Samoyed husky - description of the breed and the nature of the dog

Samoyeds are surprisingly beautiful dogs from the North, they won the hearts of a huge number of people. But the matter is not only in an amazing appearance, the character of the dog also plays a role - they are flexible, friendly and get along well with people. Consider how to properly care for the breed, especially Samoyed huskies, the nature of doggies and other interesting facts.

Samoyed Like

General Information and History

Since ancient times, Samoyeds helped people survive in the harsh conditions of the North. The country of origin of the dogs is Russia. Dimensions can reach:

  • height in females up to 53 cm, weight within 21 kg;
  • growth in dogs up to 69 cm, weight within 30 kg.

You can keep dogs in the apartment, but you must remember that the breed requires activity and regular physical activity. They live up to 15 years, and even inexperienced owners can easily cope with the features of caring for this breed.

In total, two types of dog breeds can be distinguished - this is the wolf, as well as the bear samoyed. Naturally, the varieties differ from each other. Wolf Samoyeds have a narrow skull and a rather elongated body, while the bear type has a wide skull and a strong, powerful body.

As for the history of dogs, it can be noted with sovereignty that the breed is not young, but it is known for sure that the correction, as well as breeding breeds of dogs, did not touch in any way. Today we can keep this breed of dogs unchanged, it should be noted that this is very rare. Thanks to this factor, it should be noted that dogs have pretty good health.

Samoyeds belong to one of the oldest Spitz-shaped dogs, and the history of this breed dates back thousands of years. For about 3 thousand years, the breed inhabited the north of Siberia, and the dogs are very faithful, they were in the service of the nomadic Samoyed tribes, it was in their honor that the breed was named. Thanks to the dogs, people's life was greatly simplified - it was much easier for them to overtake herds of deer and hunt. It's no secret that the North is quite cold - and so, the Samoyeds warmed people with their lush, soft, long hair.

Interesting! From some sources it is known that Samoyeds are wonderful hunters. It is noteworthy that these dogs could even hunt bears.

It is impossible not to note that this breed plays a very big role in the history of mankind - a little later the dogs proved to be excellent as all the important polar expeditions.

Which character?

Samoyed huskies are kind, friendly and gentle dogs. You can start both families and single people.

Pretty playful, we must not forget that dogs need regular physical activity to feel good. They get along well with everyone - both adults and children. It is noteworthy that doggies lend themselves well to training, but in this case it is necessary to remember that even if the dog is there when the owner orders it, it will not become a reliable guard - due to its too soft, trusting and friendly nature.

The breed is extremely sociable, loves spending time with his family, being in the spotlight. If you are a lonely, very busy person, you are rarely at home - in this case it is not recommended to start this dog. Alone, the dog will get bored quickly and will grieve.It is immediately important to note that the Samoyeds are prone to increased anxiety, they are very afraid of the fear of loneliness and separation from their master. If you leave the dog alone for a long time - it is quite possible that she will have problems with behavior, excessive barking, as well as chewing.

Teaching dogs is quite simple - they are smart and obedient. But it is worth noting that there are also very stubborn, independent individuals who need the bossy character of the owner - otherwise it will not work to train the dog. Many argue that the best option is to start a breed for people who already have some parenting skills. Samoyeds get along well with children, as well as with other animals, but in any case, it is better to monitor relationships in view of the fact that the breed is quite assertive.

If you need a calm, domestic, quiet dog that will feel comfortable alone, then Samoyed will not be a good choice. The breed needs constant interaction, frequent walks, as well as constant physical activity. The breed can be annoying, quite noisy for some - this factor should also be considered when choosing a dog. You can be sure that until about two years your pet will remain a bully.

What diseases are dogs susceptible to?

As mentioned above, Samoyed huskies rarely get sick - if they provide good care and proper nutrition. But in some cases, dogs get sick, the following diseases are the most common among the breed:

  • diabetes;
  • bloating;
  • arthritis;
  • cataract or glaucoma;
  • aortic stenosis;
  • infectious pathologies of the urinary tract;
  • deafness - in this case, the pathology is congenital.

How to care?

Dogs are owners of a large amount of hair - however, caring for them is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance.

How to care for a Samoyed husky

In order to comb a dog in a good quality, it is necessary to separate a small part of the wool with one hand, and holding with one hand in the direction of the growth of wool it is good to comb the tangled places with the other hand, also in the direction of fur growth. In order for the fur to be fluffy after all the tangled places have been combed, you need to take a comb and with a flick of your hand hold it against the growth of the fur - in order to raise the undercoat.

It is impossible to shave, let alone shave dogs. The main purpose of wool is to protect against heat, cold, and sunburn. If it is necessary to facilitate the care of the Samoyed - in this case, you can slightly shorten the hair in the area of ​​the paw pads, on the upper part of the legs and in the anus - so the dog will get less dirty.

Once or twice a year, dogs drop the undercoat - you need to prepare for the fact that the dog will shed heavily, which means that you need to comb it daily, or even several times a day. It’s difficult to bathe dogs - again, this is due to the large amount of dog fur, but in this case you can also find an alternative: the market offers a large selection of dry shampoos, created specifically for dogs and which are completely harmless to them.

If you want your pet to be calm, not noisy - it is important to provide him with a sufficient amount of physical activity. You need to walk Samoyeds daily, the breed is used to most of the time being in the fresh air. If it is possible to provide the dog with any work, then this will be wonderful - the breed is used to heavy physical exertion.

Do not lose sight of the fact that dogs are individual, each with its own character. The description above is general, so it’s possible that in some cases your pet will behave differently - and this is quite normal. The most important thing is not to forget to devote enough time to the Samoyed, to ensure full walks, as well as care.In this case, you can be sure that your dog will love you madly and will always be a devotee.

How to raise a breed

Training consists in developing and reinforcing existing skills - for this, coercion and encouragement are used alternately. Do not forget about training certain teams, and you need to be persistent in this matter, since it is quite possible that after the dog is forgiven for disobedience 3-4 times, this will be repeated systematically.

There is no need to be afraid to punish the dog - without this, raising it will not work. But it is important to remember that in no case should you beat an animal using a leash - in the future, the Samoyed may even refuse to walk on a leash. It is better to use special lashes - but this is in extremely rare cases when the pet is completely uncontrollable. Dogs have a particularly developed sense of self-esteem, pride - therefore, it is undesirable to beat them. You don’t want your pet to hold a grudge?

The principle of training in this case is based on the conditions of a wolf pack. That is, the leader (in our case, this is the owner of the dog) should always be the first in everything. First, the owner eats, the owner of the animal should also be the first to enter the house. Samoyed must have a personal place. You can start training, starting from three months. First of all, the dog must know the obedience command, only after that you can think about training in the field of security service. But again, do not forget that the Samoyed huskies are not very good guards because of their too trusting and good-natured character.

Dog Feeding Principles

When compiling a diet, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian. This is due to the fact that each dog has its own characteristics, there may be congenital anomalies - therefore, nutrition in each case must be selected individually.

Samoyed huskies feeding

Breeders recommend purchasing ready-made, high-quality, specialized feeds, both dry and wet, for pets. In this way, with the least effort and time, it will be possible to provide the dog with a balanced diet, the required amount of vitamins, minerals, trace elements.

If you firmly decided to feed your pet only with natural food, you must remember that the following foods are prohibited for dogs:

  • raw meat;
  • poultry and livestock bones;
  • raw meat;
  • eggs
  • chocolate.

Dogs are not prone to gaining excess weight, but experts recommend providing feeding after a walk - so you can avoid trouble with the stomach.

It is noteworthy that young puppies need to be given milk, but as they grow older, gently replace it with dairy products - in order to avoid diarrhea. The best option is to treat your pet with low-fat kefir, or fermented baked milk. Cottage cheese must be contained in the daily diet, dogs can have problems with bones and joints if the body does not have enough calcium.

Important! You can not teach a dog to eat from the floor or from the hands. Otherwise, you can be sure - over time, the animal will turn into a beggar, and maybe even begin to steal food. To avoid curvature of the spine, it is necessary to put a bowl at the height of the pet's elbow.

It is impossible to indulge the goodies of dogs without a reason. Delicious food - as a reward, it is mainly necessary to feed animals with proper and low-fat food. Pork must be excluded, but in general - meat should be present in a third of meat - lean beef, chicken, and veal are suitable. Dogs love boiled fish very much.

If Samoyed needs to be encouraged - in this case, you can buy rye crackers - or make it yourself, buy sugar bones. This breed loves egg yolk. In no case give protein, since it can provoke poisoning.

Vegetables should not be forgotten, they act as the main source of fiber. Exclude the potato, and it is advisable to process all other vegetables - steamed or boiled. If your dog is healthy - it is quite possible to feed offal, but after such a treat, the dog will have to be watched for well-being - since there is a high probability of a breakdown, upset stomach. Beef liver or heart, scar, chicken liver are suitable. All should be given only in boiled form.

How to choose a dog?

It is very important to take into account the selection advice - in fact, in fact, you choose your companion for a long passage of time. With him you will spend free evenings, you will look after the dog, and walk with it. Therefore, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account some recommendations of specialists:

How to choose a Samoyed dog

  1. You can buy an animal no earlier than 45 days from its birth. In this case, be sure to pay attention to its appearance - it should be clean, smell good.
  2. The baby should have the correct bite, the ears should be clean, and there should be no suppuration in the eyes. Pay attention to the incisors - they should already be well developed.
  3. There is a high probability of intermittent lip pigmentation in babies, but this is normal. You need to look closely at the black dots - if they are available, then you can be sure that a complete further pigmentation will take place.
  4. Puppies may have an umbilical hernia - but not a big one. If it is still present, then the breeder's task is to eliminate the defect.

If you buy a baby with a pedigree, then he must fully comply with all the established standards of this breed. Consider what nuances you need to pay attention to:

  • elbows firmly pressed to the ribs;
  • paws are opposite each other;
  • the tail should fit snugly against the body.

The breeder must also take care of the peeling procedure.

Experts strongly do not recommend taking an adult animal - this is due to the fact that the dog becomes very attached to the owners, then it will make you sad and inappropriate. Therefore, the best option is to get a puppy and look after him while he is still small.

Before you bring a Samoyed husky puppy to his new home, you must definitely remove all fragile and valuable items. The breed is incredibly active, and during the game some objects can be damaged. The price varies greatly - from 300 to 1000 dollars. The cost is influenced by a number of factors - gender, eminence of ancestors. If you need a pet with documents, immediately be prepared for the fact that the animal will be 1.5-2 times more expensive than an animal without documents.

What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Advantages are obvious:

  • get along well with both people and other pets;
  • incredibly affectionate, loving;
  • have a stunning appearance;
  • funny and not very picky;
  • devotees - these dogs have one master for life.

Samoyeds also have drawbacks, but this can more likely be called the nuances associated with improper care and the lack of proper attention. So, among the negative features, we highlight:

  • intolerance of loneliness - it is quite possible that your pet will howl if he becomes bored;
  • copious amount of hair - you need to comb it regularly;
  • high price;
  • very noisy, "talkative".

In general, if the family is active, there are small children in it - this breed will be an ideal option.

Video: dog breed Samoyed husky

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