Labaznik - medicinal properties and contraindications

Lubaznik (second name - meadowsweet) refers to perennial herbs from the pink family. At least 16 species of this plant are known. Meadowsweet is very fond of moisture, grows near streams and rivers, on the shores of lakes, near marshes, in moist deciduous forests.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of meadowsweet

The plant can reach a height of 120-175 cm, its leaves are very reminiscent of elm foliage, hence a more complete name originates - the meadowsweet. The plant has a creeping rhizome, a straight ribbed stem with a large number of leaves. The leaves are pinnate, the upper surface is smooth, the lower resembles soft felt. Flowering meadowsweet begins in early summer. Pretty small flowers of white or pale pink color are collected in large decorative inflorescences. The main habitat of meadowsweet is the middle part of Russia, Western and Eastern Siberia, and the Caucasus. Lush beautiful inflorescences have a rich honey aroma, bloom throughout the summer. If you grind the leaves of the meadowsweet, they emit a sharp characteristic smell.

For several centuries, meadowsweet has been used as a medicinal plant, so its composition has been studied in sufficient detail.

Flowers, stems and rhizomes of meadowsweet contain:

  1. Flavonoids (primarily quercetin and kempferol) - 4-8 percent. They help reduce inflammation, resist the action of viruses. Flavonoids have an antispasmodic, diuretic and anti-cancer effect, heal ulcers well.
  2. Phenolic glycosides - spirein, isosalicin, monotropitin. They have a stimulating effect on the functioning of the kidneys and biliary tract, control the functioning of the immune system. Phenol compounds acts as an antiseptic, antispasmodic, diuretic.
  3. Polyphenolic compounds - coffee and ellagic acids. Phenolcarboxylic acids normalize the activity of the liver and kidneys, relieve inflammatory processes in them.
  4. Heparin is a natural anticoagulant that prevents blood coagulation.
  5. Salicylic acid and its derivatives, such as methyl salicylate and salicylic aldehyde, reduce inflammation, remove swelling.
  6. Tannins (they contain about 19%) are famous for their antioxidant, hemostatic and astringent properties.
  7. Ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system, restores damaged tissues, has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  8. Essential oils necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system. They also have an antitussive effect, strengthen the heart muscle.
  9. Starch, which forms a protective film on the surface of the gastric mucosa, which prevents the harmful effects of some aggressive products on it. Thus, starch prevents the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers. Due to the presence of starch, the body receives a charge of energy, a person has a feeling of satiety.
  10. Catechins successfully neutralize free radicals and have a pronounced antibacterial effect.
  11. Glycosides have a laxative and diuretic effect. They have a calming effect on the nervous system, dilate blood vessels.
  12. Fatty acids are involved in the normalization of metabolism in the body, in the restoration of destroyed cells.

An important component of the meadowsweet is salicylic acid, which relieves inflammation and reduces pain. Acetylsalicylic acid was created on its basis.This drug was given the name "aspirin" and began to be used as an analyzing, antipyretic, analgesic. Aspirin - an unusually common drug worldwide, got its name from the Latin name for meadowsweet.

Procurement and storage of medicinal raw materials

In different types of meadowsweet, healing parts have different parts of the plant. Stems, flowers, and leaves are used in the lignosus meadowsweet; in the six-petalled - tubers and rhizomes. The Kamchatka and the dune-shaped species are fully used. The root part can be harvested in early autumn, as well as in March and April. Rhizomes are dug up, the earth is shaken from them, cut into strips, dried. Flowers and leaves are collected in September – October, washed, laid out in a thin layer on fabric or paper, and dried in a ventilated room without access to sunlight, turning over from time to time. Store dried medicinal raw materials in paper or cloth bags. Shelf life should not exceed 3 years.

Useful properties of meadowsweet

This plant often grows on personal plots as an ornamental. Many do not know that with its help you can get rid of serious ailments. In folk medicine, all parts of this plant are used. Useful substances are unevenly contained in flowers, leaves and rhizomes, this is due to differences in their use.

In this part of the plant, tannins are contained in maximum concentration. Shredded root is indispensable for the preparation of decoctions and infusions, which are excellent antiulcer, astringent, wound healing agents. Infusion of meadowsweet root has a diuretic.

These decoctions are used to treat the following diseases:

  • urolithiasis disease:
  • gout;
  • kidney disease
  • gynecological problems.

It is noted that the use of tincture from the meadowsweet root can reduce the intensity of epileptic seizures.

The grassy part of the meadowsweet contains the same beneficial substances, but with a lower concentration. A decoction of grass has a milder effect, it can be used for a long time. It is used to treat diseases of the throat and bronchi.

Mist flowers contain substances with sedative effects. They are added to tea, decoctions are prepared. Powder made from dried flowers is used to treat purulent wounds, to reduce sweating in the legs.

Use for the treatment of gynecological diseases

In folk medicine, meadowsweet is used to treat inflammation, infertility, endometriosis:

The use of meadowsweet for the treatment of gynecological diseases

  1. In inflammatory processes, a teaspoon of dried roots is poured with cold boiled water for 8 hours infusion. Then it must be filtered and taken during the day in several stages.
  2. To get rid of infertility, you need to mix three tablespoons of meadowsweet, clover and linden, pour a liter of boiling water, strain after 2 hours. It is necessary to drink 400 ml of infusion per day.
  3. To stop uterine bleeding, the crushed rhizomes of the plant are poured with vodka and infused for 7 days. Recommended intake - one teaspoon of infusion 2 times a day.
  4. In the treatment of endometritis and fibroids, it is necessary to prepare a complex collection, which includes St. John's wort, meadowsweet, juniper berries, chamomile, calendula, millennium, calamus. Combine a teaspoon of medicinal herbs, pour into a liter of vodka. After two weeks of infusion, the drug is ready.

The treatment of colds

Infusion of meadowsweet flowers is used to prevent and treat acute colds and viral infections. Flowers are poured with cold water, infused for 12 hours, filtered. After that, the grass should be wrung out.To enhance the effect, you can mix this liquid with alcohol tincture of calendula. The drug is taken one teaspoon per reception three times a day. It is recommended to use it during the period of mass epidemics of influenza and the common cold for prophylaxis from 3 to 7 days.

Pancreatitis Treatment

The disease is characterized by the presence of acute pain. To reduce it, you can apply the infusion from the aerial part of the meadowsweet. This drug will reduce inflammation and pain in the pancreas. Fill 15–20 grams of the crushed raw material with two glasses of cold boiled water, leave for 2 hours to insist, it is possible at night. This medicine must be taken in several doses throughout the day, preferably before meals. The use of the infusion eases the patient’s condition, nausea, blurred eyes, and weakness are reduced.


Meadowsweet contains natural salicylates that do not cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. This compares favorably with meadowsweet infusion from aspirin. This is due to the use of medicinal tinctures from meadowsweet patients with varicose veins. With regular course administration of meadowsweet, blood coagulation is normalized. One teaspoon of crushed rhizomes must be poured with 450-500 ml of hot water, soaked in a water bath for half an hour. The cooled liquid must be filtered, add boiled water to the initial volume. Take a tablespoon of the infusion three times a day after meals. This infusion reduces blood viscosity, reduces the prothrombin index. It is necessary to regularly take a blood test for the level of coagulability in order to avoid the occurrence of side effects.

Meadowsweet also has beneficial effects on cerebral circulation. Herbalists recommend using it to improve the condition after a stroke, traumatic brain injury, with a decrease in memory in old age. Microcirculation of blood, peripheral blood supply improves.

Joint diseases

To relieve inflammation and improve joint mobility, you can take a decoction of the roots of the meadowsweet. Four tablespoons of raw materials pour a liter of boiling water, soak an hour in a water bath, strain. It is necessary to take this decoction in a quarter cup 4 times a day. The same decoction helps with diseases of the digestive system, they can wash the wounds and burns.

To prepare an alcoholic infusion, fill in 200 g of dry grass with half a liter of vodka, add the same amount of water. Soak the tincture in a cool place for 10 days. Treat ulcers and wounds with it, tincture helps to heal them. From this tool you can prepare lotions that help with neuralgia, arthritis, arthrosis. To enhance the effect of the medicine, drink tea from the flowers of meadowsweet.


Like any medicinal plant, meadowsweet has a number of contraindications.

These include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • anemia;
  • low blood pressure;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • constipation
  • allergy, intolerance to certain components that make up the plant;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system.

Infusions and decoctions from meadowsweet are unacceptable in the treatment of children under 12 years of age.

It is very important to use medicinal herbs that grow in our forests, fields, gardens to maintain health and prevention.

Video: useful properties and application of meadowsweet

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