Quail eggs during pregnancy - benefits and harms

A quail egg is several times smaller than a chicken, but it contains much more nutrients necessary for the health of the future mother and baby.

Quail eggs during pregnancy

Nutritionists around the world advise pregnant women to add quail eggs in boiled and steam form to the diet. However, before use it is necessary to exclude contraindications and harm, as well as familiarize yourself with the recommendations for introducing eggs into the daily menu.

Chemical composition

Small spotted quail eggs contain the following beneficial elements:

  • B vitamins (all representatives), as well as A, E, K, D and others;
  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates (13, 11 and 0.41 g, respectively);
  • carotenoids;
  • ash - 1.1 g;
  • organic acids (glutamic, aspartic, etc.);
  • methionine;
  • lysine;
  • tryptophan;
  • tyrosine;
  • amino acids;
  • cystine.

Macro- and microelements (calcium, copper, phosphorus, cobalt, iron, potassium, sodium, selenium, magnesium, zinc, manganese and others).

The calorie content of this valuable product is only 160 kcal per 100 g, so the expectant mother may not be afraid to recover from its use.

The benefits of quail eggs during pregnancy

The high protein content ensures the construction of all embryo systems, starting from the musculoskeletal system and muscles, ending with internal organs. It is also recommended that eggs be introduced into the diet for women who do not tolerate meat or do not consume it for reasons that will compensate for the deficiency of animal proteins.

Vitamins B have a positive effect on metabolism, central nervous system and the psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother. Folic acid, niacin, PP and other useful components contribute to the normal formation of the child, prevent the occurrence of a number of defects (including the neural tube) in the first trimester.

The well-known "beauty vitamins" A and E improve the condition of the skin and tissues during pregnancy, strengthen the hair follicles and the nail plate. With the regular use of quail eggs, dermatitis and oily skin shine disappear, a healthy glow appears, and the hair does not split and does not climb.

Calcium provides the development of bone tissue and teeth of the baby, and also needs the expectant mother to maintain metabolism, healthy hair and nails. This microelement is also activated during childbirth, providing sufficient strength of contractions and attempts.

Iron in the composition of quail eggs is well absorbed and stimulates the production of red blood cells - red blood cells, as well as hemoglobin, which delivers oxygen to the cells of the mother and child. The regular use of eggs prevents iron deficiency anemia.

Tyrosine calms a pregnant woman, helps fight anxiety, apathy, nervousness and irritability, and promotes normal sleep.

Amino acids stimulate the nervous system, increase immunity and body resistance to colds, infections.

Quail eggs are also useful to the expectant mother for the following reasons:

  1. Reduce signs of toxicosis, such as nausea and general weakness, lack of appetite, irritability, digestive disorders (diarrhea or constipation).
  2. Reduce the tone and hypertonicity of the uterus.
  3. Reduce the risk of premature birth and miscarriage.
  4. They help to overcome heartburn, characteristic for the second and third trimester. Thanks to quail eggs, the acidity of the stomach decreases.
  5. A positive effect on the biological rhythm, contributing to rapid falling asleep and deep sleep.
  6. Safely reduce blood pressure, reducing the risk of hypertensive conditions during pregnancy, such as preeclampsia and eclampsia.
  7. Stimulate the work of the kidneys, so that excess water leaves the body and edema characteristic of the third trimester disappears.

Application features

Unlike chicken, quail eggs can be eaten raw, since this bird does not suffer from salmonellosis. It is from the raw eggs that the mother and baby are most beneficial.

Features of the use of quail eggs

To maintain maximum nutrients, minimal heat treatment is acceptable: boiling, baking, steaming. Boil quail eggs immediately in boiling water for 2-5 minutes, no more.

The egg shell, which contains a significant proportion of calcium carbonate, cannot be ignored. Grind the shell in a coffee grinder and drink with water - there is no better way to deliver natural building material for the child’s bone system.

If the egg contains traces of litter or blood, then do not eat the product even after heat treatment - the bird was probably sick. It is also necessary to consider that industrial quail is fed with hormones and antibiotics for increased productivity, and some of these substances get into the egg.

As for the dosage, doctors recommend eating no more than 3-4 quail eggs per day (but not every day). To relieve toxicosis, 1-2 raw eggs should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

Shell powder is consumed in a volume of 1 tsp. per day, diluting in water. For better absorption of calcium, it is recommended to combine the product with citrus fresh juice or fish oil.

Harmful from quail eggs

Everyone knows that eggs are the strongest allergen, as they contain a fairly specific protein. Do not exceed the permissible dosage, and in case of signs of allergy, consult a doctor. Allergy sufferers are allowed to consume egg yolk, which is rich in nutrients.

Also, the abuse of protein leads to the fact that it is simply not absorbed by the body, and there is prolonged diarrhea.

Despite the low calorie content, the product contains cholesterol, therefore it is contraindicated for pregnant women with atherosclerosis.

According to some reports, the intake of quail eggs is undesirable in the presence of calculi in the gall or bladder, kidneys.

With caution, enter the diet of quail eggs in patients with liver and kidney problems.

Contraindication to the use of the dish is diabetes mellitus, gestational (with caution).

Quail eggs contain a lot of useful substances, are a tasty and quick dish that saves time and strength of the future mother. Follow the recommendations of nutritionists, do not abuse eggs and get only health benefits.

Video: how to take quail eggs

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