Artichoke - useful properties and contraindications

Surely on the shelves in the store you saw a green bump that looks like a flower. This is an amazing artichoke plant. It is eaten, because in the bud there are a lot of useful substances that are considered very valuable for the human body. In fact, an artichoke is an unopened bud that is removed from the bush on time. Overripe artichokes are not allowed in food - they become stiff and prickly. Early artichokes are very soft, juicy, tasty. The aroma and taste of the fruit vaguely resembles a walnut. But most of all, people appreciate the artichoke not for taste, but for its medicinal effect. Since ancient times, the Ancient Greeks and Romans used the artichoke for the preparation of potent medicines. In this article, we will talk about the beneficial properties of a plant, learn about its contraindications, and also learn how to cook an artichoke to preserve its taste and benefits.

Useful properties and contraindications of artichoke

Useful properties of artichoke

Speaking about the composition of the artichoke, we must admit that it is very rich and extensive. First of all, it contains vitamins - A, C, E, K, vitamins of group B. The artichoke is also rich in trace elements - phosphorus, sodium, manganese, iron, calcium, copper, selenium. In addition, the composition of the buds includes flavonoids, inulin, cynarin, tannins. All this makes the product indispensable for humans.

  1. For the gall bladder. First of all, the artichoke is very useful for the normal outflow of bile from the gallbladder. The plant contains biological substances - inulin and cynarin, which expand the bile duct, activate the movement of bile into the stomach, and stimulate the renewal of bile. If this is not done, bile can gradually thicken and form stones in the gallbladder. They, in turn, clog the bile ducts. The deterioration in this case goes in two directions - firstly, the bladder itself suffers, because there is no outflow of bile, gallstone disease develops. Secondly, the absence of bile in the stomach leads to insufficient production of enzymes, food is digested incorrectly. If you consume artichokes regularly in food, problems can be avoided.
  2. For the liver. Artichoke is very beneficial for the liver. The plant perfectly cleanses the body of toxins. This is especially true with prolonged load on the liver. Excessive intoxication may occur due to prolonged medical treatment, intoxication, drug use. Artichoke is also useful for the liver in its various pathologies, for example, with hepatitis. One of the most famous herbal remedies for the liver (Hofitol) is made on the basis of artichoke extract - this plant is so powerful and effective.
  3. Against excess weight. Very often, artichoke dishes are included in a healthy and balanced menu, and not only because the artichoke buds are nutritious and low in calories. Dishes from artichokes perfectly cleanse the intestines, relieve constipation. Enhanced liver function helps to free the body of toxins and toxins. Drinks from artichokes become especially useful - tea resembles a coffee taste, with regular consumption it helps to burn fat reserves. Diet pills based on artichokes are also on sale, but all nutrition experts are unanimous in their opinion - natural fruits are much more useful.
  4. During pregnancy. The artichoke is considered especially valuable for pregnant women, because it is really capable of suppressing toxicosis in the early stages. As soon as life begins in the uterus, the body begins to perceive it as something alien, the liver begins to react with intoxication, that is how doctors and scientists characterize toxicosis.But the cleansing effect on the liver allows you to reduce the reaction of the body, regular consumption of artichokes will help you get rid of morning sickness and vomiting. In addition, the fruits are useful in late pregnancy, when all organs are compressed by a growing child. The artichoke facilitates the work of the gallbladder and liver in tight spaces.
  5. For men's health. Artichoke buds are very beneficial for men's health. First of all, the artichoke has a beneficial effect on the entire genitourinary system, suppressing the development of infection, providing prevention of prostate adenoma cancer. Regular inclusion of artichokes in the diet helps to cope with early impotence, makes a man more hardy in sex.
  6. Oncology. It is believed that artichokes are an excellent prevention of cancer. Quarcetin and rutin in artichokes are considered antioxidants, which facilitate the body's fight against free radicals. With constant consumption of artichokes, you can protect yourself from possible cancer. If oncology has already overtaken a person, eat artichokes anyway - they have a strong effect similar to chemotherapy, this will help you slow down the growth and spread of malignant cells a little.
  7. For the heart and blood vessels. The composition of artichokes contains a huge amount of potassium, which is very useful for the heart. Artichoke buds have a vasodilating effect, this allows you to get rid of headaches and heart pain, to normalize blood pressure. Include artichokes in your diet at least a couple of times a week - this will help to gradually lower blood cholesterol, as well as protect against strokes and heart attacks.
  8. Against Alzheimer's Disease. Surprisingly, artichokes are included in the overall treatment of Alzheimer's disease. This is due to two factors. The first is a high phosphorus content, which ensures the normal functioning of the brain. The second factor is vitamin K, which prevents the destruction of the neural ligaments of the brain, because this is the reason for the incurability and progression of the disease.
  9. For diabetics. Artichokes contain inulin, which perfectly replaces sucrose and is used by patients with diabetes.
  10. For women. The artichoke is very useful for women's health, not only during pregnancy. A large amount of ascorbic acid in the composition of the buds is an excellent prevention of breast cancer. Artichokes increase blood circulation in the small pelvis, this gives an exciting effect, in some countries the artichoke is considered a powerful aphrodisiac. In addition, the antioxidants in the artichoke are used to make various skin masks. It makes the face taut, supple and radiant.

An artichoke is a real storehouse of vitamins that has a rich composition. If used correctly, you can get rid of many diseases. But remember that any potent medicine has its contraindications.

To whom is the artichoke contraindicated?

Of course, a dish of artichokes is useful to any person, regardless of his position and chronic diseases. But if you decide to consume artichokes regularly, include buds in your regular diet, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to this product.

To whom the artichoke is contraindicated

  1. Artichokes stimulate the removal of stones from the kidneys and gall bladder, this can be dangerous if the stones are too large. In this case, the beginning of their movement can clog the passage, in some situations this leads to severe pain. In the presence of kidney stones or gall bladder - take artichokes should be strictly after consulting a doctor.
  2. Artichokes are very useful for constipation, but diarrhea should be discarded. The vegetable laxative in the composition of the artichoke can aggravate the situation, lead to excessive flatulence and dysbiosis.
  3. You can not give artichokes to children under 10 years old, this is a fairly aggressive and heavy product.
  4. Artichokes cannot be treated by young mothers who are breastfeeding. Green buds can inhibit milk production or change its taste.
  5. Artichokes reduce blood pressure, so with hypotension leaning on such a treat is not worth it.

And, of course, no one has canceled the allergic reaction that can occur in any person. If after eating an artichoke you have a skin rash, flatulence, bloating or other problems with the skin and intestines, you need to abandon this method of treatment once and for all.

How to cook artichokes?

In order not only to obtain a medicinal effect, but also to enjoy the taste of an amazing plant, you need to properly prepare it. Artichokes gather at the height of summer - it is very important to monitor the condition of the buds in order to cut them in time in a young form. Small egg-sized buds are very delicate, juicy and tasty - they can be eaten fresh on the garden bed. Medium artichokes are salted and pickled - they make an excellent snack. Large artichokes should be heat treated, otherwise they will remain stiff. Overripe artichokes are not consumed; they can be used in the preparation of coffee or medicine.

Pickled artichokes remain especially delicious and loved in our country. For their preparation, the fruits are thoroughly washed, cut into 2 or 4 parts. The core can be removed. Prepare the brine - in three liters of water you need to dissolve the juice of one lemon, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, add a glass of oil. Put artichokes in brine and simmer for about 10 minutes. In sterile jars you need to put parsley, garlic, put a little boiled artichokes, pour brine. Such a delicacy will be ready in a day, but you can preserve the jars before the winter to enjoy the taste and benefits of fruits in the cold season. Pickled artichokes are both an independent side dish and a wonderful salad ingredient.

After collection, artichokes are not stored for a long time - after a week a specific smell and characteristic taste appear. You can save a large crop of artichokes if the fruits are salted, pickled, dried or frozen. If you want to use artichokes for medicinal purposes, it is better to immediately prepare a medicine based on buds.

How to be treated with artichokes?

In the struggle for health and longevity, a person uses not only the fruits (buds) of artichokes, but also the roots, leaves and stems of a plant. You can prepare different medicines from them.

How to be treated with artichokes

  1. Tincture. Alcohol tincture is stored for a long time, it is easy to use and it is always at hand ready-made. For the preparation of alcohol tinctures, the fruits and leaves of the plant should be used. They are crushed, placed in a bottle of dark glass, and pour alcohol or vodka on top. The more raw materials - the more concentrated the drug will be at the exit. Tincture is prepared for 2-3 weeks in a cool place, it must be shaken periodically to make the medicine saturated. Next, the tincture is filtered and stored in the refrigerator, take a tablespoon diluted in a glass of water three times a day. This will help cleanse the liver, facilitate the work of the gallbladder, and get rid of edema.
  2. A decoction of the roots. This medicine is effective for diabetes, and also, if necessary, lower blood cholesterol. The roots are crushed, pour them with boiling water, let it brew for at least an hour. To get the broth faster, you can cook the roots in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. The cooled and filtered broth is taken in half a glass in the morning and evening.
  3. Artichoke juice. Healing juice can be prepared from fresh artichoke, for this you just need to chop it and strain the pulp or use a juicer.Fresh juice of buds is taken one tablespoon three times a day, this helps to reduce sugar in diabetes, get rid of impotence, the juice is effective in neurological disorders. Fresh juice is also used for cosmetic purposes - it has a bactericidal effect. To preserve excess juice, it can be frozen in the form of ice cubes.

If you suffer from constipation, it is better to consume fresh artichokes with pulp - because it is a valuable plant fiber. In addition, if you cook artichokes correctly, they will turn out to be incredibly tasty!

An artichoke is a magical plant that can be called a delicious treat and medicine at the same time. Eat artichokes, be healthy, beautiful and full of strength!

Video: artichoke - royal delicacy

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