Shirokonoska - description, habitat, interesting facts

When it comes to ducks, everyone immediately thinks of a wide nose with an interesting beak shape. In reality, these birds practically do not differ in any way from the self-similar, only the habitat, breeding features and some other aspects differ. But we will not rush, laying out all the cards. We will deal with the main subtleties in order of priority so that you can make your own impression.



The individuals of the presented species can be found in different parts of the world, whether Turkey or the British Isles. They are also found in all parts of the United States of America, along the Atlantic coast, in the vastness of our homeland.

Shirokonoski love the Czech Republic, Iceland, Austria, Serbia. However, they prefer to nest in warmer countries, such as the eternally sunny Spain or romantic France. For wintering they go to African countries and a little less often - to Australia.

For information, it is worth mentioning that not every individual of the presented breed group belongs to migratory birds. If the birds already live in mild climatic regions, they do not need to go anywhere in the winter season.

They prefer to be in the steppes and forest belts, that is, wherever there is rich vegetation. Ducks equally like both salty and fresh water sources. However, they need to be stranded, for this reason some birds are spotted in rice fields.

It is not to the liking of the presented individuals of the river, as well as lakes, which have sufficient depth and current. The maximum record was recorded, in which the duck ducked 12 meters under the water. Agree, it is impressive, with the condition that they prefer small fry.

External data

According to the format of the body, these individuals are similar to other duck inhabitants. As for the beak, it is rounded in front and wide. Due to this, in the process of obtaining food, birds eat better, they do not need much effort to hunt. The length of the beak grows to 7 cm or more.

These individuals cannot take off quickly due to the fact that their legs are located near the tail. Some uninformed people often confuse the nymph with a gogol and a red-headed dive. But these are different subspecies, it is worth considering their features.

Along the length of the body, the duck grows to half a meter. The neck is short, the head is small, so the beak seems bulky.

Gender differences

Even an uninformed person will be able to distinguish between males and females. The drakes are painted, that is, they have distinctly visible several shades of plumage. They become most striking before mating, when the mating season originates. Males need to win females, so they appear before them in all their glory.

Representatives of male gender have a greenish head, there is a redhead on the side of the body, and the sternum is whitish or very light. The beak of males is slightly blacker than that of females.

The color of the paws is the same for both males and females. As for the shade of female representatives, they are more likely brown and motley with a certain amount of dark spots. The wings are bluish-gray, the nose is brown, but may be greenish. If we compare two individuals, the male is brighter.

When the cold season comes to an end, and it is replaced by the warm season, ducks are practically compared by their external data. It is very difficult to distinguish between them, except to pay attention to the voice. In drakes, it will be frequent, while females practically do not talk.


Shirokonoski reproduction

  1. The process of reproduction of offspring can begin even in the migratory period. The drake begins to show itself in every possible way from the best side, swimming around its female. Often, after the flights, ready-made pairs are formed. Therefore, marriage dancing can not always be observed.
  2. It is often observed that in the first year the individuals under consideration are not in a hurry to reproduce offspring after the flight. Often, drakes can show themselves in all its glory to other people's females. Birds often start to nest on land. At the same time, they are trying to do this near water bodies.
  3. The main thing for them is that the construction of the nest takes place in dense bushes or tall grass. Thus, birds can hide their offspring from the attempts of predators. The nest is a small hole in the ground. The duck’s bottom is made from dried grass and its own fluff.
  4. In most cases, females lay no more than 10 eggs. Sometimes this amount can be more. The process of hatching offspring takes place over 20 days. At this time, the female does not leave the limits of the nest. All other duties and the protection of the offspring rests with the drake.
  5. Other birds from the order of predators often hunt for chicks. After the birth of young growth prefers a long time to be in the water. At this time, the parents pass on to the chicks all their accumulated knowledge. In addition, young animals gradually begin to independently obtain their own food.

Facts About the Shrew

  1. It is worth noting the fact that the presented birds live exclusively in calm ponds. Therefore, you will not meet such individuals in turbulent and fast rivers. Birds simply avoid such places.
  2. Also a characteristic feature of shirokonosok is that they have a much greater speed in flight than their relatives. Such ducks do not tend to disperse on the surface, they immediately rise up. At the same time, individuals fly at a decent height.
  3. Only in rare cases of the considered individuals adhere to the pack existence. Birds come together only when flying long distances. Such ducks swim in pairs, or in packs of no more than 20 individuals.

From the name of individuals of this species, we can conclude that all representatives belong to the duck family. They feel great in the aquatic environment, some are very deeply immersed.

Video: shirokonoska (Anas clypeata)

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