Leonberger - breed description and dog character

The appearance of the Leonberger dog breed is quite impressive. These animals are very large and have a powerful physique, so they can easily be used as guards. Due to the unusual and frightening appearance, these dogs have long been considered loyal friends of farmers. They guarded landlords, valuable property and livestock. The appearance of these four-legged pets is a bit like a lion’s become. If it were necessary to describe this type of dog with a couple of sentences, it would be enough to characterize it with the words: a strong and noble animal.


From the side, the pet seems like a huge ball of wool. He is a reliable and furry comrade. A characteristic feature of this type of dogs is their poise. Even when the dog falls into the midst of turmoil and confusion, there will always be quiet and calm around him. In any situation, he remains a calm dog. However, if something threatens its owners, the dog may begin to react in a matter of minutes.

Provoking Leonberger and provoking aggressive behavior in him is not easy. He can start to react only if he decides to get angry with the ill-wisher. But most often, these dogs do not require aggressive behavior, since one terrifying type of dog is enough for people or animals to become afraid of him. Its large size and awesome appearance speak for themselves.


The history of the origin of this breed of dogs goes back to ancient times. The breed was bred in the southwest of Swabia, in a German city called Leonberg. It is known that in translation from German, this small city is called the "city of the lion." Hence the unusual name of this breed. In addition, the dog’s nickname is fully consistent with its external data.

In the middle of the XIX century, the famous German dog scientist Heinrich Essig decided to breed an unusual breed of dog. According to the plan of the breeder, the dog was to become a living symbol of the city, to personify all its power and nobility. Dog handler sought to ensure that the appearance of the dog resembled a lion.

Breed characterization and behavior

Dog breed Leonberg has a long, hard and thick coat. On the dog’s chest and neck, it grows thick and beautiful, which resembles a lion’s mane. The coat of these dogs has a different shade: from golden to brown. Often a dark mask flaunts on the dog’s face, and white spots appear on the chest and paws. The growth of dogs of this breed can reach up to 75-80 centimeters, and the weight can vary between 60-78 kilograms.

The German dog has not only a bright appearance, but also a large set of professional qualities. The dog is considered an ideal friend for all family members. These pets have a sharp mind, they are loyal to their owners, have a calm and judicious nature. At the same time, it may seem that the complaisant disposition of the dog cannot in any way harmonize with its impressive and formidable appearance. However, in reality, these dogs are considered obedient and friendly pets.

Many large breed dogs tend to be aggressive. It is because of this that most animal lovers are often afraid to have these pets in their home. Parents with babies are especially afraid of large dogs. However, this bias cannot be attributed to dogs of this species. These pets have no desire to excel or compete, they are not aggressive towards others. These four-legged pets are considered watch dogs, but they behave calmly in the family circle. They are quite funny and friendly dogs.

Separately, it should be said about the relationship of these dogs with babies. This large shaggy dog ​​with large fangs is so kind and open in the family that it will allow children to indulge and play with it from the heart. Children can ride a dog, take it by the tail and ears, while the dog will calmly react to such pranks and not even get angry. He will be happy to play with the children, while protecting the kids from danger. Such a conscious attitude towards children appears in the dog as an adult. But the Leonberger puppy is quite energetic and not judicious, so it is better not to leave children unattended with him.

The gentleness in character does not leave any prints on the watchdog qualities of this dog. The pet will always selflessly guard the possessions of its owners. This four-legged pet often needs to communicate with its owners. If the dog does not feel the attention of a friend, he may become depressed and begin to get bored. The dog will always be conveyed the mood prevailing in the family. If the house is joyful, then the dog will behave playfully, in moments of calm - will behave quietly. However, when a scandal breaks out among family members, the dog will feel it and will behave excitedly.

If the owner decides to have this unusual pet, he will forever find a loyal friend in his face. The dog will be able to become an excellent comrade, will be devoted to guard the house and selflessly protect his family members. Proper pet upbringing can become a guarantee that a real guard and an affectionate friend will settle in the master's house.

How to raise a Leonberger?

Dogs of the Leonberger breed are distinguished by an innate peacefulness, a sharp mind and intellectual qualities. These pets are easy to train and train new teams. They never strive to excel, and therefore calmly carry out the master's team. Leonberger is one of the unique breeds in the world. According to dog breeders, representatives of this species should not be treated rudely and in an orderly tone. Dogs this breed perfectly understand the usual "human" language, and can communicate with their master on an equal footing.

How to raise a Leonberger

If the owners bought a dog of this breed, then you should start raising this dog from an early age, instill respect and patience in it. The atmosphere in the family where Leonberger lives should be calm. The owner should maintain a trusting, partnering relationship with the dog, it is better to keep the tone of communication even and confident. However, one should not give the pet too much will; he must remember who the owner of the house is. Although most representatives of this breed have always been famous for their good relationships with the owners. If the owner of the dog is patient and respectful of his pet, he will receive a loyal dog as a reward, which immensely respects its owner.

These dogs are smart enough and used to justice. The dog has a natural intellect, which allows it to evaluate how justly or unfairly the owner acts with it. Therefore, do not punish and scream at the dog for no reason.

Note! The dog must be taught the correct behavior and punished if the dog really has been guilty of the owner. If the pet is faced with injustice and misunderstanding, then for a long time it may harbor a grudge against the offender.

The main goal in the life of this dog is to serve its owner. The dog is completely faithful to all members of his family. Therefore, the dog can be attributed to the faithful and intelligent four-legged pets, which are easy to learn and understand.

From the first days of life in a new house, a puppy of this breed must clearly identify the "boundaries" that he should not cross. However, the dog is so smart and grasps everything on the fly that it will be enough for him once to understand what is good and what is bad. In this case, the owners will need time to raise and train the dog to the world.The dog must learn to perceive extraneous animals and people on its territory. If the owners of the dog intend to make the guard a real pet, then they should start training from an early age.

How to care and feed your pet

Take care of this pet in the same way as with other representatives of its family. The dog does not require strong physical activity, but the owners should take their pet for long walks.

How to care for a Leonberger

Owners of the dog should pay attention to the dog’s coat and monitor the formation of the animal’s paws. Long and thick pet hair should be combed out more often. For this, special combs for dogs are used. Also, with particular care, owners should monitor the condition of the ears, eyes and nose of the animal. Water procedures should be performed as the dog becomes contaminated. It is also important to cut long claws from the dog's paws. If the dog has shiny, combed hair, clean ears and eyes, a wet and cold nose, a soft tummy and clean skin - this indicates the complete physical health of the pet.

An important place in the process of caring for a pet is given to its nutrition. These dogs belong to large dog breeds, which means they need a balanced and healthy diet. The right diet will help the proper formation of the bones and muscles of the pet. You should not save on the nutrition of the animal, however, overfeeding the dog is also not recommended. The dog should have good muscle development, and the dog’s nutrition itself should be moderate.

If a dog grabs food greedily from a bowl, then this may indicate problems with the dog's health. The menu of the four-legged pet must certainly include vegetables, fish and meat dishes. It is necessary to introduce healthy bones with cartilage into the dog's diet daily. This will allow the dog to develop and grow properly. At the same time, you should not feed the dog with small bones from the bird. And if the owners decide to feed the dog vegetables, it is better to season them with sunflower oil or sour cream.

The list of prohibited foods, which in no case should be given to the pet, includes sweet, spicy and salty foods. It is also harmful for the dog to eat fatty pork, fried lamb, flour products, spices and legume fruits.

A two-month-old Leonberger puppy is fed five to six times a day. After the puppy grows up to four months of age, his food should be reduced to four meals a day. Adult seven-month-old dogs, up to their maturity, are usually fed at least three times throughout the day. Clean and fresh water should always be in the pet's bowl, which must be changed several times a day.


Currently, in Russia, representatives of the Leonberger breed are considered quite rare dogs. However, many pet lovers every year increasingly express a desire to acquire such an unusual and smart pet. At the same time, the cost of such four-legged pets of Russia is quite high. A puppy of this breed can cost its owner 30,000 rubles, but the price of a show dog can range between 50,000 rudders.

Video: dog breed Leonberger

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