Chihuahua Dog - Pros and Cons of the Breed

To date, the smallest breed of dog is Chihuahua. Several varieties of the breed are distinguished, including long-haired and short-haired individuals. People who view a Chihuahua as a pet want to have all the information that affects the positive and negative traits of the animal. Today we will consider them in detail, so that you can draw certain conclusions for yourself.

Chihuahua dog

Positive traits of chihuahua

  1. Representatives of the breed conquered many not only with their appearance and erect ears, but also with their miniature size. Adult dogs from the mini category can easily fit in the palm of your hand, and not every breed boasts this. It is convenient to take a Chihuahua with you, your pet will be happy to sit on your hands or in a bag.
  2. Dogs are brought in by owners of a small living space, as well as those who do not want to bother with four-legged friends of larger dimensions. People living in a one-room apartment or studio will not embarrass a Chihuahua. While medium or large dogs will literally be tormented. They need more space.
  3. If you are often in public places, it is convenient to carry your pet with you in a carrying bag. Tiny representatives of the breed feel so good in their arms that they can go shopping with the hostess for hours. The dog can be carried where it is not allowed to go with the animals, but this is a different story.
  4. Dogs are quickly socializing. If, for example, a cat lives in a house, then a small pet will be able to find a common language with it. At first, the animal will stay away, but later they will become best friends. Also, chihuahuas do not touch hamsters or parrots, prefer to stay away from them.
  5. The breed under discussion has a well-developed intuition, hearing. Dogs are always on guard, so any rustle behind the front door will not go unnoticed. The individuals are called the “lion heart” because, despite their small size, they protect the host from any danger. If you don’t mind the dog barking at the noise outside the door, encourage its intuition from puppyhood.
  6. Do not mistakenly assume that a Chihuahua is cowardly because of its size. Kids rush even at large dogs, showing their courage. On the one hand, this is a minus, because the pet puts itself in danger. And on the other - a bold dog, trying to show it to the owner.
  7. The main positive feature is the fact that individuals of the breed presented go to the tray. They can quickly be accustomed to the toilet, which is extremely important for working owners. When leaving for the service, you should not worry that your pet is shitting in the wrong place or you won’t be able to walk it in a timely manner. Moreover, in bad weather, the Chihuahua will not enjoy going out to help. If a cat lives in the house, the trays must be strictly isolated from each other.
  8. Many believe that caring for a breed is extremely difficult, but this is a misconception. In addition to combing hair, brushing your teeth and basic trips to the veterinarian, nothing is required. Like any other dog, a Chihuahua needs to be systematically vaccinated and dewormed. In cases of chronic pathologies, dogs are taken to the doctor for examination every six months.
  9. A completely healthy dog ​​will delight its owners for a long time. The average life expectancy of the breed is 15 years. However, with proper care, the pet will live all 20 years. The breed is classified as centenarians.
  10. Another positive feature of dogs is that they feel human. They can understand the owner by emotions, gestures, facial expressions and even a quiet whisper.If the owner has fun, the dog will happily support this good mood, will jump, walk on his hind legs and wag his tail. The Chihuahua training is so simple that the owner does not need to raise his voice once again.
  11. It may sound a little cynical, but the breed presented is very convenient. If you plan to go on vacation soon, there is no need to look for a nurse for a dog. If you carry the Chihuahua, you can take it with you on the plane or train. The dog will not feel any inconvenience.

Negative traits of chihuahua

The dog has many advantages, but there are some disadvantages. They must also be familiarized with in order to be fully equipped.

Negative traits of chihuahua

  1. The presented breed is fragile in its physical development. The injuries sustained by the dog are mostly presented as fractures. Therefore, the pet should not be allowed to jump from a height, for example, from a bed. Also, if children live in the house, they can harm the animal unknowingly during the games. Therefore, if you aim to bring a Chihuahua into the house, be prepared to monitor your every step and behavior of the child.
  2. Specialists do not recommend bringing a Chihuahua into the house if there are children under 12 years old. According to some reports, it is after this age that the child begins to consciously relate to the animal, therefore, the risk that it will harm the pet by its actions is excluded. Also, if the dog does not like the annoyance and obsession of children, she can bite them.
  3. Dogs of this breed are active and energetic, they have an accelerated metabolism. The pet needs to eat and drink a lot in order to maintain body temperature. The pet of the family will need warmer clothes if you plan to take it outside in the cold season. Also, do not let the Chihuahua run on the ice so that he does not catch a cold. Or buy special shoes for a four-legged friend.
  4. Dogs cannot be bathed often, because they are prone to colds due to drafts. Some representatives of the breed have problems with the respiratory system. If the animal catches a cold, these diseases can only worsen. When keeping in the apartment, you must take care of the presence of a warm stove bench for the pet.
  5. Separately, it is worth mentioning that unsterilized males can be prone to shoots and frequent fights with relatives. If you are not going to breed pedigree puppies, it is best to castrate your pet. As an alternative, it is best not to let the dog off the leash.
  6. The breed in question is characterized by a peculiar pride. Chihuahas are territorial animals that are prone to dominance. For an inexperienced owner, this can be a significant problem. If the pet is not properly brought up, it will often show aggression.
  7. Do not think that because of the small size the dog is harmless, this is far from the case. You must clearly indicate your leadership qualities. Do not fight with a dog for a seat on the couch or personal shoes. The pet must clearly understand who is the boss in the house.
  8. Such a breed needs a master with real leadership qualities. You must be steadfast and tough enough. Also, the pet should feel respect for itself. Therefore, you need to find harmony in the relationship with the dog. In this case, you can not lose respect for the animal. The task is quite complex and time-consuming, but quite feasible.
  9. If you consider everything that was mentioned earlier, you should be prepared for the fact that the dog will often bark a lot. Therefore, at an early age it is necessary to train the Chihuahua team "Quiet!". Also teach the animal not to bark under the door, especially in public places or near the store.
  10. Experienced breeders recommend paying special attention to raising an animal to remain at home alone. At this time, the dog should behave calmly and not play pranks. Otherwise, when you leave for work, the animal will bark tirelessly all day.
  11. In addition to all of the above, it is worth highlighting the health of such a breed separately. Keep in mind that Chihuahas have so many different inherited ailments. Therefore, when acquiring a puppy, an important role is played by documents and conclusions of veterinarians. Also, after buying a dog, be sure to show it to a third-party specialist.

Chihuahua is a very interesting breed of dog. Such an animal will always delight you, being nearby. It is important to give the dog special attention in terms of upbringing. Take care of your pet from an early age. You must show your leadership skills. At the same time, respect for the dog should not go anywhere. Provide your pet with balanced nutrition and proper care. Visit your veterinarian regularly.

Video: Chihuahua breed features

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