Pyrenean Mountain Dog - breed description

This animal impresses everyone who at least once had to see it. The magnificent white dog impresses with its external nobility and courage, has excellent physical qualities and a wonderful character. He has a good reputation, confirmed by millennia, which made the breed very popular among other large breeds. A charming pet with white hair attentively and thoughtfully looks into human eyes.

Pyrenees Mountain Dog

The Pyrenees Mountain Dog is a true aristocrat of the canine world. Previously, they grazed sheep, guarded the homes of the French nobility, but nowadays they are family favorites and wonderful watchmen.

From the history of the breed

During archaeological excavations in the Pyrenees, their burials were discovered, which are already about 2000 years old. Presumably, the Pyrenees dogs are descendants of the mastiffs. This breed appeared somewhere in the mountains and for many years its representatives were used as shepherds for livestock. These large animals were not afraid of predators due to the fact that they themselves are strong enough and large. They could safely fight with wolves and even a bear, which encroached on defenseless sheep. Mountain shepherds have a loud and intimidating voice that can frighten the enemy, and is clearly audible to the owner.

In the Middle Ages they guarded castles, and then settled at the local nobility, on pastures and in royal palaces. These dogs got the most popularity when they settled in the courtyard of Louis 14. There is a legend that it was the Pyrenean dog that saved Charles 6 from an angry bull.

In Europe, they appeared due to the migration of tribes from Asia and the central part of the continent to new lands. The main purpose of their breeding was to protect herds from local predators. Thanks to many years of selection, the Pyrenees breed received all the necessary qualities to become the best defender and guard.

In the Louvre they settled in the seventeenth century. Initially, the Pyrenean dogs settled for protection in the palace, then the aristocrats liked it. The first written records of this breed were recorded in 1407. A historian from France notes that they have greatly benefited in the protection of forts.

In the 700s, Pyrenees dogs became the most sought after watchmen of the French. Many guests of the country were amazed by their external nobility and excellent protective qualities. Due to this, they began to export. In the 85th year of the 19th century, the Pyrenees rock was registered by the English Kennel Club. In 1923, breed standards were adopted.

Today they are very popular in Europe, America and Japan. Pyrenean mountain dogs were recognized worldwide after the 33rd year of the 20th century.


The regality and grace of the Pyrenean mountain dog amazes everyone who has seen it live. Even the appearance of the representatives of this breed suggests that they are smart and handsome. Thanks to a powerful physique, any peaks are subject to them.

Description of the Pyrenees Dog

  1. Sizes. Growth at the withers is from 65 to 72 cm in females and 70-80 cm in males. The weight of females is on average about 45 kilograms, and that of males is about 60 kilograms. But some individuals can reach 80 kilograms.
  2. Head. Big, but not "heavy." The shape of the skull is convex with a pronounced occipital protuberance. The nape is in the form of a vault.
  3. Muzzle. Filled up. Tapering moderately to the nose. It has the form of a blunt wedge. The upper lip slightly covers the lower. Lip color - black or with black trim. The nose is the same color.
  4. Eyes. They have an almond shape. Small size.Express intelligence and quick wit. Eyelids are black. Eye color is brown.
  5. The ears. Located in line with the eyes. Triangular and rounded at the ends. Small size. Hanging in a calm state. When the situation changes, they rise on the cartilage.
  6. Neck. Strong Short length.
  7. Torso. A little more than the height of the dog. The chest is long and wide. The back is strong and fleshy.
  8. Limbs. Proportional length. Strong. With moderately arched fingers.
  9. Tail. Concerns the hocks. Well pubescent. When changing the emotional environment rises above the back and forms a ring.
  10. Wool. Long and thick. Two-layer. The undercoat is very thick and dense. It can be quite straight and slightly wavy. On the neck there is a “collar”, on the legs of a “panties”.
  11. Colors. The main color is necessarily white. It can be completely snow-white or have marks (only the tips of the hairs are painted): grayish, cream and red in the head, body, tail and ears.

Character and temperament features

Pyrenean mountain dogs require a will or its sensation. This is not a sofa pet, suitable for living in an apartment. You can’t keep dogs of this breed in a closed space, there they feel imprisoned. In nature, they are very active, agile, cheerful and happy. Therefore, do not start the Pyrenees to decorate a carpet or sofa. The owner of this noble creature must have a private house with a separate territory.

Characteristics of the character and temperament of the Pyrenees dog

Physical activity provides them with good health and good mood. The Pyrenees mountain dog has a calm temperament and a very positive, good-natured character. Despite their impressive size, they are very gullible to people and can easily get lost with a free range.

To an inexperienced trainer it may seem completely stupid to train a Pyrenean mountain dog. The dog hears and understands everything, but resists the execution of commands. Some stubbornness is characteristic of rock dogs. Good intellectual abilities guarantee successful training, however, natural pride and stubbornness can create obstacles to mastering teams. It all depends on the right approach. The owner should be the authority for your own pet, then the learning process will become easier. If at least once to make concessions to the animal, it can begin to ignore the wishes of the owner.

Positive qualities of the character of the Pyrenees mountain dogs:

  • Easy to train.
  • With proper education, they are very attentive and obedient.
  • Do not differ in importunity.

The Pyrenees Mountain Dog is recognized as an excellent companion and friend of the family. They do not conflict with other animals. They have good mental abilities and balanced complaisant character. They are not prone to aggressive behavior, but are excellent guards and defenders. Males look more impressive and somewhat larger than females.

Character and temperament are the main advantages of dogs of this breed. To them the breed standards have special requirements. Individuals that have a squabble, dishonest and harmful character are excluded from breeding. Naturally, training is sometimes difficult, but the results are amazing. Representatives of this breed have developed intuition.

Attitude towards children

Like other peace-loving dog breeds, they get along well with children and are able to become their best friends. However, this applies only to older children of school age. Do not leave the Pyrenees mountain dogs with the kids alone.

Attention! Despite the balanced nature, dogs of this breed are always wary of strangers. When a stranger is not dangerous, they still perceive him with utmost care.The owner’s friends are unlikely to become friends of his Pyrenees mountain dog.


Large breeds of dogs like no one need the right education and socialization. In those cases when it is planned to make the Pyrenees a guard, one cannot educate him aggressive. Begin training should be as early as possible, up to 5 months.

There are special techniques for raising dogs of large breeds. They need to instill love and devotion to their owner. The animal must unquestioningly carry out standard commands: "You can not", "Fu", "To me", "Lie", "Sit" and respond to the name.

Maintenance and care

When a bold breeder decides to settle a Pyrenean mountain dog, he takes on the responsibility of caring for a large-sized pet. Representatives of this breed have a thick, fairly long coat with a thick undercoat that does not allow water to pass through and perfectly protects the animal from the cold. It goes without saying that it requires some attention and care. In general, the content of this dog is no different from other large breeds.

Maintenance and care for a Pyrenean dog

  1. Be sure to brush weekly with a brush with long and thick teeth. Remains of wool must be removed with a wet hand or towel.
  2. During the linking, the pet will have to be combed every day or at least every other day.
  3. It is necessary to bathe the animal once a quarter or in case of emergency. For this, special or odorless baby shampoos are used.
  4. When the dog is only slightly dirty, you can wipe the contaminated areas of the coat with a washcloth or with a damp cloth.
  5. Feet should be inspected regularly for cracks and scratches. If necessary, they are treated with antiseptics, and then lubricated with a moisturizer. If the pillows of the paws crack, then special vitamin complexes must be introduced into the dog's diet.
  6. Ears should be inspected daily. If there is a discharge from them, the pet must be shown to the veterinarian.
  7. The eyes are an indicator of the dog’s well-being. They must be inspected regularly. On walks, dust or specks can get into them. In such cases, the eyes are wiped with a weak solution of chamomile or calendula.


The Pyrenean Shepherd Dog can be fed with special industrial feed for large dog breeds. However, breeders often emphasize that it is natural food that is desired. Food should consist of 2: 3 protein and 1 third include carbohydrates and fats.

Must be present in the diet:

  • Low-fat meats: chicken, veal, rabbit, turkey.
  • Boiled sea fish without bones.
  • Sour-milk products: cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream.
  • Cereals: rice, corn, buckwheat, oatmeal.
  • Vegetables: cabbage, beets, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin.
  • You can add dried fruits: apples, berries, pears.
  • Vegetable oil: olive, sunflower, corn. About 1 tbsp. l in a day.

The meat can be given in raw form, previously freezing and dousing with boiling water. However, it is safer if it has passed heat treatment.

During the period of active growth, puppies need to introduce vitamin-mineral complexes into the diet. They can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. And you can use those that are sold in a standard pharmacy, for example, fish oil or brewer's yeast.

Representatives of this breed, due to the nomadic lifestyle of their ancestors, have a slow metabolism. Therefore, you need to monitor the portion size and calorie content so that the pet does not get extra pounds. In the cold season, food should be more high-calorie than in summer.

Health and Life Expectancy

Thanks to the centuries-old natural selection, the Pyrenees dogs have undergone natural selection. Most individuals have excellent health, strength and stamina.The life expectancy of representatives of this breed is an average of 10-12 years.

To maintain the health of the pet will help proper care and good conditions. If you suspect a dog is having a health problem, you must show the animal to the veterinarian. It is necessary to timely carry out all routine vaccinations. To protect health, quarterly deworming will help with complex preparations designed to combat tapeworms and round parasitic worms.

Puppy price

In the CIS countries, this breed is not so widespread, but still there are good nurseries in large cities. Buying puppies is necessary only in person, preferably visiting the kennel in person.

The price of puppies is from $ 250 per pet class pet and from $ 1,000 per animal for breeding.

Video: Pyrenean Mountain Dog

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