Can dogs be given fish?

For dogs, fish is a very useful product. It contains a large amount of substances necessary for animals. Marine fish contain vitamins A, D, E, easily digestible proteins, iodine, phosphorus, as well as a significant amount of other useful trace elements and amino acids. The use of seafood by animals has a positive effect on hair and skin, and also helps to control weight and strengthens joints. This is what has contributed to the fact that dry food producers have in their assortment diets with sea fish.

Is it possible to give dogs fish

It is important to know which particular fish will benefit the dog and which will harm its health. Also, dog owners should consider the recommendations of veterinarians regarding how often fish is consumed.

Healthy fish

River fish should be completely excluded from the dog’s diet, since in most cases they contain larvae of worms, which will subsequently breed in the body of the animal. If there are no other options, then before giving the dog fish caught from the river, it must be boiled for a long time in boiling water. Experts recommend cooking seafood for at least half an hour. It is worth remembering that a long heat treatment makes the bones softer, dangerous enzymes, helminths die, but not all useful substances are preserved.

It is better not to give the whole carcass of the fish to the animal, especially if the animal is small.

What can fish bones provoke:

  • obstruction;
  • sore throat;
  • clogged stomach;
  • rupture of the digestive tract.

The best option would be fillet or minced fish. Canned fish contain a huge amount of salt, carcinogens and additives that will cause great harm to the dog, so they should not be given at all.

It will be optimal to feed your pet low-fat marine and ocean fish, in which there are practically no bones. Such fish include:

  • Redfin;
  • triggerfish;
  • cod;
  • saber fish;
  • water meter;
  • heater;
  • sea ​​burbot;
  • croaker;
  • sea ​​bass.

Quite often, well-known varieties of fish are included in the pet's diet. It:

  • pink salmon;
  • pollock;
  • hake;
  • capelin.

Dangerous fish

There is a fish that carries a potential danger to the dog's body, so it should not be eaten at all. It lies in the substances that are contained in the body of the fish without harming it.

Varieties of fish containing trimethylamine oxide:

  • scout;
  • hake;
  • Saika
  • blue whiting and skinny herring caught in winter;
  • pollock;
  • haddock.

Feeding this raw fish will develop iron deficiency anemia.

Varieties of fish containing histamine:

  • sardine;
  • mackerel;
  • blue whiting;
  • tuna.

The use of such a product will lead to poisoning of the body.

Varieties of fish containing thiamisan:

  • sardine;
  • snet;
  • herring;
  • pike;
  • tulk;
  • crucian carp;
  • bream;
  • perch;
  • capelin;
  • anchovy;
  • som.

This element, when ingested, destroys vitamin B1.

The listed varieties can be eaten after heat treatment, since the thiaminase enzyme is afraid of high temperatures.

Poisonous varieties of fish:

  • Templar;
  • four-tooth fish;
  • barbel;
  • Ottomans;
  • Balkhash marinka.

Such fish cannot be pet in any form. Also, intoxication can provoke:

  • warty;
  • kerchak;
  • prickly catfish;
  • moray eel;
  • river bass;
  • catfish;
  • sea ​​urchin;
  • snack
  • sea ​​goby;
  • sea ​​Dragon;
  • sea ​​cow;
  • prickly shark.

The use of raw yellowfin and white-bellied flounder and gobies can cause vomiting in the animal.

Fish Feeding Guidelines

Recommendations for feeding a dog with fish
Such a product is given to the pet only once a week, since it contains an enzyme that destroys the structure of vitamin B.As a result, the dog may cramp and the animal will lose appetite.

During heat treatment, this enzyme is destroyed. Thanks to this, cooked fish can be safely given to a dog about three times a week. It will serve as a substitute for meat feeding.

Small dogs should be given only finely chopped and completely cleaned of bones or fish scrolled through a meat grinder.

Dogs of all ages, in the diet of which there were previously no seafood, should give a novelty gradually, adding small amounts to the main food and carefully monitor the body's reaction.

It happens that dogs do not want to eat fish, in this situation it is not necessary to insist, but it is better to add fish oil or flour as top dressing. After eating fish, animals may experience allergies and diarrhea, therefore, when accustoming a dog to seafood, it is worth controlling the body's reactions to food.

What else can seafood do for dogs

Not all dogs have a positive attitude towards seafood, some prefer only certain fish, others enjoy delicacies with great pleasure. Raw seafood can cause diarrhea, so they should only be given after heat treatment. If the pet does not have an allergic reaction to crabs, then a natural boiled product can be given in small quantities.

Crab sticks are categorically prohibited because they do not even have a hint of crab meat. Ideally, crab sticks are made from white fish, but for the most part soy, starch, flavors, dyes and preservatives, which are harmful to dogs, are the basis.

Due to the high content of cholesterol and sodium, it is forbidden to feed dogs with lobsters (lobsters). The systematic use of lobster by a pet will lead to kidney diseases, and a one-time use of a large amount will provoke intoxication, the result of which can be a coma and death.

Of all the mollusks and crustaceans, the leaders in cholesterol are shrimp.

Video: what can not feed a dog?

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