Royal oyster mushroom - description of where it grows, poisonous mushroom

Oyster mushrooms are similar in appearance and taste to mushrooms or mushrooms, but the latter have a coarser flesh. Royal oyster mushrooms are distinguished by a more noble aroma and pleasant taste, which they get in the process of preparation. In Europe, they are considered one of the most delicious mushrooms.

Royal oyster mushroom

Oyster mushroom royal or Pleurotus eryngii is also commonly called the Steppe porcini mushroom, Oyster mushrooms Steppe or Eringi.


Steppe mushrooms have thick and meaty hats, which can reach a diameter of up to 8 cm, and sometimes even about 25. In young oyster mushrooms they are convex in shape with a mound in the center. In the process of maturation, the hats take the form of funnels or remain flat in shape, with uneven edges.

Smooth and slightly scaly in the center of the surface are painted in colors from light cream to dark brown. On the bottom are frequent wide creamy or pinkish plates that go down the leg.

It has a cylindrical shape with a wider top and narrow bottom. The height of the mushroom leg is about 5 cm, and the thickness is not more than 2.5 cm. The location of the leg is central, relative to the hat.

The legs are white, elastic and dense. As the mushrooms mature, they become more soft or “soft”.

Growing royal oyster mushrooms

This type of mushroom is common in southern Europe, Central Asian countries, North America and the former Soviet Union. Under natural conditions, the fruits grow on the ground. In industrial production, a plant substrate is used.

Royal oyster mushroom cultivation

These mushrooms are picky in production, unlike mushrooms. They have high productivity, are completely unpretentious in comparison with other species. Ripen and grow quickly enough. For this reason, they are best grown on pasteurized substrates.

Also, for the cultivation of royal oyster mushrooms, the use of proven technology with blocks is permissible. In such cases, mushrooms grow in about 21 days. Favorable air temperature for the ripening and reproduction of this type of mushroom is from 18 to 25 degrees with a plus sign. They need high humidity around 80 - 90%. To simplify the process of exit of the fruit in the bags, the presence of holes is required.

In order for the reproduction process to occur, cover soil must be used. Therefore, blocks with growing mushrooms are laid on top of the integumentary soil having a thickness of not more than 30 mm. With large-scale production, the cover area is decontaminated by steaming using formalin. There are some features when growing steppe oyster mushrooms, however, the process is not difficult.

What is needed for breeding?

  1. Driftwood or a log made of hardwood (beech, hornbeam, alder, birch, chestnut, poplar, willow, oak), without decay, but not earlier than 30 days after the log house.
  2. Wood must have a moisture content of at least 70%.
  3. The diameter of the log should be about 45 cm. There should be no knots on its surface.
  4. Using a drill, you need to make holes in the wood.
  5. Sowing is required in sterile gloves.

Beneficial features

This is a valuable, high-quality species of mushrooms with a high protein content of 15-25 percent. The content of valuable nutrients in them is close to dairy and meat products. Proteins are perfectly absorbed by the human body.During heat treatment of the product, their concentration increases significantly.

Useful properties of oyster mushrooms royal

Royal oyster mushrooms also include polyunsaturated fatty acids, which inhibit the development of vascular atherosclerosis and help lower cholesterol. Studies have proved the presence in the pulp of mushrooms of a large number of polysaccharides, which have antitumor and immunomodulating effects.

Group B vitamins and ascorbic acid are also found in the fungus, and they are extremely important for normal life and health.

Taste qualities

Oyster mushrooms belong to those mushrooms that have excellent taste. Their name "royal" speaks for itself. For this they are revered in the kitchens of all countries of the world. With great respect for royal oyster mushrooms are treated in China and European countries.

To taste, they are very tender with a mild “mushroom” flavor. Almost odorless. They feel some fiberiness and light harshness. To maintain these qualities, sufficient but moderate food processing is necessary. Hats and legs are slightly different in structure. The legs are more fibrous, and the hats are soft and porous.

The shelf life of this type of mushroom raw is quite long. They can safely keep fresh for up to 3 weeks in the refrigerator in an open food container or paper bag.

Calorie content

The caloric content of these mushrooms is 22 Kcal per 100 g of raw product.

What to cook from oyster mushrooms royal?

Vegetarian oyster mushroom julienne
Baked vegetables retain the maximum concentration of nutrients. Tastes and aromas perfectly interact with each other when baked in the same dish at the same time, and the cheese crust and delicate sauce make the vegetable dish simply unbelievable.

What to cook from oyster mushrooms royal


  • Oyster mushrooms - 400 g;
  • Onion - 1 large onion;
  • Carrots - 2 medium carrots;
  • Cheese - 180 g;
  • Refined oil - 2.5 tbsp. l .;
  • Dry white wine - 80 ml.


  • Premium wheat flour - 60 g;
  • Butter - 60 g;
  • Milk - 1000 ml;
  • Salt, pepper, nutmeg.


  1. Cut carrots into very thin and long strips.
  2. Stew carrots and onion cubes in a mixture of vegetable and butter for 20 minutes.
  3. Grate cheese on a large and sharp grater.
  4. Cut oyster mushrooms into strips and add to vegetables in a skillet for 5 minutes, cover. After this time, add wine and simmer another 5 minutes. Put on a paper towel to remove excess fat.
  5. Fry the flour in a pan and add oil to it, then pour in the milk and mix thoroughly. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.
  6. Place vegetables in a bowl and season with sauce. Mix well and put in cocotte makers. Sprinkle with grated cheese.
  7. Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

Contraindications and Precautions

Mushrooms of any kind must be consumed in a heat-treated form for the reason that fresh chitin enters in large quantities, which is poorly absorbed.

With caution, they should be used as food for pregnant women and children up to 12 years old.

The only contraindication for eating royal oyster mushrooms for food is individual intolerance.

Video: royal oyster mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii)

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