Coprinus white - a description of where it grows, the toxicity of the mushroom

Such a forest inhabitant as white dung mushroom has a non-standard appearance, which differs significantly from typical edible species. Also, this mushroom has a unique color, which does not fit into the usual idea for the average person about classic wild mushrooms.

Coprinus white

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White dung beetle is an edible mushroom most recognized among lovers of quiet hunting. In addition, this type is best suited for the collection and subsequent preparation of culinary dishes.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that the white dung beetle is difficult to confuse with other, similar mushrooms, due to its unusual shape. Hat of young specimens of oblong, egg-shaped. With the growth of the fungus, it takes the form of a bell due to the fact that its lower edges open, separating from the legs. Very old representatives of the species are distinguished by a hemispherical hat, saturated dark color.

The average size of the fruiting body reaches 150 mm, while the height of the cap does not exceed 100 mm. Its entire surface is covered with fibrous scales. The pulp of young mushrooms is white, quite soft, practically does not have any aroma or pronounced taste. In old white dung mushrooms, the pulp has a rather viscous consistency, the color is dark.

The lamellar body of the cap is quite wide; the lamellae themselves are long. Often located. In young specimens of pink color, they grow dark with growing up.

The leg length reaches 350 mm with a relatively small diameter (up to 20 mm). The shape of this part of the dung beet is of regular cylindrical shape, with a small thickening, which is located closer to the base. The color is white, persists throughout the entire life cycle of the fungus. There is also a ring on the leg, which darkens over time.

Places of growth and seasonality

The main place of growth of this type of mushroom is moist soil, most often found in abandoned greenhouses, on pastures, gardens, in the basement.

The species is most widespread in areas with a temperate climate, in fact, the name of the fungus gives a clear idea of ​​where it most often occurs. The mushroom grows in fairly large groups, the fruiting season is from spring to autumn.

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A feature of this type of conditionally edible mushrooms is that dung beetle has practically no doubles that are toxic and dangerous to human life. However, this does not mean at all that, by harvesting these mushrooms, you can weaken vigilance. Beginners who are quiet hunters who have gathered in the forest for picking mushroom crops should consider some rules and recommendations.

The most important condition is that, collecting mushrooms, dung beetles, in no case should they be put in the same basket with other species.

Although many people bypass this mushroom, considering it inedible, nevertheless, if you have never collected it and used for culinary purposes, you should definitely try it. The pulp of the fruiting body is distinguished by its softness and tenderness, and the taste is unusual.

Nutritional characteristics

As mentioned above, white dung beet growing on moist soil is an edible and useful for humans mushrooms with sufficient nutritional value. For eating, an exclusively young fruiting body is used, with the hat of the last characteristic white color, egg-shaped.To collect mushroom crops, one should not collect old specimens of dung beetle, which can be distinguished by a change in its main color (the color becomes darker).

Nutritional characteristics of white dung beetle

We draw attention to the fact that the harvested crop of young mushrooms retains its appearance and quality for only a few days, after which the mushrooms begin to darken and are no longer suitable for food.

Important! Untreated mushrooms become unusable even when frozen (decay phase and subsequent darkening).

Some sources indicate that dung beetles must be boiled for 20-30 minutes before cooking. Nevertheless, as the experience of many mushroom pickers shows, frying will be enough to prepare the fruiting body, as is done with ordinary mushrooms.

In addition to the old darkened mushrooms, it is also not worth collecting dung beetles growing in landfills, along the roadway, near various industrial enterprises, as well as other sources of environmental pollution. This is due to the fact that most fungi are, in fact, natural sponge filters that accumulate various harmful substances.

Also, many sources suggest that cooked white dung beet is in no case recommended for use with alcohol, due to the incompatibility of the substances contained in them. To date, it has already been proven that this information is relevant only for such species of fungi belonging to the dung family, such as shimmering and gray dung beetle. These mushrooms really have in their composition trace elements that prevent the absorption of alcohol, which leads to the appearance of rather unpleasant symptoms. I would like to draw attention to the fact that, on the basis of the mentioned types of mushrooms, many pharmaceutical companies produce drugs designed to treat ailment such as alcoholism.

White dung beetle is not only a safe and edible mushroom, but also a delicacy, which is confirmed by a popular dish with his participation - stewed dumpling in sour cream sauce.

Healing properties

In addition to its nutritional value, dung beetle is also a fairly popular raw material in medicine. The composition of coprinus includes antioxidants, subsequently used to produce biologically active drugs with antioxidant effects. For example, an extract of fungi of this species causes self-destruction of cells that provoke such an oncological disease as throat cancer.

The main beneficial properties of this type of mushroom include:

  1. Rapid decrease in blood sugar, normalization.
  2. Lowering blood pressure.
  3. Regular use of dung beetle improves digestion, stimulates appetite.
  4. Bactericidal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties.
  5. Good hemostatic.

Most often, dung beetroot is used for treatment in the form of a powder composition. Processing of mushrooms to obtain medicines is carried out as soon as possible.

There are also certain contraindications to the use of mushrooms of this species. First of all, this, of course, is the use of overripe dung beetles in cooking. It is also not recommended to eat these mushrooms for people suffering from severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, patients with diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Video: dung beetle (Coprinus comatus)

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