How to restore facial skin after acne

Many people want smooth skin without any hint of bumps. However, often the situation is different. The cause of acne can be an environmental factor, hormonal imbalance, poorly balanced nutrition, neglect of basic hygiene rules, genetic predisposition, etc. Following the removal of acne is the restoration of the skin. The procedure includes a number of features, we will consider them in order.

How to restore facial skin after acne

Why do acne scars appear?

  1. The main reason for the appearance of scars and purple spots on the face is the neglect of hygiene rules when squeezing abscesses. In most cases, the procedure is carried out incorrectly, as a result of which the neoplasm root remains under the skin. Moreover, if the extrusion is carried out with dirty hands or nails, an infection begins to develop. The affected area increases in size due to the growth of bacteria.
  2. There are frequent cases when deep scars remain in the skin. They appear for a reason when a purulent pimple is squeezed several times in a row with a certain interval. As a result of such manipulations, all layers of the epidermis are damaged. With the non-use of regenerating (restoring) ointments and antiseptics, bacteria affect an increasingly large area.
  3. The reasons for the appearance of scars and scars include the inexperience of a cosmetologist in the case when acne is removed in the salon. A wizard can accidentally introduce an infection without sanitizing the instruments. Also, acne treatment technology may not be selected correctly.
  4. It is known that acne is considered a serious disease that affects all layers of the epidermis. If the disease lasts 18 days or more, while proper intervention is not provided, the rash area expands. Tissue scarring begins after treatment with strong antibiotics and cosmetics.

Effective Skin Repair Methods

Zinc ointment
A zinc-based medicine is quite effective and inexpensive. Ointment tightens scars, kills bacteria, dries all layers of the skin. The main focus of the composition is the treatment of healed sections of the epidermis, which appeared on the skin relatively recently. Ointment is sold in a pharmacy; its pricing policy is much lower than its foreign counterparts.

Before using the composition, read the attached instructions. In no case should you increase the amount and duration of exposure of the product to the skin (a burn is possible). Strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Generally speaking, the composition must be kept for about a quarter of an hour. After this, the drug is removed with a cosmetic swab and water. The frequency of use varies from 3 to 5 times a day.

Propolis Flask
You can buy people at a pharmacy or specialized health stores. The cost is about 30-60 rubles. Combine vodka in one mixture (can be replaced with brandy or brandy) and propolis tincture, 1: 1 ratio. Prepare a dark bottle, pour the composition into it, leave in a dark place for 5-7 days, shaking occasionally.

After the allotted time, apply the product on a cosmetic stick, lubricate only damaged skin areas (crimson spots, scars, non-healing acne, etc.). If possible, do not touch a healthy area of ​​the dermis to exclude the possibility of burns.

If it is not possible to use propolis, get an infusion of chamomile or calendula. After lubricating the skin, do not wash off the product until it dries. Before the procedure, it is recommended to test for the absence of allergies.

Cosmetic clay
The tool is used not only to restore the skin, but also to cleanse it. To start the procedure, purchase clay of any color in the pharmacy (the best combination is blue, black and white).

Cosmetic clay for the face

Dilute the product with drinking water, according to the instructions. Wait half an hour, pour in a little vegetable oil. Spread the clay over the entire surface of the face, and brush the damaged areas with a double layer. Wait for drying, rinse with warm water. If there is no allergic reaction, use clay daily 1-2 times.

Wax or paraffin wax
Cosmetic products of this kind are sold in pharmacies and specialty stores. To restore the skin after acne, take a small piece of paraffin or wax (about 2.5-3 cm in size), melt it in a microwave or in a steam bath. Using a cotton swab, distribute the product in the problem areas, wait until it completely hardens (about half an hour).

Next, remove the residues with gauze. In cases where paraffin / wax does not discharge well, moisten a cosmetic sponge in olive or vegetable oil. The frequency of the procedure depends on the degree of skin damage. As a rule, the composition is applied once every 5-6 hours. At the end of the manipulations, apply a regenerating cream to the treated area.

Restorative pharmacy preparations

Experienced pharmaceutical companies have long been supplying regenerating creams and ointments to pharmacies that tighten scars. In addition, drugs moisturize, nourish and heal tissue cells, acting on all layers of the dermis. If possible, use products that include the panthenol component. You can apply it on the skin in its pure form or use panthenol ointments.

Effective compounds are considered to be Levomekol, Dexpanthenol, Depanthenol, and Fastin No. 1. Also suitable santomycin and ichthyol ointment, “Rescuer”. Of the more expensive means, La Cree, Kontraktubeks, Boro-plus, Pantoderm, Solcoseryl, Bepanten can be distinguished.

Use traditional or pharmaceutical skin repair products. Lubricate the damaged areas of the dermis with cosmetic clay, beeswax or paraffin, propolis tincture. Get a regenerating ointment, use it according to the instructions.

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