Ryadovka violet - a description of where it grows, the toxicity of the mushroom

Row of violet refers to a mushroom of a characteristic shade. It is common in climatic zones with a moderate and stable temperature, as well as sufficient moisture in the soil. Despite the edibility, not every mushroom picker dares to put prey in his basket, but in vain. Fruit bodies are endowed with a mass of useful qualities, so today we will consider these specimens in detail.

The row of purple


  1. The upper part is pigmented with a rich purple hue at the very beginning, just below this color fades and does not look so pronounced. When the mushroom grows, it becomes buffy and brownish. In dry weather, it brightens, and in humidity it darkens accordingly. In young fruiting bodies, the hat initially sticks out, then becomes flat. The surface is smooth and pleasant to the touch, with a diameter of 6 to 15 cm.
  2. The base is cylindrical or oval in shape, like a barrel. The stalk is about 10 cm high. With a diameter of 1-3 cm. It is painted in a rich purple hue, which eventually becomes violet-gray or gray-white (old mushrooms). The pulp of the base with fibers, in the lower part can be seen ingrown leaves and needles of conifers.
  3. The pulp in its structure is dense, fleshy, pigmented with a purple tone. The older the fungus, the more faded its soft part. The hue can go as far as cream. The taste of the mushroom is inexpressive, the smell is pleasant, but not intrusive. Spores almost always have no color, but can be pinkish or whitish.


  1. This variety of fruiting bodies requires litter for growth. As it may be fallen needles from needles, as well as foliage, straw, brushwood.
  2. You can find the presented variety in a mixed, coniferous strip. It is also found on compost and orchards with fallen fruits. Mushrooms perfectly adapt to climatic conditions, tolerate sub-zero temperatures.
  3. They can grow both separately and in colonies. In some zones they are found in a circle, that is, they form such a shape with growth. Very often, these mushrooms can be found next to smoky talkers.
  4. Fruit bodies grow in the Northern Hemisphere. You can deal with gathering from the end of summer to the middle of autumn. It was during this period that the variety is most common.


  1. This variety of fruiting bodies is the most delicious among its autumn counterparts. Often the mushrooms are pickled and salted. But also often they are combined with meat and fish, serving as a complement to the second dish.
  2. In raw form, mushrooms are not consumed. They need initial processing in the form of a 20-minute cooking or stewing. After this, the harmful substance hemolysin is destroyed, so the product will only benefit.
  3. As for the processing methods, everything will work: evaporation, cooking, frying, stewing, salting, pickling, etc.

Differences from similar species

Lepista nuda

  1. The fruiting bodies under consideration have a similar description with edible mushrooms and inedible relatives. Among the unsuitable for food, it is worth highlighting a copy, which is called a goat cobweb. Such a mushroom has a musty smell, a yellowish color and a bitter taste.
  2. As for the edible fruits, among them can be distinguished lilipod row. Such a mushroom has a flaky fibrous leg. Hat is light yellow. It also has a purple hue. Whitish records are similar to the color of the hat.
  3. By conditionally edible can be attributed purple cobweb.It can be distinguished by characteristic features. Such a fruit has a cobwebbed cover under the hat on the leg.
  4. There is another mushroom that is suitable for consumption. It is called a purple lacquer Such a fruiting body is small in size with a longitudinally striped and contented thin leg. In any case, be especially careful when picking mushrooms.

Mushroom picking

  1. Experienced mushroom pickers claim that fruits are best harvested in early fall. However, it is worth noting that such mushrooms bear fruit for several months. This happens almost until the first frost.
  2. Such fruits are most often found along forest roads, in needles, near compost and in summer cottages not far from straw heaps. Keep in mind that mushrooms must be harvested exclusively in ecologically clean places. The problem is that rowing absorbs tin, copper and mercury well from the atmosphere and the earth.

Processing and cooking

Processing and preparation of rowing purple

  1. It is not recommended to consume freshly picked mushrooms that have not been cooked. Be sure to wash the mushrooms, remove dirt and all damaged areas. Before further cooking, the fruits should be cooked for no more than a quarter of an hour.
  2. Violet rowing is ideal for frying, pickling and pickling. As for taste, these fruits are superior to many brothers. You can cook fruit bodies in absolutely any way, there is simply no specific recipe.

The properties

  1. It is worth mentioning separately that mushrooms are saturated with a large number of various trace elements and acids. At the same time, the calorie content of the product does not exceed 20 Kcal.
  2. Thanks to its medicinal properties, the mushroom has been recognized even by pharmacists. The unique composition of the fetus is used to create antibiotics and antifungal drugs.
  3. Systematic eating of the fruiting body allows you to reduce blood sugar and keep it at the optimum mark. Based on the violet row, drugs are being made to control hypoglycemia.

In today's material, we familiarized ourselves with a not very popular variety of fruit bodies painted in a purple tint. Mushrooms are quite useful for humans, so when collecting it is not worth avoiding them. Do not forget about the initial treatment, which is necessary to destroy hemolysin.

Video: rowing purple (Lepista nuda)

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