How long does a dog's pregnancy last?

Owners of four-legged pets who do not have experience with regard to keeping a pregnant dog are asking certain questions. How long is the gestation, what difficulties can be encountered in the process, etc. Today we will try to understand together, highlight the main aspects affecting pregnancy in large and small individuals.

How long does a dog's pregnancy last?

Features of pregnancy in dogs

  1. Conception in females occurs on about 5-6 days from the moment of mating. The egg is ready for fertilization with active sperm, which are located in the genital tract of the female. As for the duration of gestation, this condition lasts about 63 days. If deviations are noticed, the period varies between 56-73 days.
  2. Puppies that were born after a predetermined time are viable. If the pregnancy is protracted and exceeds 73 days, it is important to urgently contact the clinic so that the doctor examines the pet. Serious pathological processes are not ruled out.
  3. There are some differences between small and large individuals. But usually a bitch walks pregnant about 2 months. However, it is important to understand that it is difficult for an inexperienced person to identify that conception has occurred. Experts recommend paying attention to the signs that the female shows.
  4. So, she has enlarged nipples and the area around them. The dog feels lethargic, moves less, does not play as willingly as before. Appetite may be absent or, on the contrary, selectivity in feed is manifested. With all this, the animal does not want to communicate with a person, it can behave detached. As for the abdominal region, the abdomen is rounded and enlarged. Urination is frequent, transparent discharge comes out of the vagina.

Types of Pregnancy in Dogs

To date, there are several main varieties. We will analyze each of them in more detail.

  1. Physiological. Normal pregnancy, puppies in the womb develop without deviations, gestation proceeds without complications in a bitch. Duration is average, indicators are normal.
  2. Pathological. Bearing proceeds with deviations from the norm. There are difficulties in the development of babies in the womb. Usually pathological gestation is accompanied by massive toxicosis, fever, unwillingness to eat. Brownish mucus may come out of the vagina, which is not normal. Need to go to the vet.
  3. False. By signs, such gestation is similar to physiological pregnancy. According to external data and general behavior, the female believes that she is pregnant and everything is fine. But experienced specialists immediately identify the pathology and try to interrupt it as soon as possible. Usually a false pregnancy occurs due to improper mating or malfunctions in the dog’s hormonal system. In extreme cases, mastitis develops, the animal at the psychological level can prepare for motherhood. The help of professionals is required.

Pregnancy in large breeds of dogs

  1. As for the duration of gestation, these indicators vary between 55-73 days. If the embryonic amount is usually higher, then the gestation period will be reduced.
  2. In cases when there are about two puppies in the womb, the pregnancy will be delayed. Typically, dogs of large breeds bear a small number of puppies, so the term is about 70 days.
  3. It is advisable to undergo an examination in a veterinary clinic, so that a specialist will orient you on the timing and number of expected replenishment in the family.
  4. A timely diagnosis will not only allow the female to give birth to healthy offspring, but also to adjust the management of pregnancy in general.

Pregnancy in small breeds

Pregnancy in small dog breeds

  1. Pregnancy in small canine representatives can last up to 2 months. Keep in mind that during such a period, the female needs to adjust the nutrition. This should be done because the uterus begins to press the uterus on the stomach and intestines in an interesting position.
  2. In this case, nutrition should be composed of high-calorie foods. Keep in mind that you do not need to overfeed the animal. This must be strictly monitored. Otherwise, the dog may have serious problems during childbirth.
  3. Make sure that the pregnant dog has free access to clean, filtered water. It is allowed to give mineral water without gas. In addition, the animal should be regularly fed special vitamin complexes. The composition should be selected based on the breed.
  4. Small dog breeds are more sensitive to temperature changes, unlike larger relatives. During pregnancy, the pet's temperature will drop by 1-2 degrees. Therefore, the dog needs a warm, secluded place to rest. If the pet is short-haired, install an additional heater.

Pregnancy Calendar

A specially designed chart shows the development of embryos throughout the duration of pregnancy. Also indicated is the development of systems and the formation of organs.

    1. From 1 to 14 days after the first mating, the embryos begin to actively attach to the walls of the uterus. Each has a placenta formation.
    2. From 15 to 20 days, the formation of the spinal column, internal organs and nervous system takes place. During this period, any drugs are prohibited. It is also forbidden to give the pet any injections. Otherwise, a miscarriage may occur.
    3. From 21 to 29 days, experts recommend doing an ultrasound. The study will show whether the pregnancy is normal. From 30 to 40 days, individual embryos can be easily felt with your fingers.
    4. From 40 to 45 days, an active growth of formed organs takes place in embryos. In such a period, a high-quality and high-calorie diet is important for a pregnant dog. An ideal option would be a fractional diet.
    5. From 45 to 50 days you can feel through the belly of all puppies. At this time, an X-ray should be taken. A snapshot will show how well the fruit has developed. The skin of puppies is covered with hair.
    6. From 51 to 58 days colostrum begins to appear in the dog in position. The female is preparing for childbirth. From 59 to 64 days, the animal will be troubled, and look for a place for childbirth. The dog may decrease body temperature to 36 degrees.

With this calendar, you can always know how puppies develop in the womb of a dog. Thus, you can always adjust the nutrition and content of the pet. You will also have time to carefully prepare for the upcoming birth.

Keep in mind that it is recommended to remove some products from the animal’s menu 9-11 days before the birth. Among these, protein dishes should be highlighted. If you have left protein-rich foods in small quantities. 5 days before delivery, such products must be excluded.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that in the middle of pregnancy, the female should be fed more often. Only servings should be reduced. If the dog eats more than the norm, it will be obese. Because of this, there will be problems during childbirth.

Now you know exactly how long the pregnancy of four-legged friends lasts. Carefully monitor your pet during a difficult period. Stick to a special calendar and do whatever is necessary that the dog may need. If you notice a deterioration in the condition of the female, consult your veterinarian.

Video: pregnancy and childbirth in dogs

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