth. From our point of view, the usefulness of such items is very doubtful. They are not able to completely remove plaque from the teeth. And sometimes they are decent.
  3. To brush your teeth yourself Yorkshire Terrier with a special toothpaste and brush. Inexpensive, high quality and, with some skill, fast enough.

How to brush your dog’s teeth - choose for yourself. The main thing is that the procedure is necessary all the time, you need to train your puppy from a very young age.

Tip. If you are uncomfortable using a dog toothbrush, then try special nozzles on the finger. They look like a cap with bristles and do an excellent job.

Ears of York need to be cleaned every 8-12 days. For this procedure, it is better to purchase special lotion or drops. Thoroughly moisten a cotton swab in a liquid. Then, plaque is carefully removed from the visible inner part of the auricle. They don’t climb deeply with a stick, otherwise a delicate organ can be damaged.

Be sure to evaluate the appearance and amount of plaque:

  1. A yellow tint, a pair of cotton swabs is enough to make the ear clean. There is no cause for concern.
  2. Dark or brown, a few cotton swabs are required for cleaning. This is a signal of an incipient disease. Immediately to the vet.

Some owners simply moisten the fleece with warm water and gently clean the pet's ears. You can follow them. But do not use alcohol solutions! They dry delicate skin severely and can cause irritation.

Important Nuances

Do not forget to regularly vaccinate your Yorkshire Terrier. Be sure to solder from the worms and use flea remedies. Try not to drag the puppy out onto the street until all vaccinations are done and the period of complete adaptation passes after them. And protect your baby from contact with street shoes. After all, on it you can drag a lot of infectious bacteria into the house.

By the way, new owners need to know: Yorks have a full-fledged character of a terrier, despite the small size. Therefore, the upbringing should be appropriate, otherwise the first thing the puppy starts to train you, and not vice versa. Do not forget about the adequate prohibitions and who is actually the boss in the house. It is best to submit training in the form of a game. And yes, any terriers need long walks and a lot of movement.

Feeding should also be appropriate for a normal dog, and not for "sweets, sausages" and others like them. Naturally, small portions are needed. Get some weights. Veterinarians recommend giving no more than 1 tbsp for each meal. l per kilogram of live weight. But, again, it all depends on your pet's pastime. See for yourself on the constitution of the body. Adjust the amount and composition of food. Do not rush from one extreme to another. Better consult your breeder and your veterinarian. And further. All terriers have a moody liver. Therefore, strictly monitor what exactly your pet is pulling in its mouth.

Now you know how to care for the Yorkshire Terrier. It only remains to reasonably follow our recommendations and love your sweetheart. We are sure that he will answer you with dedication and mutual feelings.

Video: caring for the Yorkshire Terrier

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