Laperm - description of the breed and character of the cat

Laperm is an unusual breed of cats that boasts a gift of nature - perm. Even from the name of the breed, in French, it becomes clear that this is a permanent wave.

Laperma cat breed

How was this breed born?

Dallas is the birthplace of this unusual type of cat, a small American town that was famous for its wild Indian roots, located in Oregon. It was there, in 1982, the first kitten of this unusual breed was born, he was born on a regular farm from a yard cat nicknamed Speedy. At first, the owner could not understand who he looked like, because the kitten was born bald. Of course, the cub did not at all look like a father and mother. The ears of this cat were widely planted, bluish spots were visible on the skin, which in turn resembled the color of a tabby. But 2 months after this kitten was born, soft curls began to appear on it. That is why curls began to call him.

The owners of the company saw that their kitten was not like everyone else, but they did not attach any importance to this, so for 10 years the kittens reproduced themselves, and thus their population increased. A few years later, the mistress Linda turned her attention to the fact that there were too many curly cats. And so she decided to learn as much as possible about the curly breed. And so, thanks to the fact that she began to inquire about curly cats, she realized that her cat is unique. Thus, after some time, Linda began to breed Laperm breed. This was not difficult for a woman, since the curly gene turned out to be dominant, thus, it was transmitted to babies both on the paternal side and on the maternal one.

Signs of the breed Laperm

Unusual animals have a unique feature - wool in the form of undulations, also their curls can curl like elastic curls.

Cats of this breed can be long-haired, but short-haired representatives are also often found. Their sizes are, in principle, medium proportional, and the standard weight reaches 5.5 kg.

In order to make sure that the cat really belongs to the Laperm breed, you need to know the unique characteristics of the breed. That is why below we provide a description of the Lapemov:

  1. The head of this breed of cats is triangular, the so-called wedge-shaped and has slightly rounded contours. With regards to the mustache pads, they are round and full. The mustache itself is very long and flexible. The muzzle of the Laperm breed is wide with a strong chin.
  2. The ears of the Laperm breed, as stated by the breeders, are of two types - large and medium. Their shape also continues the blade-like shape of the head. Very often there are long-haired representatives who have tassels on the tips of their ears.
  3. The eyes of this breed of cats are large and medium-sized, they are very expressive and almond-shaped. As for their external appearance, after observing the cat, it becomes clear that they are slightly slanted from the outer edge. Eye colors in Laperm cats can be different, and at the same time do not coincide with the color of the cat's hair itself.
  4. The body of these cats reaches medium size, but the line of the hips is slightly overestimated in relation to the line of the shoulders.
  5. The paws of the Laperm breed are of medium size, the forelimbs are usually slightly shorter than the hind limbs and are rounded.But, despite this difference, it seems that the cat is very wary of everything around and is trying to walk on outstretched legs.
  6. The length of the tail is proportional to the body and, like all cats, tapers towards the end.
  7. The main difference between this breed of cats from others is the state of the coat, the color of which is different, the length of the coat and its curliness also differ, but at the same time, a long-haired cat or short-haired cat on its stomach, neck, and ears will necessarily have curls curled.

Unusual features of this breed are that kittens are often born bald and only after a few months begin to grow fur. At the same time, the hair of a cat of the Laperm breed throughout the life of the animal can repeatedly straighten, fall out. Then the cat again heals with new curls.

Also, some representatives of the Laperm breed are born with straight hair, but after several months they fade and become covered with curls. So, when purchasing a Laperm kitten, only after 6 months can you be sure that he really is a representative of this genus.


With regards to the color of representatives of this breed, the color may be different, even combine several shades. The main colors of Laperm cats:

The color of the breed of cats Laperm

  1. Snow-white - this color is delicate and unique, the only thing that stands out with this color is the nose and paws - they are pink.
  2. Black is a coal color, so to speak, with this coloring the nose and paws are also black.
  3. Red cats of Laperm breed attract the eye with their brightness, they are covered with deep red hair without any spots, the nose and paws are pink in this color.
  4. The chocolate color of the animal attracts the eye, since the color is very saturated, the paws and nose are pink, therefore they stand out perfectly.
  5. Ivory color - the creamy shade of the cat looks very impressive with curls, and pink legs and nose stand out against such a background.
  6. Light brown or as it is also called cinnamon color - also looks unique with curls, while the nose and legs of cats are pink.

This list does not end there, you can list endlessly, more than 30 types of colors for this breed are officially registered. The tortoise or tabby is considered the most dominant hereditary color.

Temperament and character

Laperma are very cute creatures that require special attention. They try their best to attract the attention of the owner, and usually try to establish contact with the person. These amazing animals almost immediately, as they see the approach of their owner, begin to make purring sounds. As a result of observations, it became known that lapermi are a very loving breed of cats, and they often stretch to the person’s face with their paws in order to show their love as much as possible. These animals do not imagine their life without affection, and therefore they are trying in every possible way to show it to the owner in order to get the opposite flattery. The ideal location for Laperma is chest, arms or shoulders.

Laperma are very responsive and loyal to their owner, they come almost immediately, as soon as the owner calls them. Often this breed has a very quiet voice, but if they want attention, they can also make very loud sounds.

Since the ancestors of Laperm are the inhabitants of the farm, they can be quite good hunters, but, despite the presence of a hunting spirit in the blood, they perfectly take root in apartment conditions.

Laperma are owners of a special nature, they are able to get used to various conditions for life, for them the most important thing is that there is a beloved owner who can pity them at any time.

Proper care and nutrition

This breed does not have a special undercoat, so animals are hypoallergenic. And, despite the fact that the laperma are endowed with original curls, they do not require any special attention and care. Like all cats, this breed does not require frequent bathing, and after a shower just wipe them with a towel. In case you are a very caring owner, you do not need to run after the hairdryer in order to dry the cat (although the hairdryer is not prohibited, the curling will not deteriorate from this).

Proper care and nutrition of cats laperma

A simple tip for Laperm owners: immediately after the cat’s coat has dried out a little, the cat needs to be sprayed with water a little - this will make the waving more effective.

As for the long-haired Laperms, they must be combed at least once every 2 weeks.

The nutrition of the laperma is not so demanding, the main thing is to feed the animal with a balanced feed.


Fortunately, this unusual breed has no genetic diseases. But it should be borne in mind that if Laperm has fleas, then this can lead to an allergic reaction in the cat. That is why it is very important for each owner to regularly vaccinate the animal and try to monitor the cleanliness of the house. With regard to the life expectancy of this breed, on average they live 12-15 years.

Cost Laperm

On the territory of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, this breed is not very popular, so there are very few of them for sale and the minimum cost of such a cat will be $ 200. At the same time, you should not expect that for this amount you will buy exactly a Laperm cat, on average, a one hundred percent purebred cat presented at the exhibition costs $ 500. Its price will depend on gender, color, and the purpose of your purchase.

Where can I get a Laperm kitten

A representative of this curly breed in the Russian Federation can be seen and bought in only one nursery, which is located in Moscow, only this breed of cats is bred there. As for Ukraine - you can make a purchase only in Kiev in the nursery, where curly cats are raised. Belarus is no different from previous states, so in Minsk in the capital of the state it will be possible to find representatives of curly breed.

Video: Laperma cat breed

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