How to protect your dog from ticks: 9 ways

Ticks make themselves felt in spring, when the first snow melts, and the weather rises above zero. Blood-sucking insects infect the human nervous system (encephalitis), and four-legged friends develop a disease of the circulatory system. Many dog ​​owners are seriously considering safety measures, and this is not surprising. Each owner wants to protect his ward from the dangerous consequences of a bite. Consider the most effective ways to solve the problem.

How to protect a dog from ticks

Method number 1. Tick ​​Collar

  1. One of the true and affordable methods of combating ticks is an acaricidal collar. The device is impregnated with a special liquid with insecticidal properties.
  2. The principle of operation and use is not particularly difficult. The owner needs to unpack the tape, put the collar on the pet and fit it in size.
  3. Ammunition of this kind does not protect the animal from ticks by 100%, many manufacturers give a guarantee of only 90%. For this reason, the collar must be supplemented with other, more effective means.
  4. Collars are designed to fight surface parasites, not subcutaneous. Before use, it is necessary to study the duration of action. Thus, you can replace the old ammunition with the new one in time.
  5. In addition to protection against ticks, the collar effectively copes with fleas and lice. The duration of the last two types of insects is much longer.
  6. Impregnation located in the cavity of the material is released during socks. The composition covers the skin and coat of the animal, remaining in the structure for a long time. Ticks often affect the ears, withers, neck, chest and head. The collar is aimed specifically at designated areas.
  7. Of the minuses of the devices, one can single out the insecurity of the abdomen, the back of the body, and the tail. There are frequent cases when a pet develops an allergy to the drug.
  8. Owners of two or more dogs should abandon the collar. Brothers can lick each other, as a result of which a harmful substance will fall into the mouth. It is also worth being careful families with small children.
  9. Give preference to drops of leading manufacturers. These include Front Line, Strong Hold, Dana, Bars, Adventists Bayer, Celandine. Choose ammunition based on the age of the pet and the duration of the action.

Method number 2. Tick ​​drops

Dog ticks

  1. Many dog ​​breeders prefer drops in the form of drugs, and this is not surprising. Effective composition gives a 100% guarantee. To process a pet, you need to purchase a composition in pipettes. Then the fur is extended in the withers, neck and behind the ears.
  2. The drug is poured onto the skin and rubbed. Drops begin to act after a day after treatment. A positive characteristic of this kind of composition is complete protection against subcutaneous and external parasites, as well as mosquitoes.
  3. Today, there are many types of drops. They vary in price, manufacturer, duration, composition. Be sure to choose products taking into account the age of the animal. Many drops can be used only after six months of age.
  4. Dog handlers trust domestic and foreign manufacturers. These include the Russian companies Dana, Bars and Chistotel, the French company Front Line, the German manufacturer Bayer, the American products Strong Hold and FiproGard Center.
  5. The principle of action of the drops is simple: after application, they are distributed in the coat, fur follicles and sebaceous glands of the pet.Chemicals do not penetrate the blood of an animal, do not cause poisoning. However, this aspect does not eliminate the allergy that arises (in rare cases).
  6. Choose products based on the individual characteristics of your pet. Pregnant, lactating and elderly individuals, as well as puppies and dogs of small breeds, need to buy drops marked "Eco".
  7. If several pets live in the house at the same time, do not let them lick each other after treatment. Isolate the treated individual for 24 hours from its relatives. The coat should dry and the drops should be absorbed.
  8. Choose the composition by age and weight parameters, as well as the type of breed (small, medium, large group). Particularly careful approach to the process is necessary for people with dogs weighing up to 3 kg.
  9. After treatment, do not bathe the dog for 3 days, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the drug. As a rule, pipettes last for a month. It is applied to the wool in one step. Do not forget to re-process on time.
  10. Before purchase, examine the expiration date. Expired preparations will not protect the animal from blood-sucking insects. If the selected product was ineffective, switch to a different composition and manufacturer.

Method number 3. Tick ​​Shampoo

Dog tick shampoo

  1. Cleaning products for wool often include acaricides, repellents, insecticides. The listed components provide protection against ticks for up to 1 week. Shampoo is used as an auxiliary, with no basic composition.
  2. As a rule, owners of small dogs resort to cleaning products marked as “ticks”. Miniature breeds spend a lot of time in the hands of the owner and lead a home lifestyle. For this reason, they do not always require continued protection.
  3. Shampoos should be used if you are going out of town or on vacation, where the area is full of ticks. Do not shampoo a dog that has recently been treated with drops.
  4. Do not rely on shampoos alone. Use additional methods of protection to prevent infection of your pet. Do not bathe your dog if it is wearing a parasite collar.

Method number 4. Tick ​​spray

  1. Sprays are very popular with large dog breeds. The bottle allows you to spray the drug on the entire body of the dog, providing complete protection for the tail, abdomen, hind legs, croup and, of course, the front area.
  2. This method should be resorted to the owners, whose pets spend a lot of time outdoors (hunting, guard or service individuals). You cannot protect the animal better than the spray does.
  3. Difficulties with the use should not arise, but some features still exist. Spray the product in the fresh air, each time raising the coat. Do not go home until the fur dries.
  4. Negative characteristics include toxicity and high pricing. Before spraying, cover your respiratory tract, as well as your pet’s nose and mouth.
  5. Before direct application, read the manufacturer's recommendations. Pay special attention to the sections “Contraindications” and “Application”. As a rule, these areas have a long list of events.

Method number 5. Tick ​​tablets

  1. An innovation in the care of four-legged friends impressed dog handlers and dog owners. To date, this tool is considered the most popular and effective, tablets give a 100% guarantee.
  2. The drug is available in the form of a pressed composition with flavoring additives. You can treat your pet with a pill with sausage, chicken or pork. The dog swallows the medicine and becomes invulnerable.
  3. The composition is mixed with plasma and spreads with blood, circulating throughout the body over a long period. In addition to extermination of external parasites, the drug protects the dog from other pathogens.
  4. A positive aspect of the drug is a relatively gentle and versatile composition. Tablets are allowed to feed elderly dogs, nursing and pregnant females, puppies (when they reach the age of three months).
  5. To date, there are 2 types of tick tablets - “Bravecto” and “Front Line”. The Austrian company "Bravecto" creates drugs with the active substance fluralaner. One dose is enough for 3 months, the composition is calculated taking into account body weight.
  6. Front Line Nex-Guard (France) is more popular with Russian dog breeders. The drug allows you to protect your pet for up to 4 weeks. Tablets are contraindicated in allergic dogs.

Method number 6. Tick ​​Vaccination

Dog tick vaccination

  1. You can protect your pet with vaccinations. Veterinary clinics provide the Pirodog vaccine from Merial, France. The composition allows you to protect your pet from pyroplasmosis.
  2. The effectiveness of the procedure ranges from 75-85%. You can be vaccinated when the puppy is 5 months old. In this case, the pet should be vaccinated against viruses and proglistogonen.
  3. The vaccination procedure is carried out in 2 stages with a break of 1 month. The second course is performed after a year or six months, depending on the locality.
  4. Vaccination and revaccination is strictly forbidden to combine with other vaccinations. An exception is protection against rabies and leptospirosis.
  5. If a dog has previously had pyroplasmosis and is a chronic carrier, the virus can break out again. In this case, it is necessary to treat the pet in a standard way, and also treat it with drops.

How to protect a dog from ticks by folk methods

  1. Geranium. If you keep a pet in the private sector, as a result of which the pet often walks in the yard, proceed as follows. Plant marigolds or geraniums (pink) on the plot. The result of such actions will be a complete absence of ticks. Bloodsuckers are afraid of an unpleasant smell. As a supplement, you can dry the plants, make a decoction of them and rinse the hair of the animal.
  2. Tar soap. The product is considered an analogue of tick shampoos. Using soap will not protect the dog for a long time, but will retain the result for up to 2 weeks. Lather the animal well, wait 5 minutes, rinse. Prepare in advance for the unpleasant odor that will come from the pet’s hair.
  3. Ethers. Fragrant oils scare away ticks, pests do not come close to the dog a single step. Prepare a lemon balm, tea tree, lavender, geranium, citrus fruit or clove ether. Combine the composition with filtered water and vodka, observing a ratio of 1: 10: 1. Transfer the solution to the bottle, spray on the pet’s coat and wait for it to dry. Pay due attention to the tail, withers, stomach, paws, and neck. If desired, you can spray the collar.

It is easy to protect a four-legged friend from ticks, if you have basic knowledge. The most effective means are drops and tablets. In second place is the spray, but it is toxic. Shampoo and collar are used as additional protection. Vaccination is carried out to increase the effectiveness of these formulations.

Video: how to protect a dog from ticks

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To protect the dog from ticks, it must be treated with special tools. There are drops and collars for this, and I heard sprays even appeared.


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