Cherry during pregnancy - benefits and harms

When a small desired life is born under the heart, the expectant mother tries to protect herself from everything dangerous in every possible way - excludes alcohol, stops smoking, takes only medications that are allowed by the doctor. Especially carefully, a woman begins to relate to food - because we are what we eat. And only the growth and development of the baby in the womb depends on our nutrition. In order to get benefits from products, you need to correctly compile a diet, choose only fresh food, try to use healthy ways of cooking. At the height of the diet, a woman has many doubts - are some fruits and vegetables so useful, as is commonly believed? Today we’ll talk about cherries, its beneficial qualities for pregnant women, as well as contraindications that you should familiarize yourself with.

Cherry during pregnancy

The beneficial properties of cherries during pregnancy

Ripe sweet and sour cherry beckons with its deep color and astringent aroma. Few give up juicy fruit in the midst of the hot summer season. But they especially love cherries in compotes - it gives the drinks a languid sourness, perfectly quenches thirst and makes the drink unique. A cake does not cost cherries; this is a classic. But how does the fruit affect the body of a pregnant woman and what is the use of the product?

To begin with, it's worth talking about the composition of this amazing fruit. Cherry is rich in various vitamins - A, C, E, P, B. There are a lot of organic acids in cherries - succinic, citric, malic, and salicylic. And cherry contains dietary fiber, enzymes, pectin, tannins, coumarin and numerous trace elements. All this makes the fruit indispensable in strengthening the health of the future mother.

  1. Heart and blood. Cherry contains magnesium, iron, coumarins and oxycoumarins. All this makes cherry a real heart fruit. Cherry perfectly dilutes blood, prevents thrombosis, this is an excellent prevention of stroke and heart attack. In addition, cherries are used for anemia - it raises hemoglobin, this is important for women in position. Hypertonics are often used for cherry juice to quickly and effectively lower blood pressure.
  2. For colds and coughs. Cherry is an effective remedy during SARS, when many drugs for a pregnant woman are banned. Tea with cherry juice perfectly tones, relieves inflammation, relieves heat and aching joints. Cherry juice has a bactericidal effect, it can be dissolved in warm water and rinsed with a throat cavity. And cherry is a powerful expectorant, which is used for tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis and other inflammation of the airways.
  3. For the nervous system and restful sleep. Cherries are rich in a variety of B vitamins, which are incredibly beneficial for the nervous system. It is enough to pour a glass of cherries with warm water and leave the mass for 2-3 hours. Cherry water can calm, put thoughts in order, relieve anxiety and tension. Melatonin in the composition of cherries perfectly fights insomnia, because the sleep of a pregnant woman is usually very restless and intermittent.
  4. Iodine and folic acid. During pregnancy, a woman needs many vitamins and minerals, especially in the early stages, when the baby’s organs are completely laid. The most necessary substances are iodine and folic acid, it is they that are found in large quantities in the fruits of cherries. Folic acid reduces the risk of developing pathologies of the fetal nervous system, iodine is extremely necessary for both the mother and the child, especially in regions with low iodine content in the soil.
  5. Toxicosis. The sour taste of a juicy fruit perfectly copes with nausea during pregnancy.Since ancient times, women have been given cherries in a position to somehow increase their appetite, because the baby must receive food from the mother, starvation harms the child.
  6. For the intestines. The pulp of cherries gives an easy laxative effect, which is very important for pregnant women who are constantly tormented with constipation. And cherry juice suppresses the pathogenic microflora in the intestines, relieving bloating, abdominal pain, and poisoning. A decoction of young cherry shoots is effective for diarrhea and dehydration.
  7. For the urinary system. Cherry has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. With bouts of cystitis, you need to drink a couple of liters of cherry compote or diluted cherry juice, this will help you get rid of pain, pain, frequent urination. Chlorogenic acid positively affects the functioning of the liver and kidneys, cherry pulp is often recommended for hepatitis to restore liver function.
  8. Weight. With its rich taste and incredible benefits in cherries, about 50 kcal per 100 grams of product. This means that the fruit can be eaten in large quantities without worrying about the figure. During pregnancy, overweight is of particular relevance, women worry about the baby and do not torment themselves with diets, gaining an extra 10-20 kg in 9 months. Part of the accumulated, of course, will go away with childbirth, but the excess fat will not go anywhere. In addition, the fullness is harmful to the baby - visceral fat settles on the organs, squeezing the baby in the womb. Cherry is a tasty and safe way to gain the minimum amount of weight during pregnancy.

And women use cherry pulp and burgundy fruit juice for cosmetic purposes. The acids in the composition of the cherry perfectly narrow the pores, relieve excess epidermis fat, moisturize the skin and make it dull.

Harmful cherries during pregnancy

Cherry has a powerful medicinal effect, however, and it has some contraindications.

Harmful cherries during pregnancy

  1. If you have a tendency to bleeding, you should refuse from cherries - it reduces the ability to clot blood.
  2. At low pressure, do not eat cherries, the fruit can aggravate the situation.
  3. Sometimes a decoction is prepared not from the pulp, but from the seeds of the cherry, during pregnancy, such a home-made medicine is strictly contraindicated - there is hydrocyanic acid in the bones, this is poison that can negatively affect the health of the fetus in the womb. For the same reason, you can not eat cherry with pits.
  4. Cherry fruits rarely cause allergies, but still it can happen, even if there was never an allergy to fruits before pregnancy. So start eating cherries in small portions. If a rash, irritation, itching appears on the body, the fruit should be discarded.
  5. Another contraindication to taking cherries is a gastrointestinal tract disease. With ulcers and gastritis, the gastric mucosa is in an inflamed state, any acidic products can provoke a relapse of the disease.

And remember that cherry only benefits the body, you need to know the measure - no more than 300 grams of fruit per day. Then your body will certainly say “Thank you!”.

Eat any kind of cherry - dried and frozen fruit is just as healthy as fresh fruit. You can make drinks from cherries by mixing juice with soda or plain water. But compote made from cherries is less useful, when heated, the fruits lose most of the nutrients. Eat cherries during pregnancy, take care of yourself and your baby!

Video: useful properties of a stalk of a cherry

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