Marsh harrier - description, habitat, interesting facts

Swamp lun is an individual from the hawk family. A rather large bird in terms of overall features, which causes admiration when it is in the sky. The individuals of the presented breed group belong to predators, they have powerful wings that allow them to kill game. Lun prefers to settle in Europe. Today we will consider everything that affects this breed, highlight the main aspects.

Marsh harrier


  1. It has already been mentioned that the birds of this family most often live in European countries. They are also found in Asia on the south side, in the UK, Eurasia and Africa. These birds prefer to be in marshy areas.
  2. They need vegetation and small thickets along the edges, as well as a small water source. Birds are in reed thickets, which coincide in shade with the color of plumage. This allows individuals to hunt qualitatively, as well as to hide from prying eyes.
  3. If we take into account the fact that the moon is perfectly masked and hiding from opponents, then it becomes unclear why the population of these birds is rapidly declining. Typically, this phenomenon is associated with drought, food shortages and environmental pollution.
  4. Of course, not without the human factor. Due to the development of hunting, the number of bog representatives is becoming smaller. Today, a bird with unique characteristics and external data can only be admired at the zoo.

Description and lifestyle

  1. These individuals are distinguished by impressive overall features. They are often found in the airspace of European countries. Experienced people have long learned to distinguish the swamp moon from other representatives. According to overall features, individuals grow up to 50 cm.
  2. When the bird is in the sky, it soars slowly and measuredly. For this reason, people like to watch the moon. The bird independently chooses the moment when it is required to stop for rest. Thus, she can flap her wings at one point, and at another she will stop and freeze in place. Further, the individual slowly and gracefully descends, hovering over the soil.
  3. During piloting, Lun steers with its elongated and stiff tail. When the bird spreads its wings and makes them flap, it acquires a stately silhouette in the form of a check mark. When the moon sees the prey, it remains in the reed thickets and waits, after which it quickly attacks. Also, individuals eat representatives of the aquatic environment. They grab them with their claws and pull them out. Then proceed to the meal.
  4. External data in terms of color depend not only on gender or age. These birds vary depending on the season, can change the color of feathers several times. Of course, gender differences are also present.
  5. For example, females are pigmented in brownish tones with beige tints in the head, wings and neck. Male representatives look stricter, they are painted gray, whitish, black.
  6. The moons have an interesting feature associated with the hearing aid. There are feathers in the ears that act as a navigator, that is, they capture sound waves and direct the bird. This quality is very convenient in terms of hunting among the reeds.
  7. For wintering, individuals go to Africa, but if the climatic conditions in the place of residence are mild, then the bird does not need to fly away. Moreover, looney is not very fond of leaving their native expanses. Settlement is closer to them than the lifestyle of a nomad.


Swamp moon feeding

  1. It is worth noting an amazing fact, representatives of this species eat a variety of foods. Nevertheless, most often such individuals prefer mice and mammals. Basically, the harrier is not at all picky about food. Often he regales even waterfowl. He can also eat small fish and frogs.
  2. When the presented individuals soar at high altitude, they are able to see the gopher with their sharp vision in the open. In addition, the birds in question often hunt rabbits. During nesting and breeding offspring, adults feed their chicks with small birds.
  3. The males are closely watching their own territory. They constantly patrol her. In addition, an individual will never miss a moment to grab a gaping prey. Looney dive at low altitude and grab anyone who gets in the way. The victim dies in flight. After that, the bird divides it into several portions.
  4. In addition, the presented individuals can be good fishermen. Looney can look out for fish and at one point grab it with long claws. In addition, more than once it was noticed that the loonies attacked even forty adults. Separately, it is worth mentioning that the diet will directly depend on the habitat of individuals.
  5. The moons living in the southwest of Turkmenistan feed mainly on waterfowl. Also, the basis of their nutrition includes small rodents and lizards. Individuals living in Holland most often hunt rabbits. At this time, the young loonie feasts on the coot chicks.


  1. It is worth noting that the mating season in the individuals under consideration is quite unusual. The pair begins to circle in the sky at high altitude. In this case, both birds perform various tricks and figures. Such behavior is simply impossible to describe.
  2. During mating games, individuals spend a long time in the air. They show each other their skills and dexterity. As a result, males conquer their chosen ones, thus forming a pair for many years.

The presented individuals differ from their relatives in unusual mating behavior. The construction of the nest of birds is carried out together. During the hatching of the offspring, the female remains in the nest. At this time, the male goes in search of food.

Video: Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus)

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