How to store olive oil after opening it

Olive oil is considered to be a worldwide culinary product. The composition is also called "Provencal", since it takes its roots from the depths of Europe. Olive oil is valued by culinary gurus for its extraordinary taste, smell and texture. For example, in Spain it is spread on bread, and then tomatoes are placed on top. In addition to cooking, the product is widely known for its cosmetic properties. Olive oil softens the skin and accelerates hair growth.

How to store olive oil after opening it

How to choose olive oil correctly

Duration of storage directly depends on the right product. If you met the transportation requirements and the conditions of the product on the shelves, you can fully enjoy the exquisite taste.

  1. Before buying, pay due attention to the label of the selected product. On the back of the bottle there should be information about the manufacturing company and the company that poured the finished composition into vessels. It is important that two entities have the same country of destination. A similar aspect suggests that the oil is of good quality.
  2. Olive oil has the unpleasant feature of losing taste after a certain period. For this reason, study the date of bottling, it is allowed to buy a product made six months ago.
  3. Hold the bottle in your hands, evaluate the seams and cork. Inspect the olive oil installation site on a store shelf. It is important that the composition is moderately lit and sealed. It is worth remembering forever that high-quality olive oil is bottled only in glass containers (in no case in a plastic bottle). In this case, the glass should be dark (blue, black, green, brown), and not light (transparent white).
  4. Some manufacturers prefer to pour olive oil in cans. A similar feature is caused by a long shelf life, but the product is inconvenient to use. For this reason, many housewives after the purchase pour the composition into a familiar glass bottle with a tight-fitting lid.

Features of olive oil storage

The shelf life of olive oil and its taste in use depends on how well the storage conditions are met.

  1. Perhaps the most important storage criterion is considered to be the place of installation of the bottle with the composition. Olive oil deteriorates from direct sunlight. For this reason, it is recommended to exclude the effect of ultraviolet radiation on “yellow gold”.
  2. You can’t leave the bottle with olive oil open, otherwise the composition will lose its taste and become “lethargic”. Also, the smell can disappear altogether or absorb the aromas of nearby products (seasonings, spices, dried fruits, etc.). Be sure to close the lid after each use.
  3. If you have purchased a large bottle (from 1 liter), pour the oil into a smaller container. Such a move eliminates the constant penetration of air into the cavity of the bottle, as a result of which the composition will last longer. Fill a small jar halfway, periodically adding oil from a large container.
  4. Many people prefer to save on packaging, so they buy olive oil in a transparent bottle. If you classify yourself in this category or have acquired an unknowingly composition, wrap the container with foil or newspaper. So sunlight will not fall into the cavity of the bottle.

Olive Oil Shelf Life

Olive Oil Shelf Life

  1. As a rule, each product has its own shelf life, which is indicated on the label. Olive oil is no exception, so you need to study the bottle. All storage periods vary depending on which containers the product is poured into.
  2. If olive oil is bottled in dark glass, the total shelf life is 2 years, provided that the container is not unpacked. After opening, the product must be consumed within 1 month.
  3. In the case of cans, olive oil is stored for about 1.5 years. In this case, the period is automatically reduced to 1 month after opening.

Selection of storage space for olive oil

  1. Temperature condition. The main aspect of storage is the selection of a place with optimal temperature conditions. The product retains useful qualities at indicators of 12-16 degrees. Of course, olive oil can withstand temperatures of 20 degrees or more, but its shelf life will decrease to six months. If the mode is below 12 degrees, the composition will give a precipitate.
  2. Shine. It is strongly discouraged to store the product bottle near a gas / electric stove, microwave or window. Olive oil is extremely sensitive to light (natural, artificial) and microwaves. If this recommendation is neglected, light will destroy the antioxidants and beneficial minerals contained in the product. If it is not possible to place the composition in a dark corner, wrap it with cardboard or foil.
  3. Air. It is highly undesirable to allow frequent contact of olive oil with air. Under the influence of oxygen, the product quickly oxidizes, loses its taste characteristics and pleasant smell. A sediment appears at the bottom, the composition becomes rancid. To eliminate this aspect, bona fide manufacturers add nitrogen to the composition, which displaces oxygen and increases its preservation. After opening the bottle, check that the lid fits snugly during blockage. Otherwise, wrap the cork with polyethylene or cloth to increase density.

From the above it can be concluded that it is better to store olive oil in a kitchen cabinet with darkened doors. In this case, the headset should be located away from heating radiators, stoves and other electrical appliances.

What to do if a precipitate forms

As mentioned earlier, the precipitate appears due to non-compliance with the temperature regime. If you notice clouding of the composition, discard the oil, it is not suitable for consumption and cosmetic purposes. Also, the appearance of a precipitate indicates emulsifiers and preservatives contained in the oil, that is, the product is not completely natural.

Is it possible to store olive oil in the refrigerator

Olive oil does not tolerate temperatures below 12 degrees, a sediment begins to form at the bottom. A low degree kills the beneficial properties of the product, makes the composition cloudy and unusable. To the question: “Is it possible to store olive oil in the refrigerator?” The answer is one: “No!” Moreover, the recommendation is relevant in the case of both packaged and opened products.

If you mistakenly put the oil in the refrigerator, you can see a white precipitate after removing it from the chamber. It will disappear after 12 hours, but even after that you can not eat the composition in food. The same applies to storage in the freezer, this option should be taken away immediately.

Olive oil is a favorite product of most people in many countries of the world. The composition is quite moody, therefore, requires careful handling. Store the product in a dark kitchen cabinet that is not exposed to sunlight. Do not allow frequent contact of air with oil, monitor the temperature regime.

Video: The Benefits of Olive Oil

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