The cat is hiding in dark places - why and what to do?

Cats are not as open animals as dogs, and when guests come to the house, they are not happy about it, but tend to hide in a dark corner. The reason for this behavior is that mewing pets are introverted by nature. But some owners who do not have experience with cats do not know about this. They believe that the animal fell ill, and therefore hides.

The cat is hiding in dark places

This article will analyze this cat's habit, and give tips on how to make the cat get rid of it.

Signs that the cat is sick

Although feline psychologists assure everyone around that a cat is hiding in a secluded corner just because of its nature, it’s still worth considering such an unpleasant factor as the appearance of various pathologies in the feline body. It is especially worthwhile to be careful if you have not noticed such behavior before a cat, and suddenly such a habit has arisen.

If the cat suddenly for no reason began to hide under the table, cabinet, in the dark corners, then you need to carefully monitor your pet and see if he has the following symptoms of ill health:

  1. The animal refuses food for a long time and does not eat.
  2. The pet is constantly drinking water. Or vice versa - do not touch it.
  3. The cat is constantly sleeping. Day and night.
  4. The pet has constant diarrhea.
  5. The cat was sick, and vomiting opened.
  6. The hair on the body of the pet is badly damaged - the color is lost, groomed and knocked down into lumps, it falls out.

All such signs, combined with the fact that the cat is hiding in the corners, suggests that the animal urgently needs to be caught and taken to the veterinarian for a thorough examination.

Psychological discomfort

The main factors associated with ill health are considered, and therefore it is possible to move on to other, everyday reasons why cats hide in the dark.

Cats do not have a very strong nervous system and any unusual event that goes beyond the usual way of life, for them - stress. Experiences that make you nervous and suffer are dumped on your pet, and she tries to hide in a dark place. What can be a source of suffering?

  1. Repair in the apartment, change of residence and moving, long journey.
  2. Often, the cat begins to hide after a visit to the veterinary clinic, the animal lost confidence in the owner.
  3. In the house, which the cat rightly considers its territory, suddenly other animals appear, children or guests visit the owners.
  4. Quite often, cats run away into the dark corners due to poor attitude to them from one of the family members.
  5. It happens that a cat ran away from home, and it was caught and returned back. She is trying to realize what has happened, recovering from the stress that has befallen her. For this, she needs privacy and that no one bothers, because the mustachioed runaway will hide behind a chair or curbstone and will slowly be aware of what has happened. The owners are advised not to touch her and leave her alone.

The owner should clearly know - a cat, which has been under stress for a long time, can easily get sick. From stressful situations that have fallen on feline weak shoulders, the immune system weakens, problems with the stomach, intestines and heart begin. Therefore, it is advisable to quickly do everything possible so that the pet no longer experiences nervous shocks.


Any cat owner will say that pregnant cats behave sometimes very strange and illogical from a human point of view. During pregnancy, instincts in an animal become aggravated during the centuries-long history of evolution.

The cat is hiding in dark places

The future parent begins to take care of the children long before they are born.This is expressed in the fact that the cat explores the house in search of a nook where no one will touch her and will not bother. As a rule, such a nook turns out to be a dressing closet, where the kitty arranges a nest among clean housewares.

The owner should take care of the pet rushing around the house in search of refuge and build such a nest for the animal. The best option would be a regular TV box, on the bottom of which is laid some kind of warm cloth that absorbs moisture. Then the owner will not have to scour the house, looking for an inaccessible corner with helpless newborn kittens.

Pregnant cats can sometimes be affectionate and flexible, still communicating easily with their owners, but most often these ladies are irritable and display aggression for any reason, meowing and hissing at home. Therefore, it is very useful to save pets from annoying children's attention, pestering and all kinds of harsh sounds, because the animal is already constantly tense and is on the verge of exhaustion.


Those who are just beginning to learn the charms of life in the same house with a cat should know and remember that their tailed and mustachioed friend is a predator who likes to ambush other animals in natural conditions. Therefore, after catching a cat sitting in a dark corner, it’s worth considering, maybe he’s just waiting for another “victim”. And it doesn’t matter that she turns out to be a passing family member.

In such cases, it is important to do everything so that the animal does not arrange ambushes in places where it is dangerous for him to be. Say, in ovens, washing machines or dishwashers, you need to pay a bit of attention to cabinets and bedside tables with lockable doors - what if you got in there? And then it won’t get out in any way, and it’s good if the owners are at home and save the hunter from imprisonment.

Old age

Being young and mobile, the cat hides in dark places because it is possible to suddenly jump out of them and catch someone from passing by surprise. And with old animals, everything is less clear than with young ones. Having reached old age and decrepit, the pet loses visual acuity, the smell becomes worse, he becomes uninterested in active outdoor games and an abundance of sounds. Therefore, do not be surprised at his desire to sleep in places as far away from the hustle and bustle.

These needs of older pets need to be respected. The old cat needs a lot of time to fully recover, so in the places chosen by the tailed companion for rest, it’s better not to make noise. In addition, veterinarians are of the opinion that the more elderly cats relax, the longer they will live.

Is there any way to help the pet?

Above, it is described in sufficient detail why and why the cat is looking for dark corners and hides in them. Now we will talk about how the owner can correct this behavior. Here are a few recommendations, the implementation of which will allow you to live peacefully and with understanding with your shaggy friend:

The cat is hiding in dark places

  1. In the presence of stressful situations, first of all, it is necessary to make sure that the reason frightening the cat is completely eliminated, and the purrs have no desire to hide in a dark corner. Plus, it is worth giving the cat at times when frightening experiences are especially strong, soothing drops and pills.
  2. If the owner has noticed that the cat is hiding for a reason, and she has symptoms of the disease (diarrhea, thirst or vomiting), then you must immediately take her to a veterinary clinic.
  3. If the pet is such a character that, at the slightest sign of danger or unrest, he immediately wants to hide in a darker place, then he just needs to equip a quiet nook for him, where he will feel safe when the apartment is full of strangers strangers.
  4. When a beloved is pregnant, one wonders where she will give birth.You can build a nest for childbirth yourself from improvised things. Then the finished building must be shown to the cat to sniff and examine. It is best to put him in a place where she once gave birth or came in and looked for shelter.

In conclusion, I want to emphasize that in the vast majority of cases, in the cat's desire to hide in a secluded place, there is nothing wrong. The owner should understand why such a desire arises in the pet, and make every effort so that fatal accidents do not occur. So that he doesn’t get, for example, in the washing machine when washing clothes or is not closed in the closet.

And if before the cat did not have such a habit, and the appearance of such a surprise for the owner, and in addition signs of the disease are visible, then you must definitely take the pet away for examination by a doctor. This will help save the animal from the risk of serious illness.

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