Amanita muscaria - description of where it grows, poisonous mushroom

Everyone knows how dangerous the consequences of eating poisonous mushrooms can be. In addition to countless exotic species of mushrooms of various shapes and colors, there are those that we all know. In this case we are talking about the grebe and the fly agaric. Today we’ll talk about a separate representative of the species of the latter, such as the white fly agaric. As the name implies, it is completely white as bleach, with which it is customary to compare the pungent smell of a mushroom. Because of the white color, people who do not have experience in picking mushrooms confuse the mushroom with edible species, such as forest champignon, which is unacceptable and quite dangerous. First of all, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the future, it will be useful for you to know the enemy in person.

Amanita muscaria

What does a white fly agaric and all its features look like

The white color of this fungus screams about its toxicity. Hat sizes range from 3.5 cm in small mushrooms and reach 10 cm in adults. Thanks to the shape of the hat, you can determine the age of the fungus. The older it is, the more ribbed the hat is at the edges and the more it opens, and when it is still small it looks more like a cone. In the middle it can be with a recess or vice versa - with a slide. When it dries, it becomes smooth tactile. The leg of a cylindrical shape has a height of up to 13 cm and, if it is torn off with the so-called “root”, you can see a significantly thickening, which resembles an egg in shape. As a rule, the leg is hollow.

Growth medium of white fly agaric

Usually these fly agarics love to grow in places with moist soil: not far from reservoirs, various hollows and forests. We grow mainly in mosses, in the lowlands and in the northern forests is more common than pale grebe. Moreover, in the forests and coniferous, and deciduous, and mixed. You can stumble upon both one mushroom and a whole meadow.

If you put it in your basket, pollen will make the rest of the mushrooms unusable. Unfortunately, if you mix it with edible mushrooms, then everything that you have collected, you have to throw out for obvious reasons.

All summer is the season of this poisonous mushroom, especially if summer is rich in rains.

What distinguishes fly agaric from mushrooms similar to it?

When you see a white mushroom, it is not necessarily a white mushroom. The main difference between a white fly agaric from others is the presence of a ring. For example, a white float, which is quite edible, does not have this ring. The white russula is slightly thicker than the fly agaric. The leg is smooth and there is no ring either. The white umbrella has a more structured leg. An umbrella grows in glades where there is a lot of sunlight, and the fly agaric prefers a shadow.

But the main difference from all these mushrooms is its smell. An indispensable attribute is the smell of chlorine, and it will immediately let you know that you should not pay attention to the mushroom.

Poisoning with white fly agaric is very dangerous for health, up to fatal cases. Perhaps this will not be an exaggeration if we say that he is the most poisonous mushroom in the forests of the north. But he is so similar to some mushrooms, russula and other edible mushrooms.

How to help the victim?

The mushroom, although beautiful, but the muscarin that it contains, causes acute poisoning. From a dozen eaten mushrooms you can no longer wake up. The poison affects most of the internal organs. First of all, organs involved in digestion fail.Within a few hours after you have eaten the mushrooms, you will begin a whole complex of side effects, ranging from diarrhea and vomiting, and ending with seizures throughout the body. Delusions and hallucinations are replaced by a sharp decrease in pressure and pulse, and this will continue until loss of consciousness.

When observing such symptoms, you must immediately report to a medical institution and call an ambulance. In the meantime, doctors get to your home, you need to rinse your stomach with as much water as possible, preferably warm, and drink a whole plate of activated charcoal. Upon arrival of the doctors tell them all the information they need.

The number of complications directly depends on the speed with which qualified doctors will provide assistance to the victim.

Do not forget about the signs that distinguish a poisonous fly agaric from similar specimens when you are going to the forest. It is better to collect mushrooms in proven places and in which you have no doubt. The appearance and smell should not differ from what you are used to watching.

Despite all this, the mushroom was used in folk medicine, the use of which is very doubtful. Although people are confident that the only obvious benefit of the fungus is to kill flies and other small insects, which fully justifies its name.

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