Why pregnant women should not raise their hands up

From the very beginning of pregnancy, any mother begins to actively take care of the baby in the womb. She drinks vitamins so that the crumb does not need anything, tries not to be nervous, beware of taking medications, does not pick up heavy objects. This is a minimum of elementary rules that a woman who is expecting a baby must observe. One of these rules is a ban on raising hands. Today we’ll talk about what happens in a woman’s body when she raises her hands up, how dangerous it is and whether it is dangerous at all.

Why pregnant women should not raise their hands up

What happens if a pregnant woman raises her hands

The fact that a pregnant woman cannot raise her hands up is known not only by her grandmother in the village, but also by the most experienced gynecologist. This ban is valid not only at the level of omens, it is completely scientifically substantiated. There are many arguments about why you can’t raise your hands to the expectant mother, we will tell you about the most real and adequate.

  1. The optimal explanation of doctors about this is the possibility of entwining the baby with an umbilical cord. That is, when a woman raises her hands up, more space for movement appears in the stomach, the baby begins to become active and can easily throw a loop from the umbilical cord around her neck. This can lead to hypoxia - in utero or during childbirth. The risk of entanglement increases with stressful situations, with a lack of oxygen (the baby begins to actively move), with polyhydramnios (more space for movement) and with a physiologically long umbilical cord.
  2. Raising the arms, especially sharp, can lead to the discharge of water, as the muscles of the abdomen are compressed from tension. Raising your hands in the later stages is highly undesirable.
  3. Raising hands during pregnancy is especially dangerous if a woman is diagnosed with placenta previa. In this case, the risk of peeling is high.
  4. People say that a pregnant woman should not raise her arms above shoulder level. To a large extent, this is connected with protecting the future mother and freeing her from urgent matters. A woman should not hang clothes, glue wallpapers, wash windows, remove curtains and perform similar work, during which hands should be raised up. It is likely that the sign was invented in order for the relatives of the future mother to assume these responsibilities.
  5. Raising your arms up may be associated with low blood pressure, which pregnant women often suffer from. In this case, with such movements, your head may begin to feel dizzy, a woman may lose consciousness. It is fraught with fainting and, of course, falling and trauma. You need to be careful and not raise your hands sharply up, especially if the pressure is below normal.
  6. Doctors do not recommend raising their hands at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, from this period there is a risk of complications.
  7. According to some reports, if the mother is in a standing position with her hands up, the uterine blood supply at this time sharply decreases, the baby is deficient in nutrition and oxygen. If such loads fall on the baby regularly, hypoxia can lead to developmental delays - mental or physical.
  8. Another risk that a woman may be exposed to during pregnancy is a change in fetal position. As noted, when you raise your hands, there is a lot of space in the womb, the baby can involuntarily move or roll over. If the pelvic, transverse, facial or frontal presentation of the fetus is diagnosed, the issue of surgical delivery is resolved. In some cases, the doctor may recommend a cesarean section to reduce the risks for the baby. If the baby lies correctly, with the nape to the cervix, you do not need to raise your hands so that the fetus does not inadvertently change its position.

These are the most common risks associated with raising hands during pregnancy. But is it really so scary and you have to constantly walk with straight arms folded at the seams?

Can I raise my hands during pregnancy?

Gymnastics specialists and doctors agree that it is still possible to raise hands, but this must be done carefully, slowly, gradually and not for long. If you do not have complications and the threat of a miscarriage, you can slowly hang your underwear, but you need to do this intermittently. If you feel weak or dizzy, immediately abandon the venture, ask someone close to help you. In no case do not engage in such complex work as washing windows, removing curtains and wallpapering. This is a fairly energy-intensive exercise and can be dangerous for the pregnant body.

But you should not completely abandon physical activity, especially if you led an active lifestyle before pregnancy. Yoga is very useful for pregnant women - all exercises are based on balance and balance. Many poses are available for pregnant women, they develop elasticity and extensibility of the muscles of the back and perineum, which will be very useful during childbirth. Great physical activity is swimming. In water, a pregnant woman does not experience such a heavy load on the spine; water, as it were, supports a heavy stomach. Moreover, water calms and pacifies. However, choose places with clean water, be sure to use tampons to protect the vaginal cavity from the ingress of chlorinated water. Another way to warm up a pregnant woman is by walking. She is available to every expectant mother. You need to walk a lot, often, regularly. It is better to combine walking with walks in forest park areas and near ponds. A sufficient amount of oxygen in the body of a woman is the prevention of hypoxia in the baby.

Pregnancy is the time when a woman must monitor her body, because a new life develops and grows inside. And if earlier you could neglect your own health, now you need to protect it, like the apple of your eye. After all, it depends on him how the baby will be born - strong or weak, sick or healthy. Take care of yourself, do not raise your hands above your shoulders!

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