Newfoundland - breed description and dog character

Newfoundland refers to large dogs. In another way it is called "diver". This is one of the most family dogs. Strength, power, mind and kindness - all these qualities are present in it in full. The dog belongs to rescuers, is a fearless helper and a true friend. Such dogs have not only excellent working qualities, but also a wonderful character, which simply can not be called golden.


Historical reference

The breed of this dog belongs to the ancient representatives. No one knows exactly where it came from. But the fact that they first appeared on the island of Newfoundland is known for certain. There is an opinion that these giants were tamed by local Indians. Modern experts on this subject express very different opinions. At the same time, they attribute the merit of origin to various dogs.

There is a legend according to which God once admired the world, which he himself created. His gaze fell on one island, which was cut out by constant storms. On it, he saw a tribe of fishermen, whose work was very hard. Trying to somehow help them, he began to create a new creature. From the bear he took powerful bones and a thick skin. Smoothness passed to him from a seal. Now this animal could swim in the waves. As a result of hard work, a wonderful creation appeared before him, designed to help people. He breathed the dog's heart into his chest. So happened Newfoundland.

The first description of the dog was in the 17th century. In the 18th century, they appeared in Europe. During the Soviet Union there was a kennel "Red Star", which belonged to the defense department, which was engaged in breeding these dogs. It was in our country that they began to call him a diver.

External characteristics

For external consideration, representatives of this breed can be given the following description:

  1. The dog has a deep, strong and compact body. The dog is powerful and muscular in appearance. The body is marked by a direct and durable arrangement of the back line.
  2. The animal has a massive head. A well developed occipital protuberance is noted.
  3. On the head there is an arrangement of a square, deep and short muzzle. Characteristic is the complete absence of folds. There are clearly visible lips with pronounced outlines.
  4. The mouth is soft in nature, which is tightly closed by the lips.
  5. Well-developed nostrils are located on the broad nose. The color of the nose is comparable to the color of the dog.
  6. Small-sized eyes with a deep fit. The eyes are wide apart on the head; there is no red conjunctiva. The color of the eyes with a dark brown or light brown tint.
  7. The ears are small and triangular in shape. At the end they have a rounding.
  8. The animal has a strong and powerful neck, which merges with the shoulders. Thanks to the neck, a noble head landing is ensured.
  9. The body with a broad back and a straight surface.
  10. The dog has a short, muscular lower back.
  11. The animal is characterized by wide croup with an inclination angle of approximately 30 degrees.
  12. The dog is characterized by the presence of a rounded, low and wide chest. The ribs are curved.
  13. Muscles are well developed on the shoulders. They have a backward direction and are located relative to the horizontal line at an angle of 45 degrees.
  14. Tight fit of the elbows to the body with their low location.
  15. On large paws, which are quite comparable with the body, an arrangement of rounded, strong fingers, with their wide arrangement, is noted. Like all water dogs, Newfoundland has well-developed membranes between the fingers. Color of claws with a black or light shade.
  16. Direct parallel arrangement of the forelimbs is noted.
  17. The animal has strong, strong, well-closed hind legs.
  18. The dog has a free gait with swaying movements.
  19. When a dog swims, it uses its tail as a helm. When the dog moves or is agitated, it takes a stretched out position.
  20. Wool has water repellent properties. It is thick and smooth. There is a double undercoat.


The dog is tender. It seems that the dog loves everything and everyone that surrounds it. This is a reliable friend who will not miss the opportunity to give the owner pleasure. He is a great swimmer with a strong and powerful body. The pet has an exceptionally kind heart. The ability to save all who drown is inherent in nature itself. At five with a plus, it performs guard functions and is always ready to learn something new. At a high level lends itself to training.

Newfoundland character

Newfoundland simply adores children, he plays with them, frolics. He can act as a great nanny. At the same time, it is characterized by tenderness and reliability. You can not leave a large pet alone with small children for a long time without supervision. It is not recommended to get a dog for those who have very small children in the family.

Little children can harm such a dog. The adolescent age of the dog is distinguished by a rather fragile skeleton. If the child inaccurately takes his paws, a dislocation can occur.

Note! Often children take a dog for a small horse and ride on it. This can not be done, because you can damage the spine.

If the family has other animals, then such a dog gets along with them in two ways. With the acquisition of such a dog, the owner additionally receives a reliable friend. A distinctive feature of the character of the Newfs is softness and affection.

Some naively believe that such a dog is suitable for absolutely everyone. This is not so. A small child or an elderly person is not able to manage a pet of this breed. When a dog is in its teens, it simply does not yet fully realize how powerful it is. It may happen that she simply drags a child or an old man along with all the ensuing consequences. When the animal is already in an adult state, it already understands the sense of pace well and treats the person who walks with it with attention.

Maintenance and care activities

A general consideration of this breed, the only negative is that such dogs are very large and have a large mass. It is not recommended to start such dogs for owners of small apartments. Given the large size of the dog, the pet still needs space. Here country houses are an ideal place for keeping such dogs.

Newfoundland Care

The body of the dog does not require enough movements. Most of the time they like to just lie quietly. But, if the pet has a desire to run and frolic, this should not be prevented. The place where the dog will rest should exclude direct sunlight. This dog does not tolerate. There should be constant free access to water. It is good to arrange an improvised mini-pool near the dog in the conditions of a country house plot. The dog will periodically immerse in water and cool.

When feeding, you can use dry feed and natural products. For the right choice of diet, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Feeding is carried out twice a day. It is better to do this in the morning and in the evening. In adolescence, the dog eats a little more by the amount of food than an adult. She needs 0.7-0.8 kg of meat per day. A growing body requires more protein. Adult dogs are given 0.6 kg of meat per day and 300 g of rice.

Representatives of this breed do not sweat, because they cool themselves through breathing. For this reason, dogs often breathe by sticking their tongue out. A good prevention of heat stroke is a bath with water, which was discussed above.

If the pet is kept at home, then it is allocated a spacious place with warm litter. For this purpose, the old carpet is quite suitable. Pure water should be available at all times, but care should be taken that the pet does not paw up in a bowl of water. In no case should you put the dog on a chain. You must be aware that the pet is a living creature, and not a beautiful decoration for the garden plot. With a dog you need to constantly communicate. The owner should show tenderness and affection.

Newf, living in rural areas, will be very pleased. If his dwelling is connected with the close presence of the sea, this will be the limit of his desires. Near the water, he feels like nowhere is better. As soon as he sees the water, the clumsy bear turns into a sensitive guard in an instant. If someone suffers a disaster on the water, he will rush to save him without hesitation. This feature is inherent in the dog by nature itself. But you should never throw a pet into the input of force. Everything can end with the fact that he will forever lose his desire to swim.

Pet swimming must be taught carefully and gradually. As an example, it’s good to show him swimming dogs. He himself will understand what it is. If such a situation is not expected, then the owner himself may enter the water and call him to him. Training should be carried out in a playful way, using a ball or some other toy. The result may not come immediately. The main thing in this business is patience and perseverance.

Care activities require some effort. Wool should usually be combed out every three days. When the animal molts, this is done more often. A metal comb is used. It is required to ensure that the pet always has a neat appearance. Bathing is necessary if the animal is very dirty. After the meal, the dog's face should be wiped with a rag. The claws of the animal are cut monthly.

Regular eye examinations are required. In order to prevent them, you can wipe them with a cloth moistened with a weak solution of tea leaves. Excess sulfur should be regularly removed from the ears. Regular inspection of the animal for ticks and fleas is necessary. This must be done every time after walking with a dog in the forest. If ticks and fleas are found, the animal should be treated. Which for these purposes is better to use the tool will tell the veterinarian.

Ticks can transmit the pyroplasmosis disease, which is dangerous for the dog. In some cases, it can even lead to death. The disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • The animal becomes lethargic in its behavior.
  • Refuses food and water.
  • The temperature can rise to 41 degrees.

The sooner after a bite an appeal to a veterinarian follows, the greater the chance of recovery.


When conducting classes with a dog, it is always necessary to remember the natural gift for saving people drowning in water. At first, newfs are taught to perform basic exercises. He must learn to drag an item with him. At first it is done on earth, then it is done in water. With a dog you need to constantly engage. If there is no time for this or there is uncertainty in one's own strengths, one can turn to specialists for help.


On average, life expectancy is 8-10 years. So much time is devoted to almost all large dogs. Representatives of this breed are characterized by the same diseases that are common in large dogs. Very often, heat stroke occurs. Problems with the organ of vision and heart are not excluded.

Video: Newfoundland dog breed

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