Asiatic lion - description, habitat, lifestyle

The Asian lion is one of the species of cats that are on the verge of extinction. They inhabit the Indian territory of death. On the ground under this name, the soil is very dry. He is so strongly affected by the sun's rays that he is almost petrified. The animals that live here are simply doomed to a constant struggle for survival. There are lizards, foxes, and donkeys. In addition to lions, jaguars also live in this territory.

Asian lion

Asian lions are often also called Indian lions, as they live in India. The territory of this lifeless land is huge, it extends over more than 10 thousand kilometers. Here are deserts called Gujarat and Rajasthan. Shrub thickets can be seen extremely rarely. How do some species of animals, including Asian lions, survive here? What do these animals look like, which are rightly called the largest representatives of cats? How do they differ from other species?

Species history

Archaeologists claim that in ancient times, these animals lived everywhere. They are found in biblical stories and in historical information about Ancient Rome. But over time, these animals chose India as their habitat, where they settled in the desert. They were at that time quite numerous. By the 20th century critically few individuals remained, the benefit of organizations not indifferent to nature were able to increase their numbers and prevent extinction. Why are they on the verge of extinction? The low-quality drugs that were used in India in those years are to blame. Lions simply did not survive the vaccination, which was carried out with good intentions. There are other versions as to why the abundance of the species decreased so sharply. This is uncontrolled hunting in a colonial country, an increase in population, and economic activity. Today this animal is the pride of India.


These lions, in comparison with their counterparts, have a more squat body. Their growth is small. But this does not mean that they are smaller in comparison with other types of lions. In fact, these are the largest animals of all cats.

Their weight significantly exceeds the weight of other lions and tigers. An adult male can weigh about 250 kg on average. This is the maximum limit of their weight. Females are much smaller. Their mass fluctuates, as a rule, in the range of 95-150 kg. Another feature that differs representatives of this feline from other relatives is the length of the body. There is recorded evidence that one of the males has grown to a length of 3 m. But this figure is more the exception than the norm. Usually, the body length varies from 2.3-2.4 m. The color of these animals is standard. The exception is only the appearance of the mane. If it is disheveled by other lions, then by the Asian one it is as if licked to the body. His ears are also covered with thick hair. This is also a hallmark of the species.

The height of the animal at the withers is about 1 m, the maximum is 107 cm. Among Indian lions, individuals with a slightly different color are found. Tones can range from sand with a shade of gray to a shade of red brick.

Where do they live

Today, due to the small number of these animals, it is possible to see only in one place on the planet - this is the Girsky Reserve, located in the state of Gujarat in India. These lions are very fond of undersized forests with numerous shrubs, alternating with flat terrain. They choose a place to live where a pond is nearby.

In 2011, the number of individuals was 411 due to the efforts of the authorities.


Asian Lions Lifestyle
Indian lions are very ferocious predators that usually prey on large ungulate animals. They are considered social animals, as they live by the so-called prides. Pride is a family animal group. African lions also gather in such prides. But, if in the family of the African lion there are about 25-30 individuals, then in the pride of the Indian lion there are 8-12 animals, including cubs. This can be explained by the fact that they get less food than African lions. In some, about 6 lionesses usually go hunting, while in others - only 2. Females are prey, bringing food to the whole family.

The head of the pride for Asian lions is the old female. She has a lot of experience in hunting, and gets the most food. As a result, it is the oldest female that has the largest sizes. Her duty is to feed babies, as well as protection from attack. In this pride, males do not live permanently. They come during the breeding season, as well as when they are very hungry.


Indian lions are very skilled hunters. They do not pursue the victim, but attack unexpectedly, waiting for prey.

They feed on large ungulates. For example, wild boars, deer, as well as antelopes. They can attack buffaloes, gazelles, and even livestock. The prey that Asian lions prey on is somewhat inferior in size to the one that Africa preys. Their weapon is a strong jaw and claws. They can eat even large animal bones. After satiation, the lions usually rest.


Breeding Asian Lions
Mating can occur at any time of the year. Therefore, even in the same pride, you can see cubs of a lion of different ages. Pregnancy lasts 3.5 months. Before giving birth, the female leaves for a cave or other quiet place. She gives birth to 2-5 babies. Their body length is 30 cm, and the coat has a spotty color. Gradually, it disappears, but some spots can disappear only after the animal reaches puberty. They live in captivity for about 25 years.


Experts are very concerned that the number of Asian lions in the world remains so small. Indeed, to our time, it has been possible to increase it by only a few hundred individuals. Today there are no more than 500-600 of them. They are listed in the Red Book. Towards the end of the 20th century, a special program aimed at breeding Indian lions was developed and introduced. The program operated in nature reserves located in North America.

Increasing the number of species was not an easy task. These animals must not be crossed with other lions. Indeed, in this case, genetic purity will be violated.

The state in which the Girsky Reserve is located do not transfer these animals to other reserves or parks. Since the view is unique, the state supports the reserve, provides financially. When Indian lions begin to breed in other territories, the support program will be shortened. Today, the number of individuals, although slowly, is growing. Therefore, it is assumed that some of the animals, over time, will move outside the reserve.

In the culture of India, unity with nature is of great importance. Therefore, people do not destroy lions for the sake of profit or fun.

Video: Asiatic Lion (Panthera leo persica)

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