Shiksha - medicinal properties and contraindications

Shiksha is a berries that grow on coniferous shrubs. An evergreen plant is resistant to temperature extremes, preferably grows in northern latitude and is very popular among the local population. Shiksha is famous for its use in various fields, we are talking about cooking, medicine, cosmetology industry. Therefore, it makes sense to consider the main characteristics of this shrub in more detail. Let's start.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of shiksha

Shiksha composition

Not only fruits are used, but also leaves with branches, bark, roots. The plant boasts an impressive vitamin-mineral complex. But most of all in the composition of ascorbic acid, well-known vitamin C.

It does not do without the inclusion of quercetin, carotenoids (useful for the eyes), and B vitamins. The composition contains about 4.4% tannins, essential oils, natural saccharides, glycosides, dietary fiber, resinous compounds, and other types of carbohydrates.

A decent amount of caffeic acid is secreted in foliage. It is combined with vitamin C and performs the main tasks of restoring and strengthening the human immune system.

In the berries themselves, wax, sucrose, glucose, fructose, saponins predominate. Branches are famous for the presence of coumarins, alkaloid compounds, flavonoids. Of the minerals in shiksha, there are a lot of potassium, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, molybdenum, calcium, sodium, etc.

The benefits of shiksha

  1. Use affects the ailments of the nervous system. Shiksha is also called a psycho, it normalizes the work of the psycho-emotional background. Berry is advised to consume with frequent exposure to stress. Shiksha also quickly fights convulsions and an epileptic seizure. It must be entered on the menu for insomnia, apathy, depressive disorders and chronic fatigue.
  2. The berry copes with migraines, headaches, pulsations in the temples. She is famous for her ability to lower intracranial pressure. It is also useful to eat fruits with hypertension, as they reduce blood pressure.
  3. With withdrawal symptoms, drug or alcohol addiction, fresh berries are taken and decoctions are prepared on other parts of the bush. In all these cases, the fruits reduce cravings for addictions and facilitate the patient's condition. To smokers, to cope with a negative habit, it is enough to eat half a handful of raw materials per day.
  4. Categories of people living in an unfavorable ecological environment or working in a dirty enterprise need to eat shiksha in order to cleanse their body and respiratory tract in particular. Due to the radioprotective properties, the psycho is introduced into the menu of cancer patients with radiation therapy.
  5. Vodyanika, she is shiksha, has a strong diuretic effect. It removes excess water from the body, thereby speeding up important metabolic processes. The berry is used as an decongestant.
  6. The therapeutic effect of the berry extends to people with pyelonephritis, cystitis, ailments of the liver and gall bladder, dropsy. The fruits are widely used for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, such as colitis, enteritis, diarrhea, gastritis, ulcers, dysentery, dysbiosis, etc.
  7. The plant copes with a slowed metabolism, so shikshu is included in the basic nutrition of losing weight and obese people. It relieves inflammation, cleanses the intestinal cavity, and kills detrimental microflora.
  8. The extract of water crowberry is added to drugs aimed at treating gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.Thanks to the enveloping properties, damage to the mucous membranes is healed, the course of the disease is facilitated.
  9. It is extremely useful to eat fruits with general exhaustion after a disease or complex operation. Shiksha should be included in the diet of citizens with a low immune system from nature. It increases defenses, saturates the body with all the minerals and vitamins.
  10. Of course, it can not do without a healing effect on the vascular system and heart. Regular, but at the same time correct intake of raw materials will relieve cholesterol plaques in the cavity of the blood channels, thereby preventing serious diseases (atherosclerosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, etc.).
  11. People who are constantly working on a PC or moving around the line of service while driving a car suffer from dry eye syndrome. Shiksha infusion is used as a means to rinse and enhance the production of a natural tear.
  12. You should also separately talk about the benefits of the plant for people with low vision. Systematic eating of fruits will reduce the risk of developing glaucoma and cataracts, increase visual acuity, strengthen eye muscles and eliminate fatigue.
  13. Apply shiksha externally for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Due to its ability to accelerate tissue regeneration, compresses and lotions will be useful in suppurations and wounds of a different nature. In cosmetology, fruits are used for acne, pigmentation, subcutaneous acne.

Shiksha in medicine

Shiksha in medicine

  1. It is interesting that in alternative medicine the berry has been used for a long time. But in modern medicine its properties are not fully accepted, although the fruit extract is added to many drugs.
  2. Thanks to clinical trials, it was revealed that the plant is able to reduce the number of epilepsy attacks. This is the main purpose of shiksha.
  3. In addition, the berry is useful in hypertension, tick-borne encephalitis, schizophrenia, fatigue, mental disorders, paralysis and other complex pathological cases.
  4. Medicines and folk remedies based on this berry are often used in the fight against chronic fatigue, with low immunity, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Shiksha in cosmetology

  1. Thanks to its mineral and vitamin complex, the berry has gained wide recognition in the cosmetology industry. Most often it is used to treat problems associated with hair and skin.
  2. For the treatment of hocks, decoctions and infusions, as well as masks, are used. Shiksha fights against dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis, increases hair growth, eliminates excessive fat production or, conversely, dryness.
  3. Fruits will also become useful for facial skin due to their ability to whiten the skin, remove freckles and age spots, and fight rashes.
  4. You can take only juice from the fruit, and then lubricate it with acne-affected areas of the skin of the face and body. This local treatment will quickly remove cosmetic defects.

Cooking Shiksha

  1. Berries are consumed on their own, added to pastries and pastries. Shiksha makes marmalade on the juice, the fruits themselves are processed into jam and jam.
  2. Juice is also extremely popular, which, before use, it is desirable to dilute with water due to the increased concentration of nutrients.
  3. From all parts of shiksha, including roots, twigs, bark, foliage, fruits, make medicinal infusions, decoctions and teas. They are useful for therapeutic purposes.
  4. Girls who seek to maintain a toned figure mix shiksha with sour-milk products due to the laxative effect.
  5. Freshly squeezed juice is used to prepare fish and meat dishes, seafood. They are replaced by everyone's favorite lemon fresh.

Shiksha treatment

Shiksha treatment

  1. Overwork. Prepare a composition of 2 handfuls of dried raw materials and 1 liter. warm water. Put on the stove, heat until the first bubbles appear.Let cool, filter. Consume 0.2 liters. Once a day. Such a composition will help to fall asleep and relieve chronic fatigue.
  2. Epilepsy. Since crowberry acts as a powerful cure for epilepsy, you need to take advantage of this. Take a can of 0.5 l. Fill it to the top with fresh or dry grass. Do not ram, fill 350 ml. vodka. Insist in coolness and darkness for 2 weeks, constantly shaking. Filter, take 15 ml. every time after a meal.
  3. Depressive state. Mix 750 ml. dry red wine at room temperature with 80 gr. dried shiksha (herbs). Let the composition stand for a crescent, shake it once a day. Then filter, take this product in 25 ml. 3 times a day. This composition will relieve depression, stress fatigue, headache.
  4. Kidney disease. Send 1.5 handfuls of dried grass to the stewpan, pour 900 ml. hot water and put to boil. Stew for 10 minutes, then remove from the stove, cover and wait half an hour. Do not forget to strain, take 200 ml. as a diuretic for kidney pain.
  5. Eye diseases. It has already been said that vodnik is used to improve the quality of vision and eye diseases. The list of the latter includes cataracts, dry eye syndrome, glaucoma. Mix 80 ml. boiling water with a tablespoon of a dry plant. Let stand until cool, filter through a cotton-gauze dressing several times. Instill 2 drops in the conjunctival sac 3 times a day.
  6. Dandruff. Shiksha is used for seborrhea and dandruff, as well as any other form of fungus. In all such cases, decoctions are prepared. Mix 2 full handfuls of dry grass with 600 ml. boiling water. Let stand for about 1.5 hours, filter. Rinse the mop, rubbing the composition into the basal part. The procedure is carried out 2 times a week after each wash.
  7. Acne Combine 0.4 L in one composition. boiling water and shiksha. Put on the stove and cook for a quarter of an hour. After this period, turn off and allow the product to reach the optimum temperature. Filter, use as a daily toner to wipe the face.
  8. Addiction, smoking, alcoholism. To reduce the craving for harmful substances, a milk solution is used. Connect 1 liter. whey with 2 handfuls of dried shiksha, send to the stove. Strain before drilling, then turn off and insist in a thermos for 1 hour. Take, cooling, 0.25 liters. four times a day.
  9. Cramps, paralysis. Combine a tablespoon of dried raw materials with 500 ml. hot water. Boil on low heat for 7 minutes, turn off. Consume 70 ml. four times a day. The duration of treatment is 2 days, then a break of 3 days, again a two-day course.
  10. Migraine. If you suffer from frequent headaches and migraines, prepare a targeted remedy. Combine a couple tablespoons of herb with 600 ml. boiling water, cook for 6 minutes. Then let stand for an hour, wrapped in a warm cloth. After straining, use the composition 5 times a day for 100 ml.
  11. Problems with urination. For the preparation of dry shoots are used. They need to be assembled on their own and dried, or to buy ready-made raw materials. Pour a tablespoon of boiling water (1 liter.), Insist after 10 minutes of boiling for 3 hours. The patient must be given 0.25 liters. every morning for 10 days.
  12. Skin problems. Dermatological ailments include furunculosis, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc. Connect 20 gr. raw materials with 800 ml. boiling water, cook over medium heat for 10 minutes. Leave to cool, then apply as compresses until the problem completely disappears.

Contraindications Shiksha

The use of herbs as a remedy should be abandoned to nursing mothers, pregnant women, children, people with allergies to raw materials. In all other cases, shiksha will bring only one benefit.

From all of the above, it can be understood that shiksha is an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic drug at the same time. Therefore, it makes sense to look at folk recipes based on it and use the herb for its intended purpose. However, keep in mind potential contraindications so as not to harm your health.

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