Poodle - breed description and dog character

This dog breed has been enjoying high interest for a long time. It is generally accepted that a poodle is a dog for women, but this is completely not so. In fact, the poodle is a strong and hardy dog ​​with a proud disposition and stylish appearance.


These dogs are always in the spotlight. From nature, the poodle got an unusual look and sharp mind. According to intelligence, they are in second place after the Border Collie breed.

Breed description

The breed is quite ancient, the history of its occurrence is very saturated. The poodle is considered a French national breed, although it was originally a dog accompanying the hunter. The roots of the breed go to the North European territory. The very name of the variety comes from the German "puddeln", which means "splashing in the water." Dogs were trained without fear of jumping into the water.

In terms of size, the representatives of the breed are divided into four groups, so it is believed that any person will be able to choose a dog based on their wishes. But this is a little false. If you plan to get a dog for protection, then a poodle will not work. Despite the fact that these dogs give voice, warning you that someone is nearby, the poodle will not attack other dogs or strangers. For such an activity, the poodle is overly friendly.

It is worth considering whether you have enough free time to talk with your pet. A poodle needs to use your affection and rewards daily. Larger dogs need regular exercise, and the dwarf poodle will also not be content with the seat in your arms. In contrast to miniature, such dogs are very active, like to walk on the street for a long time and are ready to follow the owner everywhere. Poodles love to play, play pranks and fool around. Sometimes it may seem that they have an excellent sense of humor. Dogs also adore any water procedures and swimming.

A poodle that is not regularly played with, who is bored and alone, is unlikely to be happy. This can turn into disgusting his behavior. Therefore, you, as the owner, as well as members of your family, will not be happy.

At the same time, a poodle is a great option for the whole family, having an amazing character. They perfectly find a common language with children, family and even single owners. They like to be in the company, being social doggies. In a number of situations, a poodle is able to worry, alerting everyone around it about the danger.

The hearts of many dog ​​adorers belong precisely to poodles, which attract with a peculiar graceful appearance, and these dogs rightfully symbolize the whole group of decorative dogs.

Representatives of this breed managed to become one of the most adored dogs in all the states of the planet, which was facilitated by its originality, love of life, many unique features and quick wits. If we take as a basis the data of the directory called “The World Almanac”, which is published in America, then about one and a half million dogs of different breeds have official registration in the United States. And in the first place in this list is the poodle.

In addition to the original look, the poodle has many diverse talents. Many representatives of the breed, including the dwarf poodle, have excellent hunter abilities. They are very active, energetic, have an excellent scent and are easy to learn, grasping everything on the fly. Bright intellect, coupled with a huge buoyancy, distinguish this dog from the background of other breeds.The poodle was able to stand out among others even with an extensive range of its dimensions and coat color.

Dogs of this breed have a soft, balanced and good-natured character, allowing them to easily make friends with other animals. It has absolute affection for the owner, imitates his behavior. Allows children to play with him as they wish.

Being a very sociable, impressionable and active animal, a poodle can hardly be alone. He begins to worry, whine, bark, can ruin shoes and other things. If the dog got a little lost and lost sight of the owner on a walk, she is not upset and can go up to any stranger and become a friend for him, albeit for a short time. Of course, this does not mean that the dog has thrown out of the head of his beloved owner. Using his instincts, the poodle will look for the owner for a very long time.

How to choose a poodle

How to choose a poodle
Dog growth
This breed variety has such an impressive difference as growth.

  1. Royal dogs are impressive animals that need to be regularly walked in a spacious space. He is easy to train and can play the role of a service dog.
  2. A medium-sized poodle is usually started precisely for the same purpose, and also as a pet. It does not require excessive care and does not take up as much space as a royal poodle.
  3. A toy poodle or a dwarf poodle is most suitable for those who want a decorative option for themselves. They run great, have high stamina and liveliness, while taking up even less space. This sometimes becomes the predominant factor when choosing a poodle in small-sized housing.

Animal color
With regards to the color, relying on the color of the coat of the dog, you can satisfy any, even the most demanding, taste of the owner. Poodles with white hair have the greatest photogenicity, but appropriate care is required. Often, only an extremely clean person is willing to take the risk of having such a pet. People who like to fantasize acquire a poodle with pink hair or with an apricot hue. For each person, a blue doggie can come up. The most practical option is a brown or black doggie, which also has its own charm and does not require serious care.

Poodle floor
Many owners pay considerable attention to the gender of the future pet. As usual, bitches are more refined, affectionate and more attached to the owner. Their psyche is more stable, the intellect is more developed than that of males, it is easier to perceive training. All this for a number of people crosses out certain inconveniences that occur twice a year at the time of gestation.

Males have a more strict character, aggressive temperament and outwardly look more elegant. Need long walks. It is generally accepted that if a boy-child is in the family, then it is advisable to acquire a male, and if a daughter, then a female.

Do I need to have a poodle?
The life expectancy of such a pet reaches, on average, 13-14 years. When purchasing a puppy, the owner must understand that great responsibility for the pet is placed on his shoulders. A person will have to be configured to live in his dog’s house, therefore, it is necessary to take any worries and difficulties associated with caring for him. Many dogs are very attached to the family, and the poodle is no exception. Therefore, before deciding to buy a poodle puppy, you need to think about whether your desire is so serious.

What to pay attention to?
It is advisable to take a poodle at a young age. But you should not buy a puppy until he is one and a half months old, since his character has not yet been formed. It is advisable to buy poodle puppies based on the recommendations of trusted clubs or groups of dog breeders.Choosing a puppy among all in the litter, you should take the strongest, most courageous and energetic representative. Be sure to get all the documentation that confirms the thoroughbred and pedigree of the dog.

At a young age, a poodle is not too curly. His puppy coat, despite its density, is still soft and excessively fluffy, so it looks like small hanging strands. The teeth of the poodle should be pure white and sharp. A silver poodle is born with black hair, but by the second month the first sections of silver hair will be visible on the limbs and muzzle.

Puppy ears should be large and close to the skull, there should be no pollution and unpleasant odor. Eyes are certainly extremely dark, eyelids are clean and dry. An exception is brown puppies, as they happen to have amber eyes.

Training and education

The poodle, which is subjected to training, demonstrates itself in all its glory, doing with the owner. These dogs have a lively, sharp and strong intelligence, occupying the highest places in the mind among other breeds. Therefore, poodles usually do not have any particular problems learning teams. From a poodle with equal success, it will turn out not only a great companion for everyday life, but also a dog who successfully passes the tests. If you yourself understand what you want, then, thanks to the poodle, you can turn into a great trainer.


The weak point of dogs of this breed is care. Based on this factor, a poodle is one of the most expensive pets. Especially if you have a desire to regularly cut your pet and participate in exhibitions with him. In addition, it is important to regularly expose the poodle to water procedures, bathing at least once every half month. Otherwise, the pet’s coat will not retain its lovely and spectacular appearance.

Poodle Care

However, not everything is so deplorable. For example, a poodle does not shed at all. You can play with him for a long time, play and indulge - this does not mean that his hair will remain on your clothes. Representatives of this dog breed are great for those owners who have a predisposition to allergies.

Pet health

Many owners of poodles note that their pets have excellent and good health. For some reasons, we can conclude how healthy your pet is:

  1. The poodle is mobile, energetic, the appetite is excellent, the dog responds adequately to the owner.
  2. The coat is thick and tightly fits the body.
  3. The eyes glisten, there is no discharge of pus, pink sclera.
  4. The ears are pink, there is no smell or discharge, sulfur does not accumulate.
  5. The nose is cool, moist (in a poodle that has just woken up, the nose can be dry and warm).
  6. The tongue and oral mucosa are pink, not red or pale, there is no salivation.
  7. The breathing is calm, unhurried, no wheezing or coughing.
  8. The pet relieves the need normally, without any problems.

If there is any suspicion that your poodle is sick, in any situation you need to urgently contact your veterinarian. Only in the clinic will specialists be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment that will be carried out either at home or in the hospital.

Standard breed description

The standard for poodles does not differ depending on the size or color of the pet, it is one.

  1. The poodle has a harmonious and graceful appearance, the hair is wavy or curly, the eyes are smart, observant, and bold.
  2. A medium-sized step, smooth, these dogs run easily and naturally.
  3. The head is proportional to the rest of the body, medium size and width.
  4. The nose is pronounced, well developed and is located high, having open nostrils. Pigmentation of the nose is consistent with the color.
  5. The muzzle looks strong, graceful, should not be too sharp.
  6. The poodle's lips are dry, not very wide. The lower lip should slightly overlap the upper.
  7. The teeth are strong and strong, the cheeks protrude, but the muscles involved in chewing are not too developed. Cheekbones are smoothed, not very noticeable.
  8. The skull is slightly oval, elongated. The forehead between the eyebrows is wide, becomes narrower to the back of the head. The ears are very long, sag lengthwise to the cheeks, have a flat shape, wider in the middle.
  9. The neck is strong, medium in size, no folds. The head is high and proud. The shoulders have well-developed muscles, the limbs are also muscular, and the backbone is strong.

Video: dog poodle breed

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