Caucasian Shepherd Dog - breed description and dog character

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a large breed of guard dogs. Since ancient times, they have been shepherd dogs, both in Russia and in the territory of the former USSR. In historical terms, the breed has several different types.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Dogs showed themselves perfectly not only to protect the flocks of sheep, but also for service during the guard. A characteristic feature of these dogs is aggression towards strangers, attentiveness and unpretentiousness. It is believed that the Caucasus is the birthplace of these dogs, and this is precisely what formed the basis for the name of the breed.

Breed characteristics

You can focus on several classic average characteristics:

  • height - 58-66 cm (males - up to 65, bitches - up to 60);
  • weight approximately 70 kg;
  • behavior - calm, patient, balanced;
  • color - spotted, red, white, brindle, etc.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog can be:

  1. Longhair. Hair elongated - both integumentary and core (up to 13 cm). In addition, the hair that adorns them is also perfectly developed on the limbs, neck and tail.
  2. Shorthair. In this case, the hair length reaches approximately 7 centimeters. These dogs do not have mane, as well as decorating hair on the limbs and tail.
  3. Intermediate. The decorating hair is practically absent, but the outer hair is quite long.

In all animals of this breed, the skeleton is impressive and rough, the muscles are stiff, and the skin has a large thickness and elasticity. The head is massive, wide enough, the cheekbones are very developed. The tail is set very high, and the limbs in the form of an oval. The abdomen is slightly matched, the neck is large, and the chest is set deep and wide. Ears need to be stopped.

Caucasian Shepherd Character

Despite the fact that the Caucasian shepherd looks quite intimidating and has a large size, the representatives of this breed are incredibly cute and friendly, which led to their popularity.

Fact! These dogs easily manage to adapt to any weather conditions and weather, they calmly endure even the coldest winters.

One of the most basic qualities of this breed is confidence, which allows dogs to quickly and responsibly respond to situations in extreme and unexpected situations. Even if she is in danger, the dog manages to remain calm and calm. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog can live in both an apartment and an aviary.

Among the special character traits, one can also single out courage, determination, perseverance, a suspicious attitude towards strangers and the instincts of a guard. However, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog can be easily trained, as these dogs have a calm character and a high level of intelligence.

For a shepherd, attention from those people with whom she lives is significant. In this case, the dog is always ready to defend people. But she trusts only in the household, and the kids are under her special supervision. She will not offend them, and even with pleasure will take part in the game with the child.

It should be understood that if you decide to get a dog of this breed, you need to devote a lot of time and attention to its education. Only this will determine what kind of relationship will develop with the dog, and the upbringing should begin from the first days the puppy is in the apartment.

Training process

Teaching should begin with a puppy.The fundamental rule in this is that the attitude to training should be filled with respect and love. If the owner has not previously been engaged in such processes, then it is advisable to contact specialists, since otherwise the dog will be a large and naughty animal.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog Training

Engage in the learning process should be a person whom the Caucasian Shepherd considers the owner and authority. All education is divided into two main stages:

  • dog training in puppyhood;
  • consolidation of acquired skills in an adult.

Before you start training, you need to find out what character the animal has. Often, they are quite independent, leisurely and reasonable. Trying to teach a dog a variety of teams, do not be too stingy with an affectionate attitude.

First of all, the puppy needs to be trained in the answer to the nickname. In this case, pronounce the name of the pet should be the same every time, without diminutive suffixes. After the pet has acquired the nickname, it is necessary to teach the puppy simple commands, which include "Walk!" and “To me” - this should be pronounced with special affection and trust. If the puppy performs the command correctly, it should be encouraged and praised, for example, by scratching behind the ear.

After the age of three months, the puppy needs to learn the command "You can not." Do not say this command for no particular reason, the voice should be filled with confidence and be strong enough and calm. When the puppy is five months old, he is ready to learn the “Sit” command, and then “Lie down”. At the same time, in the process of upbringing, it is necessary to train the puppy with the “Near” team - they usually pronounce it when it is time to return from a walk.

At six months, the pet should already get acquainted with the muzzle. First, the wearing time of the muzzle should be short, and gradually it increases.

Dog training

In fact, these animals, resembling little cubs, have a strong and strong disposition, which can be demonstrated by them at any moment, if the dog wants to show its independence. Therefore, the process of raising a Caucasian shepherd dog is invariably combined with certain specifics, which distinguishes this process from the raising of animals of other breeds.

Raising a Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Start raising a puppy from the moment he appeared in the apartment. It is important that the puppy immediately understands who the real owner is in the house and where its place is located. In addition, walks, which should be carried out shortly first, also have an equally significant role. Initially, they should be short-lived, but they should be produced often.

There are three simple guidelines for raising a Caucasian Shepherd:

  • you can not raise your voice on a puppy;
  • Do not rush the dog;
  • It is strictly forbidden to beat them.

This breed has some peculiarity - before they act in one way or another, they need time to think. Therefore, it may seem that the puppy is very slow, but this does not mean that the dog needs to be punished for it or raise its voice. Otherwise, the dog may become embittered. A dog can be criticized if it is aggressive towards one of the household members or, for example, something on the ground attracts its attention.

It is worth saying that aggression is one of the character traits that are inherent in the dog by nature, therefore, such a trait needs to be suppressed, otherwise it can lead to unpleasant consequences. Punishment for malice should be with all severity and unchanging firmness.

However, it is always worth remembering that the puppy needs encouragement and praise for those teams that it performs well, since it is the reward and support that is important for the dog when raising it.

First of all, you should educate the dog so that she understands that her owner is a strict leader, and in this case it will be possible to easily pass through those problems that may arise due to the irreconcilable nature of the shepherd. A dog will be an obedient, faithful and reliable friend only if each person living with the dog dominates it.

Caucasian Shepherd Care

First of all, remember that caring for each pet means taking care of his health. The pet must be regularly fed, combed out, promptly shown to the veterinarian for prevention and, of course, treat him with love and respect.

Caucasian Shepherd Care

If we talk specifically about the Caucasian Shepherd, then caring for her includes, first of all, monitoring her health, which includes caring for her claws, ears, eyes and hair.

A puppy, like an adult dog, needs frequent walking, as kids have a high need for activity. The light of the sun has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the dog's body, raising tone and establishing metabolism.

The hair of a shepherd is very voluminous, and therefore the dog does not need specific grooming. It does not need to be washed often, it is advisable to use a special brush for this purpose. It is required to comb out three times during the week, and if tassels appear, you will have to cut them.

When the dog begins to molt, combing the shepherd will be required daily. If the need arises, the wool needs trimming. Of course, long-haired dogs feel the need for enhanced hair care.

You should also pay special attention to ear care. They need to be examined in a timely manner to avoid the appearance of ticks in the ears. If this happened, you need to remove and eliminate the tick. Ears should be cleaned with a cotton swab, which must first be moistened with oil or hydrogen peroxide.

The claws of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog need regular checking of the claws, which can hamper the movement of the dog with too much growth. For cutting you need to use special nippers or scissors.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The key to the health of a pet is the proper process of its nutrition. Food should be varied, rich and balanced. But over-feeding the dog is forbidden, otherwise the shepherd can become inactive and lazy.

The diet must include meat, which is desirable to boil. Sometimes, however, you can give the puppy and raw meat, which needs to be chopped. Meat should be about 75 percent, the rest of the food is dairy products, raw vegetables and fruits. Croup, citrus and bean should be avoided.

It is useful to add tomatoes, bran, radishes and potatoes to food.

When the dog is still a puppy, it is often necessary to feed it, and from one year to one and a half years the dog needs to be fed twice a day. In the future, you can feed her once a day. In this case, the dog should always have access to clean boiled water.

Caucasian Shepherd Disease

Even if the dog looks healthy, it is important to remember that the shepherd has a predisposition to characteristic diseases, which include hip dysplasia and heart disease.

Dog breed Caucasian Shepherd

Dysplasia can develop quite mildly, but sometimes leads to complications and arthritis. Therefore, it is worth paying attention if the dog has acquired a strange gait, is lame and constrained in movements. Diagnose and treat this disease is required in veterinary clinics.

This is important to remember!

  1. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog obeys not only by executing commands, but also recognizing the owner’s rights to be a leader.The dog can perfectly follow the instructions, but at the same time show aggression towards the owner if he takes the food found on the street from the dog or does not allow him to engage in battle with another dog.
  2. The dog is formed from a period of 3 to 9 months, and therefore this is the most important period. It is then that the psyche of the dog can fall under the influence of external factors of irritation, which includes loud noises and strangers on the territory of the dog. If a puppy quickly forgets a small rake from an adult, then a firecracker exploded nearby can permanently change the character of the puppy.
  3. If the dog lives with people in the same apartment, then it must be remembered that the skeleton and mass of the dog can degrade. The best option for the dog is a walk for at least one hour on the street, and from six months you must walk the shepherd three times a day.
  4. If in the process of raising a puppy something was missed, then it will not be possible to catch up with an adult.
  5. It is important to pay attention to how the shepherd relates to young children. Sometimes some dogs may irritate babies, so you should pay attention to this. If the dog moves away, if the child approaches him, or strains, then you can not leave the baby with the dog alone. The child should understand that the dog is not a toy for him, and the dog should be prohibited from approaching the baby without permission.

Video: Caucasian Shepherd Dog Breed

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