Pekingese - breed description and character of the dog

Initially, such a dog belonged only to members of the family of Chinese emperors, and anyone else was forbidden to own it. The punishment for her theft could be the death penalty! In the European part of the world, Pekingese appeared during the events of 1860. Then the Summer Palace in Beijing was captured. Five monarch pets in the form of a trophy were taken and kidnapped from the palace. In Russia, the Pekingese arose after the war and in very small numbers. Livestock growth began in 1970.


Today it is the most popular breed with Chinese origin. In Chinese legend, there is a mention that it is the fruit of the love of a tiger and a monkey. Legends often lie, but still in this dog there is a certain briskness of the monkey and the formidable tiger.

Interesting information about the history of the breed

The origin of the Pekingese came from ancient China. The monarchs were admired by this extraordinary dog, which had a flattened face. The Pekingese held the nobility in her hands, sitting on the throne or going for a walk. Each dog had a servant who was walking the pet on a leash, with precious stones and bells, carrying a tune. The daily complex for their care included the care of hair, eyes and teeth.

Modern Pekingese is not much different. Its main features have not changed. And because of the prohibited export of the Pekingese from the borders of China, it turned out to preserve the purity of blood. Breeding did not deal. There is no significant difference between the Pekingese of ancient China and modern.

The breed quickly became popular. Pets were admirable, dogs with their own appearance reflected pride and stateness. But in order to gain their trust, it was necessary to try hard. Nevertheless, for each representative of the nobility, owning a Pekingese was a special privilege. The most popular of the above applies to the fair sex.

Pekingese have an unusual disposition, and their language will not turn to be called a partner. Raising this animal can take a lot of time, and in the end, everything will remain unchanged.

About distinctive qualities

  1. The main distinguishing features are small sizes. Knots reach 5.4 kg, males - 5 kg. Growth at the withers about 20 cm.
  2. It is a folded dog of noble appearance.
  3. Longhair.
  4. It can be of various colors and have marks of various colors. The location of the marks is distinguished by harmony. Red color for her is standard.
  5. According to the visual representation, the Pekingese resembles from a small lion cub, with a monkey's face.
  6. There is a theory that there are small Pekingese and this is a special kind. But in fact, there are no such dwarf dogs. In each litter a “pocket” variety can be detected. The mass of the grown Pekingese does not exceed 2.7 kg.
  7. In addition to the red and hepatic, any other color is considered normal for the dog. Pekingese of different colors have a muzzle with a black tint. In honor, pets with a white speck on their forehead. This feature is called the "finger of the Buddha."

Features of the breed are due to:

  • small size
  • insignificant physical abilities,
  • proud disposition.

Dogs can not be tamed to do unwanted things. Pekingese absolutely do not obey, but are able to show respect for the owner. They are rather reluctant to learn teams - animals do not like training.

Not able to love children, with it all ages.It is especially difficult to bear their laughter and crying. Able to show aggression against young children. Therefore, they cannot be left alone with a child; their games and communication will not end well. The Pekingese is not an evil dog, but a child is able to get it upset and upset. Representatives of this breed find danger in children and are overwhelmed with anxiety, and then a protective reaction comes into play. Able to show love only to the owner and the closest in the environment, taming causes difficulty. Pekingese almost never run away, always stay close to the owner. A lost dog is usually extremely upset and barks most of all like crying.

What distinguishes the breed of these animals

Pekingese puppies were pets in the old days, but even now humanity has not turned its back on the breed. Having captured such a friend, you can be sure that he will show fidelity and a bunch of positive emotions.

Pekingese dog breed

The Pekingese dog has the following features:

  • reliable and devoted family friend,
  • in good health
  • peculiar
  • obsessive.

Some minor features of the character:

  1. It does not depend on anyone, has an inherent pride, slightly restrained. The Pekingese often displays its imperial roots in relation to owners. Expects from them a wide mischief and care. You shout a little at the dog, and in response he will "sulk" until you yourself apologize to him.
  2. Fits most in families without small children. If you pay little attention to it and prohibit a lot, the pet from a boring lifestyle will itself restore its order in the house. His natural qualities are independence and arrogance, but if he shows benevolence, he will not find a devoted comrade.
  3. Pekingese has imperial poise, calm, he is not fussy. Despite the size, he looks proud and confident. Most likely, a long stay with noble persons significantly influenced the genetics of representatives of this breed. The dog lays and sits the main part of its free time, or plays with toys and things within its reach.

Attention and affection is shown to its owner, but sometimes it becomes stubborn and does not follow commands, which can be forgiven. A little unfriendly to other four-legged and does not allow them to approach the owner. When the Pekingese starts a reckless attack on another dog, the size of the dog does not matter to him, he is ready to risk his life.

Of his bad character traits, stubbornness, naughty behavior, self-will and hard training for teams are noted. These features can be eliminated at a very young age of the Pekingese, for this you should begin to train him in ordering in the family and showing respect for loved ones.

In the house, the Pekingese is a real protector. Ignoring the fact that he is quite small, the Pekingese is very brave and fearless. In the event of danger, he will not go on the run, but on the contrary - he will attack and begin to defend the territory and people close to him in every possible way. It reacts sharply to all sounds made, especially often produces barking, causing irritation to others. Observing the pet’s usual behavior, it may seem like he is indifferent and indifferent, but only the pet will get a hint of consent to play with it or pet - the dog will show joy and, waving its tail, will rush towards you.

Pekingese Care

Pets are known for their long hair and proper grooming. The owner of such a dog should know the following:

Pekingese Care

  1. The dog is not forbidden to trim. This takes place for the summer period, when the Pekingese often overheat. You can cut the Pekingese with the onset of heat.
  2. The hair of the animal requires constant combing. It is advisable to do this every day. Proper care of the Pekingese eliminates the problem of molting an animal.Hair care requires attention, time and a small set of brushes with combs. During the moult, a wet rag is suitable for collecting wool.
  3. It is necessary to examine the coat and ears of the animal after a walk.
  4. Shampooing is allowed, but not too frequent. No more than 10 water procedures are allowed per year, since the skin of the Pekingese is irritated.
  5. The owner of the pet should cut the claws, because he is able to bite a stranger. Dogs, of course, do not like this occupation, and everything needs to be done with accurate accuracy. The hair between the fingers is also removed.

You must specify the Pekingese place at the very beginning of the appearance of the puppy in the house. The pet does not need special care, easily gets along in the house. Good dog training brings positive emotions to others. If the moment of upbringing is missed, the animal has a sense of permissiveness, and then he will immediately begin to annoy the roommates.

The dogs are ambitious; getting used to the street is not a big deal.

How to feed a pet

Nutrition should be diverse, the health and condition of the dog, including its coat, which should always be beautiful, directly depends on it. The pet, with perfect health, has good muscles, under which the ribs and ridge are slightly felt. It is forbidden to fatten, it is detrimental and leads to obesity, including in early old age. Basic food: meat products, cereals and flour products, eggs, vegetables, herbs, fruits.

An excellent solution would be to add super premium class dog food to your normal diet. They are perfect for adults, puppies, pregnant dogs, dogs with sensitive digestion.

The composition includes: meat, animal proteins, fruits and vegetables, herbs. Useful properties from the consumption of feed on the face - they affect the active life and health of the pet. It is important to control the minimum amount of carbohydrates.

The Pekingese breed has weaknesses in relation to health: a weak intestine, often there are complications with stools, as well as poisoning. Dogs are fastidious about products, but there is still the opportunity to accustom yourself to homemade food, if you start with puppyhood.

Most veterinarians do not recommend feeding Pekingese chicken and tubular bones. The reason for this is the poor digestion of these small dogs. They do not have the ability to properly digest bones that can cause injury to the stomach and intestines.

What can we say about feeding Pekingese puppies, they eat everything except chicken meat. Pekingese, by virtue of their origin, are deeply in love with rice, they eat quite a lot at one meal. Pilaf will be a feast for them, but keep in mind that rice is fastening.

Be sure to always stand fresh water, pets feel a great need for it because of their voluminous coat.

Puppy training

Pekingese training is a bad idea, it will take all the weary nerves of the owner. The petite little dog is not intended for the implementation of difficult teams. Training is useless in view of weak physical inclinations that are not able to move her to a passion for exercises and other training.

Pekingese puppies

The trust of the dog is shown exclusively to its owner. It is forbidden to offend the dog, because she will be offended, and for a long time. Animals do not show love.

How is the price determined

The purebred little puppies are distinguished by their features. They are divided into three subclasses: pet, brid and show class.

  1. Pets belong to pets with exterior defects, disqualifying vices. They are not used in breeding work, however, they remain pets, great friends.
  2. Dogs with an ideal pedigree, with their inherent pedigree temperament and reproductive traits belong to the brid.Do not surpass show class puppies in appearance. Designed for breed reproduction.
  3. Show class is called high-breed dogs, suitable for all relevant requirements, distinguished by an outstanding exterior. Puppies from this group are intended for breeding and work at exhibitions.

The cost for a pet class is about $ 300. The Beijing class has a price of 600 y. e. Show class, champion class - about $ 1,000. Pets of a show class go on sale at the age of six months, it is then that you can confirm that the puppy is of high origin.

Video: Pekingese dog breed

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