The use of tincture of calendula for hair

By tincture of calendula is meant a dosage form. The drug is sold in every pharmacy and is manufactured in alcohol. Do not confuse tincture with infusion, since in the latter case, the basis is water. If we talk about traditional cosmetology and medicine, it is allowed to use 2 types. The drug is mainly used in the treatment of hair and scalp. Especially valuable composition is considered in case of mass loss, dandruff, excess fat.

Calendula tincture for hair

Action tincture of calendula for hair

  • the fight against itching and dry scalp;
  • elimination of dandruff;
  • normalization of subcutaneous fat production;
  • follicle strengthening;
  • prevention of severe loss;
  • giving shine, elasticity, density;
  • calming the skin;
  • healing of wounds and abrasions;
  • struggle with fragility, cut ends;
  • general improvement of hair.

Indications for use tincture of calendula

  • dandruff;
  • seborrhea;
  • dull curls;
  • the presence of microcracks on the scalp;
  • section along the entire length;
  • too oily hair type;
  • “Liquid” hairstyle (lack of volume);
  • massive hair loss;
  • slow growth.

Calendula tincture for dandruff hair

Dandruff is often accompanied by a strong loss, so these problems should be eliminated simultaneously.

  1. To prepare the potion, measure 20 g. inflorescences (dry), fill them with 0.2 liters. alcohol concentration of about 40-45%. Send the contents to a dark place for 2 weeks.
  2. If you wish, you can immediately pour 20-30 ml. castor or burdock oil to increase effectiveness. When time runs out, filter the product through a layer of gauze.
  3. To use the composition, comb the hair, separate them with partings. Preheat the mass to 35 degrees, why scoop it up with a sponge or brush, rub it into the basal area.
  4. After the massage, you can stretch the product to the middle of the length using a wooden scallop. Keep the composition for 20-25 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  5. Treatment continues until the desired result is obtained, but no longer than 2 months. After this period, you need to take a break of 25-30 days, then conduct a second course (if necessary).

Calendula tincture to give hair volume

  1. If your hair is down at the roots, it makes sense to consider a mask to increase the volume. In addition to strengthening the follicles, the strands will rise, they will look healthier.
  2. Get in the pharmacy alcohol tincture of calendula, measure 20 ml. (teaspoon). Now prepare a decoction of fresh nettles, measure 300 ml. Combine the ingredients.
  3. To start using, you need to wash your hair with shampoo, dry and comb with a comb. Then rinsing is carried out, the composition is not washed off.
  4. The tool can be used 2 times a week for girls with a dry type of shock, three times a week - for ladies with oily hair. Therapy is carried out until a result is obtained.

Calendula tincture against hair loss

Calendula tincture against hair loss

  1. To prevent massive hair loss and fix a problem that has already appeared, take 25 ml. alcohol infusion of calendula and 150 ml. warm filtered water.
  2. Combine the ingredients and mix well. Now fold a piece of gauze into 4-5 layers, dip into a liquid and squeeze a little (you can skip this step).
  3. Distribute the compress over the entire surface of the head so that the napkin touches the temples, the crown, the back of the head, and the hairline on the forehead. You can additionally build a cap from the cling film.
  4. The exposure time of the compress is 1.5 hours. The procedure should be carried out for 2 months with a frequency of 3 times in 10 days. Then a two-week break is made.

Calendula tincture for hair growth

  1. Collect marigold marigolds, linden or chamomile inflorescences, hop cones in advance. Dry the components, measure them in an equal ratio of 30-40 g.
  2. Put the herbs in a jar and pour 350 ml. 40% alcohol. Insist in a dark place for about 2 weeks, periodically shaking the container. After the specified time, strain the tincture.
  3. The application is not difficult. After washing your hair, dry the mop with a towel. Rub a small portion of the product into the basal area and massage.
  4. Warm yourself with cellophane and a bath towel, then wait 1-1.5 hours. This time is allocated to the collection of useful infusion enzymes with bulbs. If the hair does not seem dirty, do not rinse. The composition is applied 1 time in 10 days.

Calendula tincture to strengthen hair

  1. The product is prepared without alcohol, so it is ideal for people with sensitive scalp. You can strengthen the hair along the entire length, give it shine, prevent loss and dryness.
  2. To prepare the infusion, measure 480 ml. filtered water and pour into a small pan. Bring the liquid to a boil, pour 60 g. inflorescences of calendula.
  3. Strain the composition at low power for a quarter of an hour, then turn off the burner and let the contents brew for 3 hours under the lid. After the specified interval, filter the broth.
  4. Before use, you can optionally enter 40 gr. liquid honey and mix it. Rinse the hair with tincture 2-3 times every 10 days after the usual water procedures.

Calendula tincture for dry hair

Calendula tincture for dry hair

  1. Dry hair often becomes brittle and is exposed to all kinds of harmful effects. To make the shock strong, shiny and healthy, use a mask based on calendula tincture.
  2. Buy a pharmacy drug, measure 25 ml., Mix with 50 gr. burdock oil or castor oil. Preheat in a steam or water bath to 35 degrees, then rub it into the roots and tips.
  3. The product is aged under a warming cap of film and a scarf for 30 minutes. Flushing is carried out first with balm, then with shampoo and water.

Calendula tincture for oily hair

  1. Owners of oily hair often face a problem in which the hair becomes dirty at the roots after 10 hours after washing. And along the entire length they seem quite normal. The problem lies in the accelerated release of fat.
  2. To eliminate the defect, prepare a tincture of 65 gr. calendula (inflorescences) and 240 ml. alcohol concentration of 40%. Insist the composition in the refrigerator for 13-15 days, then filter.
  3. If you wish, you can buy a ready-made tincture of calendula in a pharmacy, it all depends on personal preferences. Using the product is simple: measure the required amount and rub into the basal part (scalp).
  4. Do not insulate yourself with a cap so as not to provoke a blockage of the sebaceous ducts. Keep the product for about half an hour, then do the usual shampooing with shampoo and balm.
  5. The duration of therapy is 4 weeks, provided that it is used three times a week. Then a week-long break is made, if necessary, treatment is resumed.

Examine the indications for the use of tincture of calendula for hair. Choose the best recipe taking into account the existing problem. Before the first use of the drug, conduct a test to make sure that there is no individual intolerance to the components.

Video: tincture of calendula for beauty and hair strength

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