How to store dates at home

A date is an incredibly healthy fruit that has been known to man since ancient times. This nutritious product is appreciated for its sweet taste and ability to satisfy hunger for a long time. Previously, dates were taken on hikes - they are perfectly stored, do not spoil, they do not need to be cooked, they can replace a full meal. For Muslims, dates are considered a sacred fruit - it is mentioned more than once in the Qur'an; not a single holy fast is complete without this fruit.

How to store dates

The overwhelming majority of dates go on sale in the form of dried fruits. They can be eaten as separate dishes, added to cereals, boiled compotes from them, and used as a component for various desserts.

The benefits of dates

Such a popularity of dates is not surprising - they contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that can replace a person's daily need for nutrients. There is a legend about a city under siege, the inhabitants of which for a whole year ate only dates and water. They were able to survive the siege and did not die of starvation. Modern scientists have proved the benefits of this fetus for many human organs.

  1. Dates strengthen the cardiovascular system, with constant use, normal heartbeat is restored, the level of blood pressure is normalized.
  2. The date is just a bomb for the brain, due to the huge amount of fructose. Often, dates are eaten before passing exams or important mental work to activate memory and brain activity.
  3. Dates are often used in the fight against colds, as well as to strengthen immunity.
  4. These delicious fruits improve mood, relieve stress, increase a person's performance.
  5. Many scientists consider dates to be the best medicine for some intestinal disorders. This fruit charitable effect on the digestive tract.

In addition, there is an Indian legend about a pregnant woman who was suffering from labor pains. Her suffering was so intense that she prayed and raised her hands to the sky in search of relief. Near the date palm grew, with which several fruits fell. The woman took this for a sign and ate dates, while getting rid of pain. To date, it has been scientifically proven that the substances contained in dates relax the muscular muscles of the uterus, relieving pain and accelerating the process of childbirth. Dates for nursing mothers are also useful - they enrich milk with nutritional properties.

The date is good and useful from all sides, but how to preserve this fruit so that it does not lose its taste and nutritional value?

How to store dates

Most often, we buy dates in the form of dried fruits. Usually they are sold in a package that is placed on the box so that the fruits do not crumple. In the same packaging, dates can be stored. You need to keep the fruits in the refrigerator. A bag of packed dates usually comes with holes. This is done so that dried fruits are not barred. Make sure your plastic bag has such holes. If not, make holes yourself.

If you bought dates by weight, they need to be transferred to a plastic container or glass jar and periodically opened for airing. Leaving the jar open all the time is not recommended - the fruits can absorb an unpleasant odor from the refrigerator.

If you stocked up a large number of dates, some of them can be frozen. Simply transfer the dried fruits into a bag and place them in the freezer. So their shelf life is increased several times. The least stored dates are simply on a shelf. They need to be eaten within a few weeks.And periodically check the capacity for the presence of ants and other animals - not only do you like the sweet fruits!

Sometimes on sale you can find compressed dates. They can be stored on a shelf or in a kitchen drawer without much concern. Such dried fruits do not need to be refrigerated, because they are processed with special formulations. To prevent them from drying, place them in a paper bag. Keep such fruits in a dark place.

How to store fresh dates

How to store fresh dates
Dates can also be bought fresh, as ordinary fruits. If you do not plan to eat them in the next day, do not wash the fruits. Preview the dates for damage and rot - one bad fruit can ruin the entire batch. Store the fruits on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, in a plastic container so that the fruits do not crumple.

How much dates can be stored

Despite the correct storage conditions for products, each of them has its own expiration date, including dates. Sun-dried and dried fruits sold in packages usually have a packaging date and an expiration date. Subject to all storage standards, you can focus on this date.

Dried fruits bought by weight are stored for several months. At the same time, be careful - if an unpleasant coating appears on the surface of the fetus or you feel an uncharacteristic smell - do not eat dates.

Fresh fruits of dates can be stored for no more than a month. And then, provided that the fruit was originally strong and of good quality. But there will be nothing for ice-cream dates, even if you eat them a few years after freezing - they will retain not only their taste, but also the whole palette of useful properties. Only you need to defrost them in the refrigerator, gradually, without sudden temperature changes. Do not forget to wash the dates before going to eat them!

Arabs have an amazing recipe for date paste. The pulp of the fruit is poured with a small amount of water and simmered over low heat. When the dates become soft, and the water evaporates completely, the mass is wiped until smooth. Such mass is stored in containers for a rather long time. However, do not hope that your pets will allow this delicacy to be stored for a long time!

Video: how to choose dates

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