East European Shepherd Dog - breed description

Many dog ​​lovers are mistaken when they say that the East European is the same German shepherd. But, to be honest, and to delve into the history of the origin of the breed, then this is true.

East European Shepherd

Origin history

The East European representative was a descendant of the German Shepherd, but already in the territory of the countries of the Soviet Union. And here, these representatives were singled out as a separate breed. This event was influenced by many reasons. The first of these is the human factor. Soviet cynologists took a different approach to raising dogs. In addition, the climate played a significant role.

In many countries, the quality of the German Shepherd is very appreciated, which allows it to be an excellent assistant in official affairs. But, unfortunately, after the times of World War I, people of the countries of the Soviet space reacted negatively to anything that had German roots. Therefore, even in the education of German shepherds, significant changes were made so that they were not similar to their German relatives. Dog handlers of the Soviet era made a lot of efforts to make adjustments to the breed as a whole, because this state required a strong labor force in the form of dogs. This matter was taken with all seriousness, and the breeding of shepherds, as well as their education, was not just for fun.

In the post-war times, namely, in the 24th year of the last century, a separate nursery called “Red Star” was created for future Easterners, in Moscow, the main Soviet capital of those times. In this institution they worked on the breeding of their own breed from representatives of the German shepherd breed. Due to the fact that not enough money was allocated for this process, they achieved the first results only in the 1945th year. This happened due to the fact that after the war on the territory of the Soviet countries there were captured German Shepherd dogs. Subsequently, they were used for breeding.

Dogs were set a goal, which was to change the behavioral characteristics of the German Shepherd, and make the future representative of the East European larger in size. And it is worth noting that this goal was achieved.

Exterior features also succumbed to some changes. The same went for the nature of the animal, as well as its behavioral characteristics. In addition, representatives of the VEO were to become more universal animals, the labor force of which could be used not only in a specific territory, but throughout the entire Soviet Union.

At the end of the military operations of 1941-1945, the former representatives of the German Shepherd Dog, who underwent "retraining," were recognized by General Medvedev, and named the East European breed. And also, for her services during the war, these dogs were considered the most patriotic animals.

But only in 1964 did they describe the standards that a VEO should have, and after 12 years, these standards were subject to adjustments. It is worth noting that, nevertheless, this allegedly newly introduced breed was considered a subspecies of the German Shepherd, so they were not divided into 2 different breeds. But soon a turning point came for the Soviet Union, as well as for this breed.

When the great country collapsed, all its achievements as a whole, as well as in the selection of the East European breed, succumbed to criticism. This fate also overtook these dogs, which for some reason were associated with Stalin and the times of repression.But the fact is that during their service in the countries of the Union these dogs performed quite a lot of roles that were related to mine exploration, saving people, searching for explosives, protecting people and their possessions.

In 1991, an event occurred that radically changed the status of the VEO. This year, the breed of the German shepherd was recognized at the world level. After this event, representatives of the East, as part of the German breed, became purebred dogs. Then they wanted to completely eliminate these animals. They no longer had the right to take part in exhibitions, they were expelled from all kinds of dog training clubs. But the situation was able to change those who really loved these dogs, and did not consider them outbred. And these people, no matter what, continued to breed these wonderful animals in nurseries of a private type. And in exhibitions they also participated, but so far only in the "monobreed".

So, despite all the difficulties, these times for VEO made a positive impact in their direct development. Those who were breeding this breed only because of self-interest left this business, and only those who really appreciated and loved these animals remained with the dogs.

The consequence of the refusal of recognition of this species was the creation of the Kennel Association in the 91st year, and already in the 99th a book was published devoted to pedigree breeding of East European dogs. The development of the breed continued, and it concerned not only external characteristics, but also the nature, qualities that would help in the service.

Those who were involved in the breeding and training of representatives of the East, not only preserved the number of animals, but also increased them. And soon the Russian dog handlers associations began to gradually recognize the breed. So, already in 2002, these dogs returned to their former glory and honor.

Breed standards

VEO is considered a large enough dog, with an average male growth of 66-76 cm, and 62-72 cm - in females. Despite the strong bones of the shepherd, the body of the animal does not seem coarse. There is a certain elongation of the body, which can differ by 10-17 cm from the average height of the dog. Eastern European representatives are quite muscular. Males are much larger than females, so determining the sex of a dog is very simple.

East European Shepherd Standards

The head is elongated, wedge-shaped, and, despite its massiveness, looks proportional to the body. The transition to the muzzle from the frontal part is not expressive. Ears are upright, similar to triangles. The eyes are expressive, but small, almond-shaped. The dog’s look is special, you can immediately understand from it that it is smart and quick-witted. The jaw of the animal is well developed and has 42 teeth. The neck looks strong and muscular as the body.

The abdomen is always tight, and the back is flat. In calm and static position, the tail is always lowered. The limbs of the shepherd are quite strong. The front ones are placed at a slight angle, which simplifies the movement, and the rear ones are straight.

The coat of the dog is of medium length, and on the forearms and hips is slightly longer. It is hard to the touch, and fits snugly to the body. The undercoat is quite thick.

Regarding the color: it should be black, black with a dark mask on its face, on a lighter background. It is also possible a deep color of the black-blooded type, red, and gray areas are allowed, but not desirable.

The difference between the German Shepherd and the East European

Eastern representatives, not even considering the fact that they are not separated by the international canine federation from German shepherds, have significant differences. Its main features inherent only to it are expressed as follows:

  1. VEOs look larger than their German counterparts, as well as slightly taller.
  2. They have a more even back, and German shepherds have a sloping back.
  3. German representatives have a narrower chest.
  4. East shepherd dogs move more swiftly.
  5. German dogs have less light background in color.
  6. East European shepherd dogs have a calmer temperament, and German shepherds are much more playful, more active.
  7. German shepherds are more suitable as companions for humans, and Easterners are used to perform official duties.

Veo character

The most pronounced trait of character is affection for his master. This dog is quite brave, and can fulfill any order of a person, even to the extent that he can give his life for him. The animal’s nervous system is very stable, therefore the shepherd does not show its aggression unnecessarily, but treats strangers with distrust. But, if any danger arises, it reacts instantly.

East European Shepherd Character

These representatives are ideal animals for training. They show their obedience, and do not at all try to rule over a person or show will. Shepherd dogs will not cause harm to animals smaller than themselves. And if the eastern shepherd grew up in a circle of other animals, then in the future it will protect them.

These dogs are very friendly in nature. But this is manifested only in relation to family members. And, if the owner is in danger of even the slightest danger, the dog immediately turns from a friendly dog ​​into a fighting one.

The shepherd is considered a faithful friend and loyal protector. In relation to children, they are always friendly and love to play with them. If you are engaged in the education of the East European Shepherd, then its nature will be as described.

Training and education

In order for the dog to have all the traits that may be inherent in it, it is worthwhile to engage in its upbringing from a very young age. The first thing to do with a little puppy is to find contact with him. At this time, you can spend only 15 minutes to work out the skills of the animal.

For the baby to obey, it is worth using food. After the correctly executed command, you need to give some goodies in order to develop a reflex for the dog.

Already from the age of three months, you can begin to teach the puppy to obey the owner. During walks, accustom him to the fact that in the midst of a bunch of sounds he needs to hear the commands of his master.

At 4 months, it’s worth introducing a training to overcome barriers, to search for hidden things by smell. If you need the development of professional qualities, then the age of 5 months is ideal for this. This includes the protection of things, as well as an attack for the attacker. But all these classes must be carried out with the help of an outsider. Since this quality is inherent in the East, there should not be difficulties with this task.

In addition to performing basic commands, the dog should not take food from the hands of strangers, pick up food.

Care and maintenance of the east

This species does not require special care at all. And most importantly, what she needs to organize is proper feeding and active walks. It is also important to carry out hygiene procedures. A shepherd can live both in an apartment and in a booth. But the main thing is that it be spacious, because these animals are quite large. It is worth noting that you can not first keep the animal in the apartment, and then move it into an aviary with a booth.

Care and maintenance of East European Shepherd Dog

It is necessary to wash the Easterner, but not more often than twice a year. And then, this should be a necessity. The main thing to do is comb the animal, and then the coat will not be dirty, and its appearance will be more well-groomed. In addition to combing out the fallen hair, a massage takes place through combing, which helps to improve blood circulation.

Also do not forget about the ears, eyes and teeth. If everything is in order with the pet’s health, then cleaning your ears with a cotton swab once a half-month is enough. Brushing your teeth is also necessary to avoid tartar. There is no need to clean the eyes if there is no discharge on them. If nevertheless they are, then they need to be eliminated with a cotton swab. This should be approached with all seriousness if the East European Shepherd Dog takes part in exhibitions.

Do not forget about the treatment of worms and fleas. It is recommended that fleas be cleaned in May or June when the parasites are actively developing, as well as in October, when they become less active.


Nutrition is the main component of the proper development of the animal. First of all, it must be balanced. The main component of nutrition is protein-containing products, that is, meat and meat products. You can include porridge with vegetables, as well as river fish, which will be useful for puppies in the diet. But it must be cooked so that the dog does not become infected with worms. It is also allowed to give dairy products (remember that milk is contraindicated for adults, it is useful only to puppies up to 6 months of age).

Making a dog’s diet is not an easy task, so many people choose the easier way and buy dry food.

How to choose a puppy

Due to the fact that some time ago the East European Shepherd was not recognized and tried to eliminate it, now it may be difficult to acquire this animal. Moreover, often potential buyers do not see and do not understand the difference between German and East European shepherds. Therefore, they may not be sold to whom they really wanted.

If you want to buy an Oriental, then it is best to give preference to nurseries, where you can choose a puppy of this particular breed. The advantage of the kennels is that there you can find out about the pedigree of the animal and any other data regarding the dog. You can’t say about buying a puppy on the market or by an ad on the Internet. Here you can not only find out reliable data, but you can even buy a purebred puppy at the cost of the East.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing, you can visit the specialty dog ​​show, or at least watch a video with them, visit the forum. This will provide an opportunity to see firsthand the representatives of the East European Shepherd, communicate with the owners and learn about their features. If you take this issue seriously, you can buy a real Easterner.

The cost of puppies of the East

Purebred puppies of an East European appearance, together with documents, will cost its future owner at least 15 thousand rubles. The price can go up, because it depends on whether there were eminent ancestors in the family. You can also buy a puppy for 3 thousand, but this will mean that the puppy has no pedigree. For such a price you can buy a good thoroughbred dog, but there is also a risk that the breeders want to sell a shepherd puppy at that price, but not an Oriental, but a German or even an ordinary mixed breed. If the choice is quite fundamental, it is better to overpay a significant amount, but be sure that the puppy you bought is of the breed that you need. And then you won’t have to give up on your choice and spare the money spent on the wrong pet.

Video: East European Shepherd

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