Leuzea - ​​useful properties and contraindications

Leuzea, also known as the "maral root", is a herbaceous plant that can grow up to two meters in height. Included in the family Asteraceae. The root system of this herb is coarse and dense with a large number of small roots emanating from it, the leaves are smooth and rather large, the stem is straight, the inflorescences are large, resembling a rounded basket and fastening on the upper part of the stem. The flowers of the plant are purple. The flowering period falls on June-August; seed ripening occurs in September.

Useful properties and contraindications levzea

Varieties and places of growth of Leuzea

This grass is alpine, it often grows at an altitude of 1.5-2 kilometers above sea level, more rarely - in alpine meadows, surrounded by cedars.

The most famous place where raw materials are harvested is the Seminsky Pass, which is located in the Altai Mountains.

Composition and useful properties of Leuzea

The plant has many vitamins and minerals, including:

  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • tannins;
  • lemon acid;
  • essential oils;
  • succinic and oxalic acids;
  • vitamins A and C;
  • resins;
  • inulin.

Thanks to this rich composition, leuzea helps improve immunity, increase stamina. It is also an excellent preventive measure against a large number of diseases.

In addition, residents of Altai and other regions where Leuzea grows, appreciate this plant for the following useful properties:

  1. It helps fight weakness and exhaustion, as well as gain strength for patients who have had a disease.
  2. Soothes the nervous system, eliminates nervousness, irritation. It has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.
  3. Makes healing of wounds and fractures faster.
  4. It contributes to the normalization of blood parameters for hypertension (and, of course, the blood pressure values ​​themselves) and diabetes mellitus.
  5. Improves metabolism, nourishes cells.
  6. Relieves fatigue and weakness.
  7. Improves potency in male patients.

Leuzea is a healing herb that has long been used by traditional healers in the Altai Mountains. According to legend, a plant can save a person from 14 diseases.

For medicinal purposes, as a rule, the roots of Leuzea are used. Based on them, tinctures, decoctions, extracts are prepared, which are useful for disorders of the central nervous system, sleep problems, mental or physical fatigue, reduced working capacity, impaired potency, deviations from normal blood pressure.

In addition, maral root allows you to lower the level of glucose in the blood, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, expanding them, thereby improving blood circulation. Also, the plant helps to recover after serious diseases, increase the body's defenses.

Preparations based on maral’s root, in addition, are prescribed for patients suffering from chronic alcoholism and cancer.

Dosage Forms

In most situations, the root of the plant is taken as a medicinal substance, its harvesting is carried out in early autumn (September-October). The maximum efficiency of the medicinal plant is achieved by three to four years. At the same time, the dimensions of the measles system must be large enough.

The raw material preparation process goes through several stages and looks as follows:

  1. Digging and clearing of the soil.
  2. Drying in the sun for seven days: if the roots are too large, they should be cut into several parts.

To a greater extent, drying is carried out outdoors or in a room where it is warm and not humid. It is allowed to carry out this stage in a dryer or oven, where it is necessary to decompose the raw materials (it is necessary that the layer is not thicker than eight centimeters), the temperature regime should be 50-60 ° C.

In the past drying procedure, the plant retains its beneficial qualities for two years.

The use of levzea for cosmetic purposes

It is useful to clean the skin twice a day with a decoction prepared on the basis of maral’s root, replacing the tonic with this remedy. To do this, grind the roots, pour a large spoonful of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for half an hour, then strain.

The use of levzea for cosmetic purposes

The result is excellent toning, skin restoration, normalization of oxygen metabolism in the cells of the epidermis, so that the skin remains elastic, young and beautiful for a long time. In addition, if you regularly wipe your face with such a decoction, you can get rid of rashes and pigmentation.

The pleasant aroma of the plant helps to improve mood, allows you to recover after a nervous strain, get rid of apathy, depression, causes positive emotions.

The substance is also used in cosmetology to get rid of neurotic dermatitis. Its extract contains many tonic creams.

The use of leuzea in aromatherapy

Today, the use of maral root oil in aromatherapy has become very popular. This substance has a lot of useful qualities: it eliminates overexcitation, increased fatigue, depression, helps to focus attention, improves physical and intellectual capabilities, restores vision, and is a powerful adaptogen.

In addition, the oil helps well with migraines and hangover syndromes, providing a sobering effect, minimizes the negative impact of the computer on the human body, helps restore natural biological rhythms, and establishes the daily regimen.

Also, the substance is used for massage, aromatic smoking, baths, inhalations.

Use of Leuzea in the food industry

Maral root is also used in the food industry. Here, the substance has found application in the creation of tonic carbonated drinks - Baikal, Sayans, etc.

The oil of this plant is eaten with jam, honey, cookies, bread, etc.

The use of leuzea in medicine

For clinical purposes, the plant extract is used as a stimulant for central nervous system dysfunctions; a tool that has a strengthening and tonic effect - with physical and mental stress and reduced working capacity.

The extract of the plant exhibits the maximum effect as an adaptogen and psychostimulating substance in the treatment of patients with high irritability and fatigue, migraines, sleep disturbances, which is accompanied by scary dreams, poor appetite, decreased sexual activity, depressive state, and various vegetative-vascular malfunctions; in the recovery period during recovery.

Funds prepared on the basis of maral’s root will benefit with general malaise, have a beneficial effect on pressure, increase working capacity, accelerate the healing process of wounds, and improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

The plant has found wide application in the field of gynecology. In addition, it is often used in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia.


Leuzea is a medicinal plant that has no contraindications, and also does not cause any negative reactions from the human body. However, if applied for a long time, an overdose may occur, resulting in a steady increase in blood pressure. The rhythm may slow down and the heart rate may increase. Therefore, hypertensive patients, as well as those who are prone to heart palpitations, it is better to refuse the use of a maral root.

Contraindications levzea

It is undesirable to use medicines based on Leuzea in patients with nervous overstimulation, as well as in severe cardiosclerosis. Do not apply oil to the skin later than 60 minutes before leaving in direct sunlight.

It is not recommended to use funds based on the maral root in the spring and summer months, especially when it is very hot. For health, it is preferable to do this in the cold season.

Folk remedies

Traditional healers know many recipes, including leuzea. This plant is used for the preparation of decoctions, infusions, extracts. Indications for the use of such drugs are CNS disorders, chronic fatigue, loss of strength.

The most effective remedies:

  1. Tincture of vodka. 100 g of raw materials must be crushed and filled with 500 ml of vodka. Leave for 1.5-2 weeks for insisting. Then drink 35-40 drops three times a day 30 minutes before eating. The therapy lasts 30 days, then is interrupted for a while.
  2. Infusion of maral root extract. Ready liquid extract (10 ml) is combined with vodka (100 ml). Internal intake, carried out three times a day before eating, 30-35 drops.
  3. Infusion on the water. Take the roots of the plant, chop. Combine 10 g of powder with 1 liter of water. Use three times a day for a large spoon.
  4. Tincture that increases sex drive. The plant allows you to increase sexual arousal. To do this, pour red wine only into its extract.

In addition, funds based on leuzea are used to tone the skin, prevent the formation of wrinkles, wiping the face or using as lotions. Also with its help treat baldness. In this case, the external reception should be combined with the internal.

Video: useful properties of levsee

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