Common line - a description of where it grows, the toxicity of the fungus

In addition to poisonous mushrooms and suitable for food, there are also those around which there are disputes, to which category they belong. An ordinary line (Gyromitra esculenta) is just such a mushroom. Belongs to the genus Strochkov and belongs to the Discinov family.

The line is ordinary

It is a marsupial mushroom. Some reference books rank it as suitable for use in the preparation of certain dishes, but with limitations, while others indicate the presence of a toxin dangerous to life and health. In English-speaking countries, this mushroom, due to its strange appearance, has received the name "mushroom-brain", as well as "elephant ears". In Russia, it is known by the name spring stitch, sticky top or edible stitch.

Mushroom description

This fungus, interesting in its appearance, has a number of features:

  1. A hat is what makes the mushroom get so many names. It looks like a human brain or a walnut. Cavities are located in it. The hat has an interesting and memorable irregular shape and surface, streaked with deep wrinkles. Color brown with a chocolate tint. The mushroom is large enough, some specimens grow up to 12 cm.
  2. Leg stitch white or cream color, narrowed at the beginning, wide and short. Its length is on average 4 cm, and its width is about 3 cm. Outside, the leg is covered with furrows located along, inside it is all hollow.
  3. The structure of the pulp is quite fragile, in color it is whitish or cream in color. It is very easy to crush it with your hand. It tastes quite pleasant, remotely smell like an almond nut.
  4. The spores are light, in the form of an ellipse, hidden in cylindrical bags.

As can be understood from its name, the spring line forms its fruiting bodies in early spring - in the southern regions already in March, and to the north - in April or May. The fungus is a saprotroph, that is, it feeds on organics. It can be found on sandy soils, along roads, on burns or in cleared glades. Prefers conifers, but can be found in poplars.

Spring line grows in Europe, North America, Ireland and England. That is, the fungus is widespread enough.

Features of eating

Europeans, without any restrictions, used an ordinary line for preparing various dishes. But the last hundred years, mycologists have been arguing about how toxic this fungus is. However, many people continue to collect and eat it. The poison found in the fungus is called "gyromitrin." It does not neutralize during cooking or other heat treatments. The only way to make the mushroom safe is to dry it. Gyromitrin has a negative effect on the liver and nervous system of a person.

Features of use ordinary line

Such an ambiguous position about the edibility or inedibility of the fungus is due to the fact that its toxicity depends on the region of growth. A lot of poison is found in lines from Western Europe, especially from Germany. They are dangerous to eat and can cause severe poisoning. In ordinary lines from the eastern regions, as well as growing Russia, the content of poison is minimal and they are safe. Cases of poisoning are also found in these areas, but no fatal episodes have been recorded. In North America and Europe, this mushroom is considered safe, and it is successfully used for cooking various dishes. The exception is Italy - there it is not allowed for sale.

Before there is an ordinary line, it must be properly prepared - drying for a long time, cooking at least 2 times, with water change and thorough washing in the process. The mushroom is used for cooking soups, frying, stewing or as a filling in pies. It is not recommended to eat it regularly and in large portions.

First aid for poisoning

The state of poisoning during the use of an ordinary line is called "gyromytrin syndrome." The poison contained in the body of the fungus is found both in chemical compounds and in a free state. Once in the stomach, the substance gyromitrin is converted into other compounds that disrupt the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates in the body. They also negatively affect the processes of intracellular oxidation. The kidneys and liver suffer the most from the effects of poison.

You can get poisoned with an ordinary line in the following cases:

  1. If the mushroom is consumed raw, it is also difficult to boil or dry.
  2. The use of water obtained during cooking - it must not be consumed categorically, because all toxins are concentrated there.
  3. The constant use of the fungus for food - the poison has a cumulative effect and is delayed in the body.
  4. Individual intolerance to the fungus, even in small quantities.

The first signs of poisoning manifest themselves within a day, but not earlier than 3 hours after ingestion. Victims complain of:

  • pain in the stomach;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loose stools.

Medical care should be provided immediately, because on the second day there is a malfunction in the liver, as well as kidney damage. Renal and hepatic failure develops. Further - hepatitis and nephrosis. Without qualified help, there is subsequently the likelihood of a coma and a direct threat to life and health.

First aid consists of the following activities:

  • gastric lavage;
  • intake of activated carbon or other sorbents;
  • the use of diuretics.

After rendering feasible first aid, it is urgent to call an ambulance. If the poison has already spread throughout the body and began to affect the internal organs, then the person will be taken to a hospital for more serious procedures.

Other types of stitches

In addition to the ordinary line, there is a high probability of meeting an autumn line (line of horned or lobed). It is most widely distributed in various regions of Russia. As the name implies, unlike the spring line, this mushroom throws fruiting bodies in the fall. This mushroom is poisonous and not suitable for human consumption. The hat looks like three fused horns, painted brown. But as it gets older it becomes almost black. Its surface resembles velvet, and the maximum size reaches 10 cm. The leg is light and short. These mushrooms are single, and if they form groups, they are not large. Found in both coniferous and deciduous forests. They love rotting fallen trees and stumps, but just grow in the soil too.

Gyromitra esculenta

You can confuse it with an edible line, a mushroom called a giant line (also known as gigantic). His hat is covered with folds, the structure is fibrous, in color brown tint of chocolate. Its average size is 10 cm, but can reach 30 cm, which is what the name of this mushroom says. The leg is small and most often hidden under the hat. The fruiting period of these mushrooms, like that of the ordinary line, falls in the spring. Love birch forests and soil with sand. They can grow both in groups and individually. Raw eating these mushrooms is deadly, but in some countries they are eaten after heat treatment. Basically, the gigantic line is recognized as a poisonous mushroom.

Similar mushrooms

The easiest way to confuse an ordinary mushroom is with an edible morel (Morchella esculenta).This is also a dangerous factor, because novice mushroom pickers can use a line, thinking that they are dealing with an edible forest mushroom. The difference is in the hat, resembling an egg and a paler color in the latter. Edible morel grows near deciduous trees and shrubs, including in ravines. Morels prefer soil with humus.

In addition to the edible morel, one more species suitable for eating is often found - conic morel. You can find them in ravines and depressions when the snow in the forest has not yet disappeared. They grow in groups, mushrooms, as a rule, stand in rows. His hat is more elongated, resembling a cone in shape. Unlike edible morel, he also prefers open places, such as forest glades, sandy soil along paths and roads. Distributed in a mixed forest. These two mushrooms do not have strong taste differences; their aroma is also similar. The mushroom body of conical morel is slightly drier, and after heat treatment it becomes harder and has a specific crunch.

In the forest, there is also another representative of morels - morel cap. They love sunny open places - clearings, roadsides, clearings and burning. Appear in May and grow in large groups. The morel cap has a very specific look, so confusing it with other morels is quite difficult. The thick leg, which makes up almost the entire mass of the mushroom, does not have a strong smell, but in the small hat the whole aroma of the mushroom is concentrated. However, compared with other types of morels, the aroma is still not so strong. It is important to remember that morels on the cut will always be hollow - both the hat and the leg.

Since many types of mushrooms are similar to each other and not all of them are edible, one must be very careful in the forest. If in doubt, it is better to leave the mushroom in place and not take it to the basket. To exclude the toxic effect on the body of a line of ordinary, it is recommended to collect it with caution. Beginners generally should not touch, much less taste this mushroom. There is a great danger, to collect it in the wrong place and at the wrong time, which will endanger health.

Video: ordinary line (Gyromitra esculenta)

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