Rottweiler - breed description and dog character

If you need a brave defender who will become a loyal friend and real assistant in an extremely situation, then it is recommended to pay attention to the rottweiler. This is a real fearless dog with a stately build, developed muscles and a strong disposition. He can easily serve in the police or army ranks, protect private possessions and engage in the transportation of large loads. But not always this daredevil shows only a serious and concentrated character. Rottweiler is often a sweet, glorious and touching dog.


It is not uncommon for these dogs to become guardians of other animals. Unfortunately, in recent years, these dogs instead of admiration and delight cause fear. The news is often full of horrific headlines that say the dog has attacked the owner or another dog. What is the reason that having a colossal track record, the dog gained negative fame?

Breed appearance

There is currently no written information about the ancestors of these dogs. Historians are of the opinion that Rottweiler-like dogs existed already in ancient Egyptian times. In addition to similarities in appearance, both of these breeds are similar and strong fearless character, which was incredibly appreciated in those days.

In the images adorning the tomb of Tutankhamun, it is possible to discern details of stunning battle scenes. Among the participants in such battles are dogs with a warlike and assertive appearance, who mercilessly fight with enemies.

The ancestors of modern Rottweilers regularly participated in saving Egypt from invaders, and in calmer times they could live peacefully in society and families, often becoming members of religious communities, participating in rituals. No wonder that the majestic and large statues can be seen in many palaces.

In this case, the historical homeland of these Egyptian dogs is considered not the territory adjacent to the Nile. These four-legged fighters were divorced already in Babylon, in the sixth century BC. There they received the name of Molossian dogs, and they owe the name to the tribe in which they were. They did not take part in the battles, but provided assistance to the inhabitants of Mesopotamia in hunting kings of animals. They also showed excellent protective abilities in protecting the home.

Thanks to developed muscles, strong skeleton, natural courage and excellent fighting characteristics, they became the subject of adoration of any hunter.

Soon, a terrific dog breed was born in neighboring states. The Persians considered the Rottweilers a symbol of countless wealth and power. The Assyrians believed that even owning clay Babylonian dog figures would help protect the house from the influence of dark forces. And the famous Zarathustra was able to notice in these animals huge training abilities. Perhaps this was the reason that the Romans wanted to have such dogs in service.

But the ancestors of the modern Rottweiler were engaged not only in hunting and military affairs. These dogs also participated in the battles of gladiators between animals. They could calmly enter the battle against ferocious bulls, bloodthirsty lions and even impressive elephants. It was participation in such battles that caused the development of such an aggressive and implacable character.

The legionnaires of Rome trusted the dogs of that time with accurate work. In order for all states to be conquered, a huge army had to carry large supplies of food. This is a difficult task, and therefore the soldiers had with them a "living" source of meat.Countless regiments led the cow and goat herds to the battlefields, and Molossian dogs took care of these animals. They also participated in the distillation of these herds to new places.

After many centuries, rottweilers appeared in Russia. This event happened in 1915. Then it turned out that dogs of this breed can withstand frosty climates without any problems. It turned out that many representatives were sent to distant areas - to Siberia and the territory of the Far North. There they fought with predatory animals and defended tamed moose.

The appearance of modern Rottweilers, people are again obliged to Roman legionnaires. Among their hikes was a passage through the Alps. Having overcome the mountains, they fell into the territory of southern Germany. This area had a great location, the land was fertile, and the climate was mild. These characteristics seduced the Romans, so they settled in this area and began to breed animals. Molossian dogs also took a direct part in this.

For two centuries, the existence of the Romans on these lands continued, until a number of tribes pushed out the invaders from there. This led to the formation of their settlements by tribes, and Rottweil appeared in the list of cities. The lands did not cease to be fertile, and the remaining Roman dogs became devoted assistants to their new owners. Dogs, for a long time protecting cow and goat herds, retained these skills and became excellent guards of houses and residents of the city. Therefore, the local butchers stuck to the four-legged brethren with all their souls.

Honorary Work
Soon, dogs, whose homeland is considered Rottweil, began to acquire the inhabitants of Switzerland and Austria. And then the butcher dog entered the service of the American and British police. She shows special qualities in the detention of criminals and the protection of private facilities. Even the most formidable and fearless attackers give up quickly when they are attacked by an aggressive and evil Rottweiler.

The skills of these dogs played a good role in the process of the Second World War. For example, on the territory of Prague of those times, Rottweilers, possessing exorbitant stamina and strength, could transport teams filled with coal to the houses of citizens.

Currently, you can see the Rottweilers in the squads involved in saving people. These dogs can urgently find people in trouble under fragments of structures after earthquakes. Dogs that have a high pain threshold and are not afraid of anything can quickly get through the wreckage to the unfortunate. Due to the properties of the breed, many human lives were saved.

Breed description

For many centuries, these dogs have been in dedicated and faithful service to people. This adds them a special charm. Just imagine a beautiful dog with strong and impressive muscles. Its weight can reach fifty kilograms with high growth - up to 70 cm. A real giant!

Rottweiler Description

The head of the Rottweiler is massive, with impressive eyebrows with brown pigmentation. Due to the large skull, the jaws of these dogs are powerful and strong. During a bite, the pressure indicator can reach 22 atm.

Any rottweiler has a standard coat color. The lips are dark pigmented, the coat is short, painted black with brown patches on the limbs, shoulders and mouth. Shedding is moderate, so combing a pet is not necessary.

If this dog is purebred, then his chest is wide and deep enough, and his back is flat and long. His posture is graceful, his limbs are very strong, so the rottweiler can easily accompany you in the process of daily walks and runs.

At its core, the Rottweiler is very athletic and needs constant loads.There will not be any special problems when keeping the dog in the city, but it will take a long time to play and have fun.

Rottweiler Character Features

In August 2007, a monument dedicated to the service dog was erected in the historical homeland of these strong dogs. The sculpture is made of bronze, and is now the subject of Rottweil's pride. Due to this monument, it was possible to perpetuate fidelity, a bright mind and valor with the courage of this dog.

Any person who had a chance to spend time with the Rottweiler could verify from personal experience that this dog has excellent qualities. They are very self-confident, you can rely on them and know that the pet will never let you down. From all their appearance comes true calm, they never act recklessly.

But fine manners are unlikely to be able to manifest themselves without the necessary education. Along with other dogs, especially service dogs, the Rottweiler must be educated and trained. In the opposite situation, the dog will not become obedient. And if the pet dominates the owner, then this may someday turn into an unpleasant situation. Therefore, even in puppyhood, the dog must be sent to a dog handler, where, due to developed intelligence, the dog will be able to possess unfamiliar commands and skills.

Being educated and obedient, Rottweilers show a certain modesty and friendliness. They are inactive in a city apartment, but once in the open sky, they begin to play and frolic. They often need to be played and encouraged! They like to be in the center of attention and answer the owner the same. Rottweilers are great for children and can even get along with other little animals if they are familiar with them from a young age. But to strangers they are suspicious, attentive and alert. Therefore, you need to especially watch your pet for a walk.

However, each Rottweiler loves a measured, serene existence more. In those families where scandals, quarrels regularly occur, the pet can turn into a malicious and disturbing creature.

Aggression Experiment

In some cities, butcher breeds of dogs are prohibited. Often, owners may receive a refusal from insurance companies to apply for a medical policy. In the United States alone, over the past two decades, more than 15 percent of all dog bite deaths were due to rottweilers not being raised. It is for this reason that each breeder, working with a service dog, pays special attention to the characteristics of the puppies' character, and for further breeding only dogs with a docile and calm disposition are taken.

Dog breed rottweiler

You can determine the mental state of a dog using a specific test. In its framework, the dog is allowed into a fussy large crowd. All strangers do not show aggression to the puppy, pass by, may approach the owner of the dog or stand around them in an inextricable ring. Should the dog show anger at such moments, the test will not pass.

The test representatives of the breed are sent to another test. There it is important to show all your abilities to guard and protect. With each animal there is a person who plays the role of criminals. On his hand is a sleeve that provides protection, in which the dog should cling to his jaw. At the same moment, with the other hand, in which the stick is located, the stranger makes pseudo-hits on the body of the dog.

The most important thing in such a test for the dog to show unconditional obedience. As soon as the owner gives a command, the Rottweiler, having a calm and trained character, must immediately disengage his teeth, move away from the stranger and wait for the next teams.

When a pet successfully completes both tests, it is unlikely that in the future he will fall into a fierce crime chronicle.

Whose fault?
A number of dog handlers claim that bad and evil dogs do not appear. They adopt a cruel and aggressive attitude only from a person. Therefore, it is necessary to select a breed for institution at home, based on their own capabilities and preferences.

To look after and keep at home a dog that has a multi-faceted history and heavy disposition is a huge responsibility. It is necessary to train the Rottweiler under the supervision of a high-class dog handler. Rottweiler puppies are not aggressive and very cute, but just then it is very important to start raising a dog. It will take a lot of time to give yourself to the dog and concentrate on socializing it.

Not every person will be able to bear such a heavy burden on his shoulders. However, if you make such a decision, you will need to finish the job. If the dog is not completely disciplined, then this can harm not only the health, but also the lives of people from your environment. And if the Rottweiler is a perfectly raised dog, then it will become for your family a wonderful loyal guard with a joyful character, a strong mind and a calm disposition.

Rottweiler feeding

Dry food is usually used in conditions where it is necessary to save time. At the same time, it is important to understand that, unlike natural types of feed, such feeding inflicts a stronger blow on the budget, and cheap brands of feed do not include the necessary quality products. Such a diet can lead to obesity problems in the dog. For feeding, you will need to use only expensive varieties of feed that have proven themselves, which will allow the dog to maintain its excellent physical shape.

It is best to feed your pet with dry food at the moment when it is actively growing, becoming an adult, when the dog is carrying offspring or recovering from an illness. In other cases, it is advisable to stay on natural food. With this option, it is important to maintain the percentage of protein at half the total amount of food. This can be achieved by including dairy products, meat or fish in the diet.

It is recommended that the meat be given raw to the rottweiler, and cook no longer than 4-6 minutes. Raw vegetables should be given to the Rottweiler infrequently and not more than 15 percent of the total diet. About 30 percent are cereals from buckwheat, oatmeal or rice.

Up to six months, puppies need to be fed up to 5-6 times a day. For the first time, a puppy is fed in the early morning, before walking, and the last time they offer food before the dog has to go to bed.

The cost of Rottweiler puppies

The pedigree, the presence of titled ancestors, as well as what prospects the pet has, affect the price of the puppy. Therefore, the range of costs can be extremely extensive: from 12,000 to 32,000 rubles or more.

Video: Rottweiler dog breed

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