Olive oil during pregnancy - benefits and harms

Natural olive oil is the most valuable product for the health of the expectant mother. It is not only rich in vitamins, but also due to oxidation resistance it tolerates heat, leading to the formation of aldehydes. The latter are very dangerous for health, since they provoke cardiovascular pathology and even oncology. Therefore, switching to olive oil is a great way to take care of your own health and the health of the baby. How else is it useful for women in a position, for what purposes can it be used except for cooking and how to choose the right one?

Olive Oil During Pregnancy

The benefits of olive oil for pregnant women

The spectrum of the effect of this oil on the body is enormous:

  1. The composition of olive oil includes polysaturated fatty acids Omega 3. They reduce the risk of miscarriage and premature birth, contribute to the proper development of the fetus and reduce the risk of being overweight.
  2. Since the oil is resistant to oxidation, it retained vitamin E, which also contributes to the preservation of pregnancy. It takes part in the formation of the respiratory system of the child, restores the normal functioning of the ovaries and supports optimal hormonal levels.
  3. Natural olive oil is an invaluable source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K present in it in a minimal amount. Together, they do not allow intrauterine growth defects, vascular lesions, and improve lactation.
  4. Calcium - the most important element for the functioning of organs and muscles - is also present in natural olive oil. It contributes to the normal functioning of the kidneys and the optimal functioning of the blood system. But, of course, its main purpose is to lay a strong skeleton and teeth of the baby.
  5. Olive oil contributes to the rapid opening of the cervix, which facilitates childbirth. For these purposes, some gynecologists recommend drinking olive oil at the very end of the third trimester, about 14 days before the expected birth, in order to prepare the uterus for the upcoming process. This unique oil makes the muscles supple and soft, which prevents the risk of tears and prolonged labor.

The effects of olive oil on the body

Another specific problem that is characteristic of the vast majority of women in position is constipation. And to combat it, you can also use natural olive oil. To do this, you need to drink 1 dessert spoon of oil in the morning and just before going to bed. It is enough, although for two weeks to regularly adhere to this scheme to forget about discomfort.

Despite the fact that olive oil is still a fatty product, it does not contribute to weight gain. Quite the contrary - adding it to the diet lowers cholesterol, improves metabolic processes and the condition of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, a pregnant woman can easily exclude any other oils (especially sunflower oil) and completely switch to olive.

Olive oil is completely safe, it contains no allergens that could lead to a negative reaction.

Many pregnant women face such an unpleasant complication of pregnancy as late toxicosis that occurs in the third trimester. To prevent its occurrence and minimize all risks, you need to add natural olive oil to the diet.


Contraindications olive oil during pregnancy
In 99% of cases, olive oil cannot harm the body.But the minimum percentage remains on an individual reaction. Also, doctors do not recommend them to get involved in cases of gallbladder inflammation and urolithiasis. This is due to the fact that squeezing olives has a pronounced choleretic effect, which can exacerbate chronic problems. In all other cases, olive oil is allowed for consumption.

Olive oil against stretch marks

One of the popular ways to use this oil in addition to cooking is as a cosmetic product. In particular, it is used to prevent stretch marks. Due to the vitamin E, which is part of olive oil, the necessary nutrition and moisturizing of the skin are provided, preventing the loss of natural tone. To do this, gently rub the oil over the entire surface of the abdomen, chest and thighs twice a day, optimally immediately after a shower. You need to apply it on slightly damp skin, then the oil is well absorbed and will provide the proper level of hydration.

After pregnancy, olive oil can be applied to already existing stretch marks. It is not able to completely remove them, but will make them brighter.

The effect of olive oil on skin condition

Pregnant women who want to look good even in such an important period can use the following recipe for a rejuvenating facial mask. To prepare it, you need 1 tablespoon of fat cottage cheese and 2 tablespoons of natural olive oil. All the ingredients need to be mixed, if desired, you can add no more than 1 coffee spoon of honey and evenly spread over the face. The mask must be kept for 15 minutes, then removed with a damp cotton pad. Thanks to vitamin E, the skin will retain its youth and beauty for a long time, allowing you to abandon even moisturizing creams.

Why should I fry in olive oil?

As already mentioned above, some vegetable oils change their molecular structure with strong heating (more than 180 ° C). They are oxidized, i.e. interact with oxygen and form lipid peroxides and aldehydes. In fact, these are poisons, the consumption of which even in small quantities leads to serious disturbances in the body. At best, this threatens a pregnant woman with a deterioration in her general tone, and at worst, with fetal development problems.

The uniqueness of olive oil lies in the fact that it practically does not produce aldehydes. This is due to the fact that it is rich in monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids, which retain their structure even when exposed to heat. American professor Grootveld recommends not using sunflower oil for frying. It is more correct to switch to olive, since it does not collapse upon heating and emits toxic poisons. But there is one fundamental point - the quality of the oil.

Choosing Safe Olive Oil

The highest quality olive oil is obtained by pressing the olives exclusively by mechanical means. It has the prefix Extra Virgin. This is the most natural kind of olive oil with a very bright, natural taste and aroma. Its acidity ranges from 0.8%. Pregnant women should use only this kind.

Choosing Safe Olive Oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is much less healthy than Extra Virgin. For its manufacture, the remaining crushed olives are used, which are poured with organic solvents and processed under thermal exposure. It retains a certain percentage of vitamins and fats, but very small.

As for additional factors, freshness is very important for olive oil. Therefore, the buyer needs to look at the production date and expiration date. Shelf life should not exceed 18 months from the date of oil release.

To help the buyer: natural olive oil (especially fresh and young) is always bitter.

Storage recommendations

Olive oil should not be placed next to the stove or put in the refrigerator. It must be put in a darkened box and stored at a temperature of 10 to 15 ° C. It quickly loses its properties under the influence of sunlight, so it is desirable that the box does not have glass inserts. And one more important point: olive oil cannot be left open, because when combined with oxygen, it quickly oxidizes.

If you buy olive oil in large volumes (most often in this format it is sold in tin containers), then you need to prepare a separate bottle for it. It is necessary to pour the right amount of oil into it, gradually adding it as it is consumed. So you save the product from oxidation.

Quality olive oil should be the base product for any pregnant woman. It can be fried, baked and used as a salad dressing. Its original taste goes well with fish, vegetable and meat dishes. And the vitamins included in the composition will help strengthen the body and the full development of the baby.

Video: olive oil - the benefits and harms

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