Valerian - medicinal properties and contraindications

Ever since ancient Greece, valerian was considered a plant with exceptional capabilities. It was used as a means for cleansing the mind, a relaxing drug, flavoring. In our traditional medicine, it has also been known for a long time.

Medicinal properties and contraindications valerian

How to recognize a plant doctor

Valerian is a herbaceous plant, but perennial. Therefore, its height can reach one and a half to two meters. The stem is quite thick (about three to four centimeters in diameter). Valerian has an inflorescence in the shape of an umbrella, its flowers are small and fragrant. Leaves resemble dissected feathers in shape.

When collecting plants, several important factors should be considered:

  1. The stem and root of valerian should be as thick as possible (the plant has pronounced medicinal properties only in the second year of its life, therefore, the thicker the stem, the greater the probability of getting into a second-year doctor).
  2. When collecting the valerian root, pay attention to the green neighbors: often the valerian root is closely intertwined with other roots. It is difficult to distinguish them because of the similarity of color, and the smell of the medicinal plant itself is so strong that it is almost impossible to smell any impurity of another smell. In order not to bring the killer plant home, thoroughly wash the roots, select only those that keep the stem on them.

Finding medicinal valerian is not difficult, because it is common throughout the European continent. Mostly grows in moist areas (peatlands, swamps, on river banks).

Proper raw material procurement

Usually, plants grown on plantations are used to make valerian preparations. In the case of homework, you will have to walk around the nearby fields and remember a few simple rules:

  1. It is best to collect medicinal valerian in the fall, after complete flowering, but with the preservation of foliage.
  2. Collected plants (mainly use roots, because they have a high concentration of essential oils and other medicinal substances) are thoroughly washed, dried in special dryers at temperatures up to 35 degrees, or in a well-ventilated place without direct sunlight. Valerian can be stored in paper or fabric bags, glass jars.
  3. The plant retains its medicinal properties (subject to proper drying and storage) for 2 years!

What cures valerian?

What cures valerian

  1. Due to the possibility of a prolonged therapeutic effect, Valerian is recommended to take hypertension, women during menopause. The plant will help relieve excessive tension in the muscle tissue of blood vessels, so hypertension will not reach the top line of blood pressure, and a woman during menopause will easier to survive the ebbs and flows.
  2. Reception of valerian is often recommended to combine with other sedatives. They reinforce each other's action and contribute to a faster recovery from neurosis, high nervous excitability.
  3. Valerian helps to overcome problems with the digestive tract thanks to the choleretic effect, as well as due to the effect on the smooth muscles of the intestines.
  4. Using valerian to treat a child from flatulence, do not forget to consult a doctor: usually drugs of this type are not prescribed for children under three years of age. If there is a need to use valerian at an earlier age, then calculate the dosage, frequency and duration of administration with your pediatrician. An alternative may be intestinal collections of herbs, where valerian is only one of the components.
  5. For fashionistas trying to lose weight without harming their health, Valerian is a real find.Drinking a glass of water with a few drops of infusion before meals or instead of eating, a person blocks the feeling of hunger and relieves tension due to the need to keep oneself in check. So you can reduce weight and not get anorexia.
  6. You can use valerian not only inside. In folk medicine, the use of valerian as an antiseptic is widely practiced. Diluted infusion is used to wash eyes in inflammatory processes. Rinsing with a diluted infusion of valerian root will also help get rid of throat problems.
  7. Rubbing the skin with a damp towel or sponge soaked in valerian infusion will save you from a long acquaintance with the fungus.
  8. Since ancient Rome, it was considered useful to take baths with the addition of valerian: such an integrated approach has a general calming effect, removes headaches, skin problems from the agenda.
  9. The use of lotions, washing with valerian helps to avoid redness of the skin, acne. Instead of a chemical hair conditioner, you can use a diluted infusion of valerian: for young users, the drug will help improve hair color, their structure, get rid of dry skin and dandruff. For older users, the effect of reducing gray hair will be interesting.

The plant is used to relieve tension of a mental nature and muscle. Thanks to its medicinal properties, the root and stem of valerian helps to overcome:

  • migraine;
  • insomnia
  • prolonged constipation;
  • colic in adults and children.

Important! The effect of taking valerian does not occur immediately. This should be taken into account when calculating the dose of the drug: if it does not get better after half an hour, you should not take the medicine again. Overdosing can be dangerous! Better wait another hour. The action of valerian, although not instantaneous, but prolonged.

How to prepare the medicine "for yourself"?

Shredded stems and roots of valerian are prepared for use in several ways:

How to make Valerian medicine

  1. Pour boiling water and stand for 2-6 hours. Tincture will get a dark, brownish color. Used for skin diseases as lotions, for food or nervous disorders, strained infusion is used for 2-4 tablespoons per day.
  2. The crushed plant, filled with cold boiled water, is infused for a day. The filtered solution is used for 2-4 tablespoons a day for migraines.
  3. Alcohol infusion of crushed valerian is defended for 2-3 days. Take filtered at 5-10 drops per dose 2-4 times a day. Indications - all of the above diseases. Contraindications - children can take alcoholic infusion only as a lotion, and not inside.
  4. A decoction of Valerian root. Boiled with boiling water, valerian stews over low heat for about 30 minutes. It is cooled, filtered, taken dropwise (for adults - 5-10 drops not more often than 2-4 times a day).


In the case of valerian, the same rules apply as with any other medicine: the frequency, duration of administration and dosage are determined by the doctor, not the patient by eye. Avoid prolonged use of the drug. The maximum term is three weeks. If you continue to take valerian in any form (tablets, extract, infusion), then side reactions will begin to appear.

Among the possible negative consequences of Valerian treatment are:

  1. Inhibition of human reactions: we are talking about motor functions (primarily, fine motor skills), and mental. In this regard, doctors do not recommend taking the drug on the eve of exciting events, before the upcoming physical or mental stress. It is best to give your body everything to survive on its own, and after that take Valerian. Such a move will allow the body to quickly return to normal, to avoid inhibition of reactions.
  2. Allergic reactions.Since valerian contains many substances (acids, tannins, essential oils), then some of them can cause an individual allergic reaction. In order not to cause an acute condition, conduct allergy tests before taking the medicine. At home, rubbing a small area of ​​the skin with a solution of valerian is suitable: if redness occurs, there is an allergy, it is better to find a drug-analogue. Such tests, first of all, concern children under the age of three years.
  3. Valerian relaxes the muscles of blood vessels throughout the body. With prolonged use, the relaxation effect can lead to impaired peristalsis (constipation), impaired blood supply to the brain (dizziness, sensation of weakness throughout the body), problems with blood coagulation (excessive thickening).

The use of valerian in the treatment of children should always be carried out under the supervision of a doctor! If the disease allows, it is better to do with regular baths with the addition of tinctures of valerian, lemon balm, and chamomile.

Video: useful properties and application of valerian root

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