Asafoetida - beneficial properties and contraindications

Asafoetida is a unique spice, which is obtained by drying the juice of the roots of the plant (called ferula) in order to turn the juice into powder and add it to rice flour so that the spice acquires the desired consistency. Despite the specific smell of this plant, it has a unique composition, which when consumed by a person has a positive effect on his body.

Useful properties and contraindications of asafoetida

Asia is the birthplace of asafoetida, but this plant is valued today around the world. It takes several months to prepare the spices; in the ripening season, a huge number of people collect the plant. That is why asafoetida is a unique, valuable and sought-after product.

Useful properties and composition

The benefit of asafoetida for the human body is difficult to overestimate, thanks to its harmless composition:

  1. The most important and useful component in asafoetida is milk juice. Its content in this plant reaches 25%. Thanks to this component, asafoetida is often used for medical purposes, since it is an auxiliary element in the treatment of many diseases.
  2. Resin. Its content reaches 60%. Ferulic acid, which is a popular component in cosmetology, is also present in it.
  3. Essential oil reaches 15% of the total content of nutrients in asafoetida. It is used to treat stress, depression and other disorders of the nervous system.

Despite its small composition, asafoetida has many medicinal properties:

  • helps in the treatment of headaches;
  • improves vision and is used to prevent eye diseases;
  • prevents the development of diseases associated with disorders in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • helps restore voice;
  • strengthens and helps to boost immunity;
  • used to heal bites and prevent the entry of poisons into the body;
  • is a good addition to the vegetarian table;
  • used to combat flatulence;
  • prevents the development of osteochondrosis;
  • helps to cope with pain in the teeth and gums;
  • is an additional component in the treatment of helminthiasis;
  • has a positive effect on the human reproductive system;
  • helps in the treatment of sprain;
  • helps in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • helps fight pain during menstruation;
  • compresses from asafoetida well treat various diseases of the joints;
  • normalizes the gastrointestinal tract;
  • prevents the reproduction and spread of microbes and bacteria throughout the body;
  • slows down the aging process of the skin and the whole body;
  • an excellent assistant in the fight against seizures;
  • inhibits excessive oxidation of organic compounds;
  • helps to alleviate pain in diseases of the auricles.

Despite the large list of useful properties, before using this miracle plant, it is worth consulting a specialist to prevent overdose or allergic reactions to asafoetida components.

Also, do not forget about the rules for storing asafoetida, so that this plant retains a maximum of useful properties, tiled resin or powder based on asafoetida should be stored in a sealed container made of dark glass, in a cool place where sunlight does not penetrate.


Asafoetides will be an indispensable product for people suffering from:

  • toothache or ear pain;
  • frequent viral diseases;
  • from infertility;
  • regular disturbances in the digestive system;
  • with constant stress and disorders of the nervous system;
  • severe cramping during menstruation;
  • from the presence of various parasites in the body.


Asafoetida, due to its harmless composition, is approved for use by almost all people, however, like any other natural medicine, it has some contraindications for use:

  • It is not recommended to use at high or unstable temperature.
  • Contraindicated in people with individual intolerance to asafoetida components.
  • Not recommended for allergic reactions.
  • It is forbidden during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • It is contraindicated for people with various disorders in the work of gastric secretion.
  • It is forbidden with urticaria.


The secrets of using asafoetida have been revealed by our ancestors, which is why today there are a huge number of recipes based on this unique plant. Asafoetida helps to cure various ailments and therefore it is often used for medical and cosmetic purposes. Its benefits cannot be overestimated, and the harmless composition of the plant allows its use by a large number of people. We have collected the top 10 most effective and time-tested recipes, which are based on asafoetida. If you have not tried this miraculously healing natural remedy, then be sure to use one of the following recipes:

Asafoetida recipes

Making a drink to reduce menstruation pain

  • Using a juicer, squeeze all the juice out of two ripe medium pomegranates.
  • Pour the juice into a glass container and add half a teaspoon of asafoetida powder there.
  • Mix the resulting mixture carefully and drink in large sips the entire drink at once.
  • Use should be 1-2 times a day with a feeling of severe pain in the lower abdomen.

The course of use is the period of menstruation.

Cooking lotions to fight gum disease

  1. Half a teaspoon of lemon juice should be poured into a small glass container.
  2. Then a pinch of asafoetida should be added to the lemon juice.
  3. Mix the resulting mixture well and let it brew for about 5 minutes.
    Dip a cotton pad, a piece of gauze or cotton wool in this solution and attach it to the place where the gum is inflamed or bleeds.
  4. The lotion with the mixture should be kept at the site of inflammation for about 5-10 minutes.
  5. If the pain has not abated, and the inflammation has not subsided, then you can repeat the procedure.

The course of use is to completely cure the problem.

Preparation of infusion to combat high gas in the intestines

  • Using a blender or mortar, grind a pinch of fennel and cardamom.
  • Pour the resulting mixture into a glass dish.
  • Then add a pinch of asafoetida to the dishes and fill the container with a glass of hot water.
  • Let the mixture infuse for 20 minutes and drink in large sips at once the entire infusion.

The course of admission is every time with the first symptoms of flatulence.

Preparation of a solution for rinsing the oral cavity

  1. In a special glass bowl, add a pinch of asafoetida and two pinches of cardamom.
  2. Pour a container with a glass of water and mix thoroughly the resulting solution.
  3. Let the solution brew for about 20 minutes.
  4. The prepared solution must be thoroughly rinsed in the oral cavity at least 3 times a day.

The course of administration is until complete recovery and the absence of symptoms of upper respiratory tract disease.

Making a drink to increase the ability to conceive a baby

  1. Preheat the pan and place a piece of butter on it.
  2. When the butter has melted, add a pinch of asafoetida to it.
  3. Pour 100 grams of goat milk and 5 grams of delicious honey into a separate glass container.
  4. Then, preheat the mixture in a pan and add to the glass bowl.
  5. Stir the resulting drink thoroughly.
  6. Experts recommend such a tasty and healthy drink daily before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The course of admission is one month in a month, before the long-awaited pregnancy.

Making tinctures for diabetes

  • In a special dish, add a small pinch of myrrh, frankincense, aloe, caraway seeds and asafoetida.
  • A liter of water is added to the resulting mixture.
  • Put the dishes on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil.
  • After boiling, filter the drink and pour it into a special glass container.
  • Use tincture daily in the morning.

The course of admission is several days.

Making a drink for the treatment of cancer

  • A piece of heltide and a piece of asafoetida in the form of tiled resin.
  • We mix 200 grams of warm milk and delicious honey.
  • We use small pieces of heltids and asafoetida and drink with small sips of milk.
  • It is advisable to consume fresh milk and fresh honey.

The course of use is about 90 days without interruption.

Before using such a drink, you should consult with a specialist who is leading your disease. It will help you determine the correct dosage and duration of use of such an assistant in the treatment of cancer.

Regular use of asafoetida for medicinal purposes will help you cure a wide variety of diseases. Important aspects before using this plant are: checking for allergic reactions, consulting a specialist, choosing the right recipe, storing the plant in powder form or in a tile resin, studying the correct dosage and duration of use individually for your body. If you follow all the rules, you can use asafoetida as an additional component in any treatment or prevention, and the disease will not approach you. Take care of yourself and your health.

Video: the healing properties of asafoetida

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