Keeshond (Wolfspitz) - description of the breed and character of the dog

German Wolfspitz refers to a breed that is also called keeshond. Dogs are large in shape and are considered the largest among all available Spitz. A distinctive feature is excessive fluffiness, the coat is thick and gray. The history of Spitz-like has many centuries, so these pets just need to pay enough attention. Numerous owner reviews urge everyone to become the happy owner of Wolfspitz! Let's talk about it in more detail.


Historical reference

Earlier it was mentioned that the breed is almost the oldest. The origins of the Spitz are taken from a peat dog, which was met back in the Stone Age. Partly for this reason, many members of the Spitz family are so welcome, their story speaks for itself.

Wolfspitz comes from Germany and Holland, these countries are considered the birthplace of the dog. The local experts put a lot of effort into making Keeshond a separate breed.

Four-legged friends were especially popular with the Dutch, who allegedly kept them for security purposes on barges and large ships. Partly for this reason, family members love to swim.

Otherwise, the dog is called a barge because of obvious reasons. When the dog was brought to the ship, it coped with its most important tasks, namely, it caught and killed rats. The breed got its name in the late 1700s, when a revolutionary uprising was made.

The dog entered the historical record as a symbol of the present Netherlands. The revolution was drowned in blood, but indirectly, it affected the further development of the dog breed in question. They tried to get rid of pets, because everyone who had a dog was equated with revolutionaries.

Keeskhond representatives so quickly hatched that the breed was literally on the verge of extinction. Dogs were counted on the fingers, there were so few of them. However, at the end of the 19th century, German dog breeders still got breed standards, they were helped by Dutch breeders. Collaboration was successful, so the breed began to slowly but confidently recover.

To revive the Keeskhond, the most furry friends took part in the selection activity. Namely, chow-chow, spitz, elkhound, like and others. The dog owes its fine coat to its predecessors, which are able to survive in harsh climates.

The purpose of the breed

It has already been mentioned that dogs were brought on ships in order to destroy rats. They were also used as guard dogs, because thoroughbred individuals are endowed with excellent protective qualities. Spitz was kept on farms for protection purposes, and dogs also lived on large estates, because they quickly sensed and caught strangers.

Even less often, dogs participated in hunting. They easily coped with the task, drove the game, raised the bird under a shot, but tired of other thoroughbred pets tired. This was partly due to the large and hot undercoat.

The dog got its name wolfspitz, because it was compared with wolves. The pet was brought up in German families so that they would guard the children and be their companions. Large-bred Spitz spread throughout the Netherlands, they were kept by sailors and boatmen to guard ships and homes. The Dutch gave the dogs the second name keeshond.

External data

The animal does not differ in impressive size, but it is considered quite large among all available spitz-shaped ones. The height at the withers of the dog varies from 42 to 55 cm.but in the breed, it is not size that is valued, but rather body addition. By weight category the dogs reach as much as 30 kg., Which is quite a lot for the Spitz family.

Keeshond External Data

Well-built, harmonious, agile - this and much more can be said about the representative of the breed. The coat is strictly upright and does not fall. The head, like a fox, ears are erect, which is characteristic of the whole family. The tail also has long hair, it is curled into a kind of ring and pressed against the croup.

Keeshond is slightly similar to a panda, if you look at his face. There are dark spots around the eyes. The eyes themselves have an almond-shaped shape, they are brown, of medium size. Due to the black rim on the lips, the Spitz seems to be smiling. Wolfs are sometimes called a smile dog.

The coat is hard, erect, in some places of medium length. In the neck there is a kind of rim that makes the Spitz look like a lion. In the area of ​​the hind legs there are "panties" made of wool, which give the dog even more mercy. The hair on the head is not long, so the skull seems small. But if the Spitz is shaved baldly, you will see how harmoniously it is complex.

It is worth remembering forever that the family of dogs under discussion can be exclusively gray in color. Ash or coal, most importantly, gray. Without fail, there are spots of “panda” around the eyes, and the ears are famous for their black color. The undercoat is light, cream or closer to white.

Breed character

  1. By its nature, the Wolf Spitz is somewhat reminiscent of all Spitz-like dogs. The representative of the family is energetic, quickly becomes attached to the owner, it is difficult to tolerate a lack of communication with a person, he is jealous of the owner for other people or animals. Therefore, when buying a Spitz, other animals are preferred not to be kept in the house.
  2. However, dogs adore the younger generation, they can play with children for hours on end and indulge their pranks. Dogs are patient, intelligent, know a sense of proportion and can distinguish a one-year-old from a five-year-old.
  3. The future happy owners of a representative of this breed should initially prove themselves as an authority and leader. The dog needs a stiff hand, so it is necessary to learn the commands and raise the puppy from an early age.
  4. Keeshond has an amazing feature. He understands a person, as they say, without words. The owner does not have to talk to the dog so that the dog comes up. It is enough to nod his head. Also, the Spitz reads the facial expressions and intonation of the owner.
  5. From childhood, a dog of this family behaves like a hurricane. Therefore, to release energy, it is necessary to regularly walk with the pet, take it to places with a minimum concentration of people and release it from the leash. Try to keep your dog busy by throwing a stick or swimming in the lake. Koda dog grows up, he becomes more calm.
  6. Spitz dogs are amenable to training, so in the vastness of our homeland they appeared precisely as circus performers. Keeskhondas are often trained and represented at the exhibition. The dog has every chance to make a wonderful career.

Care and maintenance

Keeshond Care and Maintenance

  1. As for the external visible flaws, they can only be attributed to wool. It is very difficult to care for her. The procedure must be given due attention and a large amount of time. To make the fur coat always look chic, it is important to purchase a high-quality directed shampoo.
  2. Every day it is necessary to comb out the pet with a special brush with a long bristle. In a dog, the hair has a rather coarse structure, despite all this, the hair quickly tangles. Most often this occurs during the flowering period of herbs and high humidity. When the dog begins to molt, comb it better a couple of times a day.
  3. It is not recommended to get involved in bathing your pet, the procedure should be carried out exclusively as necessary. However, it is worth noting that Spitz have a weakness for water. Therefore, at any opportunity, the pet will bounce into the pond for a walk.If the dog wants to swim, do not deprive her of such pleasure.
  4. Keeshond is important to ensure proper nutrition. Such Spitz are prone to obesity. They have a very weak digestive system. Therefore, feeding the animal in a classic way does not work. If you decide to feed your dog natural foods, you should give preference to foods high in protein.
  5. If you do not want to spend time preparing food for your dog, you should choose the right premium prepared food from a trusted manufacturer. Be sure to consider the activity of the animal and its age. It is worth mentioning separately about active temperament.
  6. Keeskhondas are very mobile and restless, they will always and everywhere accompany you. At certain points, you might even think that 10 pets are running around you instead of 1. Do not worry ahead of time, such activity subsides over time as the dog grows older.
  7. Spitz begins to gain his mind and simply learns to control his desires and emotions. Complete calm for Keeshond comes from the age of 3 to 5 years. Until this time, the dog must be given the most exhausting loads. It is not recommended to indulge small fluffy lumps and not give them the proper load. The dog should not get used to constantly running after you.
  8. When Spitz is strongly attached to the owner, they simply cannot stand loneliness. Because of this, the Keeskhond begin to yearn for the owner, all this develops into serious stress for the animal. Also, diseases of a certain nature begin to develop. Separately, it is worth noting that such a breed is well trained in frisbee and agility.


Keeshond dog breed

  1. As soon as such a breed of dogs was bred, they had no health problems. Only decades later, Spitz began to manifest a disease of a certain nature. Xeskhond live from 13 to 16 years. The indicator will greatly depend on how you will care for the dog.
  2. Wolfspitz can distinguish a number of certain pathologies to which they are often prone. If you do not follow the animal’s eyes, it may develop glaucoma, retinal atrophy, or cataracts. Also, the breed is prone to developing hip dysplasia of the joints.
  3. Such a pathology can develop with age. The disease contributes to the depletion of articular tissues. The joints are also deformed. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to cure such an ailment. To prevent this from happening with your pet, constantly monitor the level of calcium in the body of the Spitz, as well as phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.
  4. From birth, Spitz can have a dislocation of the patella. The dog is prone to thyroid failure. Spitz is also susceptible to von Willebrand disease. The disease is a sudden vascular bleeding. Do not confuse with hemophilia. Such a disease is inherited.
  5. Wolfs needles are also prone to obesity. It is quite possible to deal with such a problem, there is nothing special about this. The main thing is not to run the dog so that additional diseases do not develop. Check with your veterinarian for the right diet. Pick premium quality feed. Follow all recommendations.


  1. Currently, it is possible to pick up high-quality food for the Spitz without any problems. When choosing a product, be sure to consider the physiological condition of the animal and its age. Of course, if desired, the dog can be transferred to homemade food.
  2. It is important to learn how to cook for the animal. For this, nutrition should be well balanced. Otherwise, the pet may begin to develop obesity or other health problems.
  3. Otherwise, it is worth noting that Wolf Spitz dogs are quite strong and very hardy dogs. If you get a thoroughbred puppy, they have practically no pedigree pathologies.
  4. Only in old age can minor problems with the cardiovascular system and impaired activity of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands be observed.

Keskhond are pleased with interesting and funny dogs. If you decide to get a puppy, you can be sure that you will not regret it. Such a pet will always delight and charge with a positive. If you take care of your dog with all responsibility, the dog will not have any health problems.

Video: Keeshond dog breed

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