Why cats purr and what does it mean?

Fans of cats rarely think about why their pets purr so peacefully, especially when stroking them with wool. In order not to solve this riddle, it was decided that purring is satisfaction, gratitude for the owner's affection and attention to the cat person. But, as it turned out, cats purr not only for joy, their rumbling can also be reproduced with negative aspects.

Why cats purr and what does it mean

Feline urchin - true or myth

The soft murmur made by a cat is that mysterious purr. It turns out that this slightly hoarse sound originates between the base of the tongue and the skull of the animal in the region of thin bones located under the tongue. It is contracting that the voice beams create vibrations in the form of rumbling, and then the pharynx flexor is connected to this ensemble of sounds. Scientists had a hard time figuring out how the sound comes from and how the cat purrs. It is no secret that the pattern of forming the urchin is similar to the reproduction of sounds by a person, but has basic differences.

To understand in more detail the cat's rumbling, it is worth studying the algorithm for creating sounds, which consists of the following manipulations:

  • through the vocal bundles, air masses enter the trachea from the lungs;
  • in the bone located under the tongue, pulsations cause echoes.

Cats, unlike people, do not particularly strain when playing sounds, slightly straining the muscles in the nasal jaws and sinuses. After the appearance of tone in the lips and throat, a rumbling rattle is produced.

Sound ripple pattern

Do not think that with purring in animals it is so simple, for many years studying this process was unsuccessful. No one can determine where this mysterious urchin is located. To slightly reveal the secret, you need to understand a little where exactly this secret organ can be located. Scientists are persistent people, and they do not abandon hopes to determine where the urchin is. They think that purring is reproduced through vibration of the false ligaments. Here, the opinions of scientists diverged, since most scientists are confident that fluctuations in the chest and throat are of a nature that is associated with blood circulation. Since the movement of blood through the vessels can cause sounds of a similar nature.

The clearest minds do not want to argue with everyone and prove that rumbling is done precisely from the region of the hyoid bone. Yes, here the cats set the task for scientists, at that time they purr themselves, not knowing grief. What can I say, they chose a winning position, there is no arguing. Scientists do not give up hope sooner or later to find a cat urchin. The study of sounds is only the beginning of their investigation.

As for other feline families, large animals cannot purr like cats because of the peculiarities of cartilage. Not plastic epiglottis do not allow the bones to produce such a vibration, but strengthen the vocal apparatus, due to which the animals emit such a loud roar. All representatives of small families have a talent for purring both during exhalation and during inspiration. But large animals publish their roar only at the time of exhalation. It was this ability of large animals that prompted scientists with which organ the cat rumbles.

So what is the cat's rumbling about?

Scientists are very interested in what exactly the cat rumbles about, what information she wants to convey to humanity. What is the message of this information, positive or negative? Some are confident that they will be able to provide answers to their questions.What does it mean when cats rumble? Biologists are convinced that rumbling is motivated by pleasure, but cats will definitely not tell them about it. Moreover, this belief is easy to refute. I would not want to disappoint specialists, but cats purr when they are stroking, and when they are in pain, only the degree of this rumbling is different.

Feline rumbling

Every sound in an animal is made for some purpose, and this is no secret. The peculiarity of cats is such that immediately after birth they are able to make characteristic sounds. But the nature of these sounds is different, that’s the peculiarity. Pet lovers have learned to catch the difference between these sounds, and share the purring of pleasure or pain.

Purring groups are as follows:

  1. The cat makes characteristic sounds when dissatisfied with what is happening.
  2. Nervous mood can also be accompanied by a purr, but in this case there will be a noticeable transition from a muffled sound to a loud rumbling.
  3. If there is a threat to life, the cat can defend itself with rumbling.
  4. Purring a hoarse character carries the message that the animal is enough for everyone.
  5. With a loss of interest in what is happening, the sounds will subside slightly.

If you watch the animals constantly, you can determine why they purr so often. With sounds of this nature, they are trying to attract the attention of the owners. Veterinarians went further than scientists, they decided not to understand why cats purr, but to force them to stop making sounds. Opening the tap with water, the animal falls silent. At the reception, the veterinarian does not have the opportunity to listen to the cat if he makes characteristic sounds, but when the water is pouring from the tap, the cat is silent.

Why do cats purr in a dream?

It turned out that cats in a dream are purring to maintain muscle tone. This assumption should not be excluded, because it makes sense. Cats spend most of their lives in sleep, during which time the muscles can atrophy, and to prevent this from happening, they make purring sounds. Using the device, scientists were able to find out that cats make their sounds with a frequency of 25 to 150 Hz. Such vibrations can heal cuts and increase bone concentration. It turns out that cats are able to be treated without the help of people.

Why cats purr in a dream

As it became known, the grace of cats also depends on the rumbling. A functioning urchin is able to maintain all muscles and bones in a toned tone, this is lucky for cats. But cats were created by nature not only in order to live for their own good, scientists have proved that being next to a cat that rumbles, people also get rid of their diseases. Americans have long been using vibrations at a frequency of 25 Hz to restore muscle in astronauts.

Pain and purring

The analysis showed that when cats purr during an increase in the pain threshold, they relieve stress. Thus, the cat anesthetizes itself, through the message to the brain and the stimulation of hormones that are responsible for relaxation. It is not for nothing that they say that cats are tenacious creatures, their entire body is built so as to maintain their tone for as long as possible.

And despite the biological characteristics of the animals, it was not possible to find out the reasons for the rumbling. To get more answers to questions, you should watch your animal during a purr. It is no secret that each animal is individual, so the purring of one cat can radically differ from another. All that needs to be done is to analyze all phases of a purr, and respond to changes in time to fix exactly the result that is needed.

Video: why do cats purr when stroked?

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