Zyuznik - medicinal properties and contraindications

European zyuznik is a perennial herb. It is also called heart grass, swamp nettle. This plant is called the Wolf-legged in Ukraine because the petals are similar to the tracks of a wolf. The Russian name comes from "zyuzya", that is, wet in the rain. Most often grows near water. There are stomata on the leaves through which the indent releases excess moisture. Drops flow down the plant, which in its appearance resembles raindrops flowing down from a wet person. The inmate is growing in almost all countries of Europe, in Central Asia, as well as in the Caucasus.

Medicinal properties and contraindications zyuznika

How to properly prepare and store medicinal raw materials?

In folk recipes, healers use only the upper part of bog nettles. Raw materials should be collected during the peak of flowering. After collecting the grass, it is necessary to remove excess garbage. Drying grass is recommended in the air or in a room with good ventilation. The ambient temperature should not be higher than 50 degrees, otherwise many useful properties will be lost. You can use the electric dryer when harvesting raw materials. You need to dry the plants by tying them in bunches.

Raw materials should be stored in bags made of canvas or paper, as well as in tightly closed glass containers. Shelf life, subject to proper drying and storage, is two years.

Chemical composition and benefits

Scientists still have not fully studied all the components. It was found that about 5% are organic acids, 0.5% are essential oils. Also, a small amount contains phytol, ursolic acid, steroids, vitamin C. Also in the composition there are bitterness, resins, antioxidants.

Traditional healers recommend the use of swamp nettle to treat diarrhea, at high temperature and fever, and also as an anesthetic, hemostatic and diuretic. With coughing and bleeding, this medicinal plant will also be indispensable, since it contains tannins.

Researches by scientists have confirmed that zyuznik can be very effective for thyroid diseases. In Europe, its benefits in hyperthyroidism are generally recognized. It slows down the production of excess hormones, leading to their normal level. The modern drug Thyreogutt Mono was developed by German scientists. It incorporates swamp nettle and is used for cardiac neurosis caused by excessive thyroid function. In patients taking the drug for about 2 weeks, there is a positive trend. Performance increases and symptoms such as nervousness and sweating disappear. In order to consolidate the result, drugs must be taken for at least two months. The tool affects the very cause of the disease, and thus prevents many negative consequences. Such natural preparations act quickly, surpassing even traditional medicines.

Important! An overdose of drugs based on zyuznik was not seen, but it is better to follow the recipe and recommendations.


If you take infusions and decoctions based on a prescription, then it does not give side effects. But there are contraindications.

  1. If the patient has a diffuse goiter, then this herb is contraindicated for him.
  2. Also, you can not take it at low pressure, allergies to the components that make up the composition.
  3. It is not recommended to use such drugs for children, pregnant women and during lactation. If absolutely necessary, the dosage and duration of the course for such people can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Note! Do not increase the dose or duration of treatment yourself.

Can pregnant women use drugs with a zyuznik? The opinions of scientists actually still differ. On the one hand, the plant can help pregnant women with edema, anxiety, and insomnia. But science does not know how this herb affects the fetus. If you want to eat grass during pregnancy, you must always consult a specialist.

The use of marsh grass in folk medicine

  1. Sorcerers have long used this plant in the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, as well as with nervous disorders.
    It is also indispensable for diarrhea, fever.
  2. With bronchitis, it quickly relieves cough, and if the patient has a high fever, the indent will not only remove the fever, but also saturate the body with components that will contribute to its overall strengthening.
  3. With severe intoxication of the body, folk drugs have a positive effect.
  4. It will also help with malaria and tuberculosis.
  5. If inflammation occurs in the digestive organs, accompanied by pain, then nettle nettle will help to cope with this problem.
  6. This herb also helps with problems with the nervous system (this is insomnia, anxiety, and increased irritability).
  7. Due to the diuretic effect of the grass, it eliminates edema.
  8. If the patient underwent anesthesia or underwent a course of potent drugs that had a negative effect on the blood, then this plant will help cleanse it.
  9. Also, this healing plant helps women prevent mastopathy and normalize the disturbed cycle.


Recipes with Zyuznik
How to use a zyuznik with various malfunctions of the thyroid gland?
3 tablespoons of dry grass need to pour one cup of boiling water. Strain after 15 minutes. Divide the resulting product into 3 parts and drink during the day before eating.

It is necessary to take in 2 parts of a zyuznik, plantain, hawthorn and strawberry leaves, one part of lemon balm, as well as sage and mistletoe. All herbs should be mixed thoroughly. For half a liter of water, take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of this mixture. Then the mixture is boiled for no more than 5 minutes. When the broth has cooled, it is filtered. After that, add honey to taste and a tablespoon of motherwort juice. The product is divided into 5 parts and drunk during the day. The last portion should be drunk before bedtime.

Basically, after several weeks of taking such decoctions, a positive trend sets in. But this does not mean that you can stop treatment. The level of hormones secreted by the iron should decrease by a third, and for this the course should last at least two months.

A heart
To establish a heart rate, an alcohol tincture is prepared:

For 300 g of herbs, take 1 liter of vodka. Insisted such a tool for about 20 days. It is recommended to take such a tincture in the amount of 5-10 drops three times a day.

For 200 g of dry grass of a zyuznik it is necessary to take a liter of vodka or alcohol (you can take a different amount of components, keeping the proportion). It is necessary to insist for about 15 days, after which take 30 drops of tincture 5 times a day.

How to relieve pressure
50 g of the zyuznik are poured with vodka or alcohol in an amount of 500 ml, left to infuse in a dark place for about 2 weeks. Every day, such tinctures should be taken in 20 drops. It can be diluted with water or add honey to taste if you find the taste unpleasant. To enhance the therapeutic effect, it will be useful to add other components to the tincture. You can add, in addition to the zyuznik, also St. John's wort or forest cleaner.

Fever and fever
The following recipe will help get rid of heat and fever. If the patient has a cough, fever and other signs of a cold are elevated, then they prepare tea from the grass of the nettle. The recipe for tea is very simple. 2 teaspoons of raw material is taken in a glass of boiling water.Drink such tea is recommended when it cools down a bit. Sweeteners should not be added to tea. Also, tea prepared according to this recipe will help those who suffer from stress, insomnia. It is useful to drink as a calming, analgesic, as well as for the purification of blood.

How to prepare a medicine for diarrhea
Tea will also help in this problem, but instead of two spoons, put one in a glass. Tea must be infused for at least two hours, then drink half an hour before meals during the day, dividing the serving into 3 parts. Such a tool will not only save you from diarrhea, but also help from any disorders associated with the digestive system. It can also be used by women to normalize the menstrual cycle.

Fact! Chinese medicine uses this plant along with rhizome. Doctors treat with it swelling, boils, cycle disorders in women.

Myocardial infarction
With myocardial infarction, you can prepare a drug according to this recipe. First you need to prepare separately tincture of motherwort and nettle. Then mix them in equal proportions. Each time before eating such a remedy, you will need to drink 40 drops.

The tincture of this medicine is prepared in this way. 50 g of dry grass is poured with 500 ml of alcohol or good vodka. Infuse should be about two weeks, closing the container with a tight lid.

In case of Basedova’s disease, alcohol tincture is taken about 30 drops three times a day before meals.

When taking traditional drugs, patients note an improvement in their condition and continue the course of treatment, and this suggests that the funds are really effective.

If you take this plant with traditional medicine, this will help to eliminate many side effects from medications, which is important for many patients. It is allowed in herbal gatherings containing nettle nettle, add components for the treatment of some other diseases. In this case, good results can be achieved.

If it is not possible to procure raw materials yourself, then it can be purchased at a pharmacy or online store. Although bog nettle is considered harmless, consultation with a doctor before any use is necessary.

Video: Healing Properties

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