The first signs of pregnancy in the first week

Some girls dream of a second strip on the test, while others are afraid of her, like fire. But both of them try to find out about an interesting situation as early as possible. They resort to folk methods, listen to their own body. And they take any suspicious symptoms as harbingers of pregnancy. Here are just any signs - only indirect evidence. The final verdict must be made by a gynecologist.

The first signs of pregnancy in the first week

Main symptom

Sometimes girls start buying tests immediately after unprotected intercourse. They expect the test to be positive just a week after the seminal fluid enters the fallopian tubes. Women are so obsessed with their desires and fears that they sometimes miss the most important symptom - bleeding, which is called implantation in official medicine.

No, it does not look like a period. It is worth recalling the lesson of biology and the structure of the uterus, or rather, the epithelium covering its walls. It consists of numerous small capillaries intertwined with nerve endings.

When the zygote exits the fallopian tube, its shell produces a special substance. When it enters the epithelium, it dissolves the soft tissues. It turns out a small wound in which the future fetus is implanted. The formation of the site for implantation of the embryo is accompanied by mild pulling pain. It is similar to the discomfort that girls experience 1–2 days before menstruation. If the capillaries are damaged, mini-bleeding occurs. Young women who have never had a pregnancy are afraid to confuse implantation with menstruation. But they are different.

Menstruation in a healthy girl is usually long and plentiful. Bleeding caused by the introduction of an embryo into the uterus is very scarce. More often these are a few brownish or scarlet drops on a daily pad. The zygote implantation process is not always accompanied by secretions. They may be absent or so scarce that with a cursory glance at the linen, a woman will not notice anything.

But gynecologists advise not to rejoice and not to panic. Scarlet drops of blood appear on the strip and after sex, and as a result of hormonal disorders. It may also indicate inflammation of the appendages or vagina.

Beli and flatulence

Doctors say that it’s worth talking about pregnancy only after the introduction of the zygote into the uterine epithelium. The embryo, which has successfully completed the implantation stage, forces the female body to adapt and causes certain physiological changes. First, the internal genital organs try to clear themselves of bacteria and germs that can threaten the fetus. Leucorrhoea in some women becomes more abundant. If earlier 1 daily laying for 6-8 hours was enough, now you have to use 2-4 personal care products.

Secondly, the uterus perceives the zygote as something alien. And so that she does not tear off the fetal egg, local immunity of the internal genital organs is reduced. Fungi and microbes living in the vagina are activated during this period. And in some women, thrush aggravates or appears. They point to it:

  • copious whitish discharge, in which lumps or flakes are present;
  • pain or discomfort during urination;
  • sour smell of leucorrhoea;
  • itching

Of course, a sharp exacerbation of thrush is not a direct symptom of pregnancy.But if a woman has been planning a conception for a long time, and suspects that she will soon become a mother, she should consult with a gynecologist and choose soft preparations that will not harm a potential child.

Blood flow increases to the internal genital organs so that the fetal egg can take root more quickly, and also is not left without the nutrients necessary for development. The uterus in the first week after implantation of the zygote swells and creates pressure on the intestines. Women complain of discomfort that resembles bloating. And in some pregnant women there is flatulence and even constipation. Symptoms may indicate an interesting situation if the girl has not changed her eating habits for 1–2 weeks. Otherwise, increased gas formation and stagnation of feces are just the consequences of an unhealthy diet or a new diet.

Basal temperature

It is not in vain that girls planning a pregnancy are advised to measure basal temperature and make a schedule. It is the fluctuations in the curve in combination with implantation bleeding that can hint a woman at the good news. Indeed, due to a rush of blood to the uterus, the temperature rises. But not in the whole body, but only in the internal genital organs and rectum. The thermometer during pregnancy shows from 37 to 37.3. In some cases, the mark rises to 38.

Basal temperature as a sign of pregnancy

The temperature lasts for several days, and then drops to the usual rates of 36.8–36.6. To get reliable results, a woman should properly handle a thermometer. The thermometer is left on the bedside table and used as intended in the first minutes after waking up. Getting up to the toilet, drinking water or having sex with your husband is possible only after the procedure. Hold the thermometer for 5 minutes. In order not to forget the result, it is worth writing it in a special notebook. You can download a program that monitors the menstrual cycle and basal temperature to your smartphone.

Breasts and colds

In the first week of pregnancy, the concentration of prolactin in the body of a newly minted mother. The hormone prepares the body for implantation and embryo development. In pregnant women, the mammary glands may swell due to prolactin. In some, a clear fluid is released when pressure is applied to the nipple. It is believed that the body prepares for breastfeeding from the first days of conception.

The areoles around the nipples darken due to the high concentration of prolactin. A noticeable brownish line also appears, which descends from the navel to the pubis. Some girls have small age spots on the face and other parts of the body.

When the egg is fertilized, the hormonal background changes very quickly. Not only prolactin, but also progesterone levels increase. This hormone is also necessary for successful embryo attachment and development. The result of a sharp increase in the concentration of progesterone in the blood can be frequent headaches, similar to migraines. Although similar symptoms are observed after stressful situations.

In pregnant women, in addition to local, general immunity is also reduced. In the first week after implantation of the embryo, symptoms similar to the common cold may appear:

  • sore and uncomfortable throat;
  • clear discharge from the nose or runny nose;
  • frequent sneezing.

Other women suddenly start snoring. Still others complain of menopausal-like symptoms. It becomes very hot pregnant, sweating and palpitations intensify, and in a minute she wants to wear a woolen sweater and terry socks, although summer is outside. Chills and fever are associated with progesterone. The hormone affects the functioning of the central nervous system, causing sudden changes in pressure.

Sluggish and aggressive

In the first week, the body gets used to a new state. In the early stages, progesterone suppresses the central nervous system, so a woman constantly wants to sleep.The pregnant woman complains of a feeling of fatigue that does not go away even after a good rest, and a desire to take a nap for at least 5-10 minutes. But there are attacks of activity, and some even increase aggressiveness. The future mother, who still does not know her situation, wonders why she screamed at her husband for a dirty cup, although she herself had previously silently cleaned and washed the dishes.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the emotional state is unstable. Any stimulus can bring a woman out of balance. Tights torn? Did you see a picture of a homeless kitten? In the minibus, someone called not a girl, but a woman? If before, such incidents did not touch and did not bother, then due to hormonal changes the pregnant woman experiences a whole range of emotions. From resentment and anger to the desire to hide in a corner and cry until it begins to suffocate.

Toward the end of the first trimester, when the placenta begins to produce its own hormones, the mood stabilizes. Vigor and energy will appear. But in the first weeks, a woman will have to suffer from constant drowsiness, forgetfulness and distraction.

Taste Changes

The desire to eat pickles does not indicate pregnancy. But an attack of nausea, arising from the smell of a favorite dish, may hint at an interesting situation. Not all mothers face early toxicosis. Gestosis in the first week occurs only in units. The reason is the same progesterone, which suppresses the nervous system. The body ceases to perceive the usual food. The attempt to have breakfast ends with vomiting. Pangs also cause nausea. For example, the perfume of a husband or colleague. The aroma of fried meat or hot borsch.

If a woman is sure that she used only high-quality products, therefore could not get poisoned, then she should consult a gynecologist. To do tests, ultrasound or donate blood for hCG is too early. They will show the result only 3-8 days after the delay of menstruation.

Additional signs

In the first week, pregnancy is calculated by frequent urination. The functioning of the kidneys is impaired due to increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs. They produce urine in small portions, so a woman goes to the toilet every 30-50 minutes. In some pregnant women, not only urination becomes more frequent, but diarrhea also occurs.

Signs of pregnancy at 1 week

In patients who have already given birth, with repeated fertilization of the egg, hemorrhoids or varicose veins on the legs or chest may worsen. The first symptoms of pregnancy also include:

  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • increased salivation, not associated with food intake;
  • cramps in the calf muscles;
  • peeling of artificial acrylic nails.

Some girls realize that they are in a position thanks to dreams. Some see fish, while others talk with unborn children. Perhaps such visions arise due to hormonal changes. The brain receives a pregnancy signal and interprets it, turning chemical reactions into mystical signs.

It is impossible to determine precisely in the first week whether conception occurred or not. Alternative methods with iodine or bulbs do not work. They only give a ghostly hope or make a woman nervous.

To learn about pregnancy in the first days after conception is almost impossible. Any symptoms that indicate the development of a new life can be explained by stress, PMS or inflammatory diseases. First, a woman should wait for a delay in menstruation, donate blood for HCG and do some tests. And only after examinations, ultrasound and visual examination, the gynecologist will give an accurate answer.

Video: 1 week of pregnancy

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