Dog cavalier king charles spaniel - breed description

The representative of the breed of canine cavalier Charles Spaniel will be an excellent pet for any person. These dogs do not show aggression at all, and are quite flexible animals. The rhythm of the life of a gentleman varies depending on the owner, because the pets adapt to his lifestyle.

Dog cavalier king charles spaniel

Residents of England believe that this breed has a positive effect on the human psyche, helps to get rid of stress. Therefore, most often such dogs are preferred by those whose work is associated with constant moral stress. These pets are not just animals, but true companions since childhood.

History of breed origin

These rather small dogs have their own history of origin. The first similar representatives of this breed were brought back in the 9th century to the territory of England by people belonging to the Celtic tribe. And the minnesingers mentioned these little dogs in their musical work back in the 13th century.

These animals were never left without attention. Because the court ladies were very fond of having such pets. Cavaliers were also used during the hunt. But over time, they began to be considered exclusively dogs for decoration, whose task was to decorate the room. But not only these characteristics, they became famous. These wonderful dogs can be found in the paintings of famous artists of that time from different countries.

There are many stories connected with animals of this species, one of which says that during the execution of the Swedish queen her pet of the same breed walked next to her and sat near her body after death.

The name of this species comes from the king who lived and reigned in the 17th century - Charles the Second. This is rather strange, because he had nothing to do with the breeding of these dogs. But the whole point is that under his rule the spaniels had the opportunity to live at the king’s palace.

It was also said about this type of dog that it was "created by the king." The first to breed these cute dogs and get his real look was the American Roswell Eldridge. Spaniels were and are a fairly popular species in the countries of modern Europe, and most of all, in Britain. In Russia, there are not so many of these representatives.

As already noted, spaniels can be seen on the canvases of famous European artists. Among such works, one can distinguish the pictorial work of Anthony van Dyck, entitled "Children of Charles I". The painting depicts directly the children, and two dogs sitting next to each other, which are very similar to modern spaniels. But nevertheless, by all the characteristics of this type, you can find out that they were really gentlemen. Because even in the picture they are depicted as aristocratic, and confident pets. This masterpiece was written back in 1635, but, as you know, this type of dog is even older. At that time, the breed was undergoing changes to match the fashion and demands of capricious court ladies. Those gentlemen whom modern society knows have been around for a century.

Life at court
Spaniels performed not only a decorative role, but they were also used to catch small game, which included a duck with a pheasant, as well as a rabbit with a hazel grouse. At that time, the animals of this breed had larger sizes, and their scent, as now, remained sharp.

But hunting skills are not the only virtues of the gentlemen of the Charles Spaniel. These dogs have a charming appearance. They themselves are small in size, with smooth bends of the body, as well as silky hair and kind eyes.All these features together created the image of a cute doggie, with whom they babied and did not look for souls in him. Therefore, this species received a “residence permit” in the chic chambers of the ruler.

Close to the king
If we take into account famous individuals, then among the admirers of the cavaliers was Mary Stuart and Queen Elizabeth, also kings Charles I and II, and even Henry VIII. And, as is already known, it was not for nothing that they venerated this type of dog. One of the representatives of the breed and, at the same time, a favorite, accompanied his mistress, Mary Stuart, to the place of execution. After the death of which, the poor pet died of longing for her two days later.

A similar story happened with Charles I, who was sent to conclusion. This faithful pet was with the king until the execution. And after his death, the rebel took the spaniel, who showed this dog on the streets so that they would not forget about the reason their former king was punished.

Gift for the collector
About these dogs there are not only stories and memories in the form of great paintings. Back in the 17th century, Queen Victoria ordered from the famous masters clay figurines of her pets. These statuettes were not less than a thousand. And still, collectors hunt for these clay spaniels.

Founder of the breed
The father of this type of dog, which was named after him, was Charles II, but his name was Charles. During his reign, this breed gained the greatest popularity. There are legends that these dogs accompanied him everywhere. He spent a lot of time with them, played, and in dealing with these cute animals completely forgot about the affairs of the state. Therefore, these animals lived as full members of his family in the palace. But their advantages did not end there, because gentlemen had the opportunity to attend church services, public holidays and other events.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

It was also rumored that the king was tired of all the formalities and conditions, and therefore he set about issuing a decree that would allow spaniels to inhabit absolutely everywhere, even including the Parliament itself. It is not known whether this is a rumor or not, but it is believed that this law is still valid. Charles's strong love for these dogs can be traced to the fact that he allowed the dog to give birth to puppies right on his bed.

By the will of fashion
After some time, in the mid-18th century, completely different hunting dogs became popular, which diverted attention from the gentlemen. But these animals also pleased the ladies and the entire court family.

But the fashion of those times made its own adjustments even to the characteristics of this breed of animals. And from the dog of those times there was only character and silky hair. Already at the end of the 18th century, spaniels became more sophisticated and decreased in size, which made them completely unable to be hunters. The head began to resemble the shape of a dome, and the face of the animal became shorter. The eyes are wider than before.

Over time, the former hunters became smaller, and already at the beginning of the 20th century there was no trace of the cavalry hunters. But in every fashion institution of that time, one could meet a small spaniel, which showed off on a pillow made of fur.

The pursuit of the legend
The new representatives were not called the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, but the Toy Spaniel. But King Edward VIII was opposed to having this type of dog renamed, because it was rather humiliating in relation to pets.

After the First World War, the American breeder, who was mentioned above, visited an exhibition of paintings that depicted these dogs. And after that, he was looking for cute dogs, whom he saw in the works of medieval authors. He even offered a reward to someone who showed him a dog, similar to the one that lived in the court of the kings, so much they hooked him.

But, unfortunately, by that time these representatives were completely gone. But the man did not give up and found one of the breeders who was engaged in breeding dogs very similar to spaniels.These animals became the main contenders for selection.

Old New Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
In collaboration with this woman, Rosel Eldridge was able to do the impossible. And just a couple of years later, a new spaniel appeared, very similar to the one that was known before. He was a little heavier than the toy spaniel, which gave him the opportunity to resume his hunting instincts.

In 1928, the main standards were determined that should be met by representatives of the breed of spaniels. For a long time, these animals participated in exhibitions with compact dogs of the breed King Charles Spaniels. But after a while these dogs were given a new name, adding the prefix cavalier. Despite some differences, the two breeds are also confused. And the cavalier king charles spaniels were recognized by the international dog handlers association.

Standards and Appearance

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Standards

  1. The height of this dog does not exceed 30-33-cm. And its average weight does not exceed 5-8 kg.
  2. The body is slightly elongated, the head is domed, and the eyes on it are quite wide apart, and long ears are set high.
  3. The muzzle seems to be slightly flattened.
  4. The coat is smooth and silky.
  5. The ears and tail are covered with longer hair than the body.
  6. Regarding the color, tricolors, ruby ​​and black and tan with blainheim are allowed.

Dog character

These representatives are very friendly, quite sociable and love all members of the family. They prefer to be the center of attention. Unfortunately, they should not be a guard, because they are not at all aggressive, and even see friends as strangers.

Most of all, they love their owners and communicate with them. And without proper attention, spaniels become depressed. Dogs also like to play with children, travel with family. If he talks about other pets in the family, then they can easily get along with them.

The dog is very easy to maintain, and it easily adapts to the owner’s lifestyle and temperament, which allows us to conclude that this dog can be turned on by absolutely everyone.

Poor treatment of this animal can enrage even such a good-natured animal. So it’s worth remembering that you need to give the spaniel only love and affection.

If there is such a need, gentlemen are amenable to training.

Care and maintenance

These animals are easy to maintain, and this applies to all its aspects. Such a small dog should live in the house, and you can feed it with both food and prepared food. Regarding food, spaniels are not picky.

Care and maintenance of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavaliers are not very active, so simple walks will be enough for them.

Hair care is an important step. Do not forget that they need to cut the hair between the fingers, as well as between the pads. The animal needs to be combed once a day.

Ears should be cleaned of sulfur and debris. Due to the fact that under them there is poor ventilation, these dogs are prone to otitis media.


Life expectancy of cavaliers reaches 10-12 years on average. These animals are susceptible to genetic diseases like hydrocephalus with epilepsy, Legg-Perthes disease with heart valve disease.

They also suffer from acquired diseases. Spaniels can easily get a kneecap dislocation when jumping from a height. A variety of eye diseases also overtake them.

Due to the flatness of the muzzle, dogs may have difficulty breathing, and even snoring.

And so, if you take in general, the health and gentlemen is excellent. The main thing is only when buying a puppy to make sure that there are no genetic ailments. To do this, you should study his medical record, family tree, and, most importantly - get to know his parents.

In order to avoid health problems, periodically it is worth taking the animal to the veterinarian. This prevention will help detect the disease in the first stage, if any.

Cost of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy

The purpose of the dog significantly affects its value.Therefore, the price can fluctuate greatly. If a potential owner chooses a spaniel just as a family friend, and is not going to take part in exhibitions, then its price starts at 800 cu

A gentleman who claims to be a champion can cost 1,500 cu It will be better if you get a puppy in a kennel, and not from a private person. The reason for this is quite simple. In the kennel, the price for a puppy is much higher, but there is a guarantee that the animal belongs to this breed, it has a pedigree and all vaccinations are made.

Video: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

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